' ' thoughts
" " people talking
Disclaimer: inuyasha does not belong to me all rights go to rumiko takahashi
although inuyasha is not mine the poem in this story is, so no copying, all rights belong to me not to you. thank you
well enjoy, and review :)
i carved your name on stone
(im sick)
i see your face in my mind,
(im sick)
i have one of your briefs
yes im sick
don't ask why baby
you should know
i dream of your perfect body
withering beneath me
oh, do you...
know how sick i am
kagome took the razor, writing on the walls of flesh. she sighed while imagining the one she loved wrecking pain in her body. she sat in the center of her closet that was filled with things of her lover. someone may have thought she was obsessed but no, it was way more than that. she could feel it in her body, mind and soul. 'he loves me' she thought
"kagome! its time for school"
kagome sighed out of irritation because her mother ruined a perfectly good mood. but then she smiled, school, yes she loved school...
"coming mom!"
kagome walked through the doors of her high school. going to her locker she opened it and took out two things she always had with her to start her day. a photo album and her Polaroid digital instant cam, that took pictures and printed them out, instantly.
putting them in her bag, she went about her day until she could see him again ...
i follow you around
yes im a sick stalker
i have a photo album of you baby
kisses on the slick covers.
one day you'll see
you'll be all mine and
no one elses
one day you'll see...
just how love (sick) i am
she watched through her digital cam, taking it all in. oh he was so beautiful with that long hair of his and with those golden eyes. every time they passed by each other it always felt like those eyes were on her. she loved him on the side and he knew.
kagome sat underneath the bleachers. while watching her lover practice. he played football. she always watched him practice. he would practice everyday during gym hours and after school, even on a Saturday. the couch always let him in the school around four o'clock as long as he stores away everything and closes up. she knew everything about him. that's how much she loved him.
"alright that's it. times up, everybody go home"
yes, she thought. i always love going home with him...
baby i got the handcuffs
you wont get away from me
yes im naughty
do you want to see
yes im sick
i would throw the (body) the fantasy
of my love
oh how i would love, love
to carve my name on your (stone)
yes that's how sick i am
kagome went to her closet to get the stuff ready. tomorrow will be Saturday. she put a lot of thought into what she was going to do. she was ready, definitely ready.
'im eighteen, i need to do this ' she thought and smiled to herself. she smiled even as she went to bed and fell asleep.
morning came... or was it morning. no it wasn't. it was three thirty in the afternoon. just in time to get ready and watch the love of her life practice. after kagome got ready, grabbed her stuff and borrowed her mothers car. she headed straight for school. once she got there she was surprised that her lover wasn't practicing alone. a few of his
friends were there. but oh well, that wasn't going to stop her. once they're done, they'll go there separate ways. they always do. she felt certain her plans weren't going to be ruined.
no one saw her as she sneaked her way to her favorite spot underneath the bleachers. taking out her photo album and camera, kagome watched while taking pictures until it was finally nightfall and the guys stopped.
i know baby that your the alone
and distant type
but im gonna be there
for you tonight
i got a sick treat
for you
you'll be howling at the moon
oh baby do you, do you know
how sick i am.
tonight's the night
my heart swells
your alone tonight
buddy's gone
oh im sick
(im sick)
she watched as he finally came out of the shower. she loved how he took long cleaning his body. he was alone now. no they were alone now. his buddy's knew that this was an important moment for them. it was going to be a step in their relationship. he finally was dressed and was now putting his things in his bag. he didn't know she was there. he had his back turned to her. that wasn't good. he was suppose to know she was there. kagome was pissed, how dare he ...
'how can he ignore his own girlfriend, doesn't he know im here for him'
she smiled and thought ' ill surprise him'
she walked up to him slowly then stopped when she was a couple of inches to him. taking the bat with both hands, she swung. it hit his head with a bam and then his glorious body fell with a thud.
she smiled again "mine"
she took the end of his body, grabbing both ankles and began to drag him.
your surprised baby
don't you like my gift
don't you like the handcuffs
the duck tape...
oh wait, i don't need this
don't you like...
the ropes at your feet
your all tightly wrapped up for me
i guess your giving me a gift too
mine, your all mine
sesshoumaru woke up with a start. his head hurt like hell. what just happened. one moment he was in the boys locker room near the gym area and then the next...
"sesshou - maru" said a sweet voice. he tried moving his head it seemed like the voice was coming from the right side. he looked to see a female. he couldn't see her face though,it was to dark and there was little light. but he could see that she was wearing what looked like a black two piece lingerie.
'what the hell, where am i' he thought.
" i hope you like, i wanted you to be comfortable" the female said in a seductive voice.
comfortable? he didn't feel comfortable. he looked around himself and saw that not only was he handcuffed but also tide up to the ankles. plus his body felt numb, he could barley move. did this bitch drug him? he tried glaring at the female but it was feeble, all she did was laugh at him. which didn't sit well with his ego.
"who are you?" he nearly spit it out like venom.
" oh sesshoumaru i thought you would know it was me" she said while coming out of the shadow and showing her pretty face.
sesshoumaru stared in shock. he knew her, she was from his school. she was the shy type or at-least he thought. he didn't know her name though. well that wasn't unfortunate, he never really paid mind to females, especially when it came to there names. while he was thinking, he felt hands on him. he looked to see the female he knew, but not her name, touching him... wait she wasn't just touching him, she was taking off his clothes.
" you know, i forgot to take your clothes off. i was so much in a hurry to tie you up, so you wont get away. but, oh well, lucky thing is i have scissors" once done clipping away pieces of clothing she pounced on him. still fully clothed of course.
"what are you doing. get o-"
" you know what im doing silly. your going to make me a women and your going to be mine and no one elses" she smiled and laughed, her taunt laugh.
sesshoumaru was beyond shocked. he never knew this was going to happen. i mean he was the fierce sesshoumaru everybody loved and feared him, of course he new females were obsessed with him. but he didn't know one of them would take it this far. here he was tied up and was about to get raped by a girl. if he new this was how he was going to lose his virginity (in a sense of way) he would have taken his fathers advice and had fun a little. there were plenty of cheerleaders to go around and plenty of other females who were willing. including this one, if she wasn't about to rape him right now he would have done her. 'this female is insane ' he thought. plus what was he to do to stop her when his body was still numb. 'at least i can talk'
sesshoumaru knew it was beneath him, but there was no choice. " HELP! HELP! somebody please Help!"
laughter filled the room.
" oh sesshoumaru, that's not like you. plus if you didn't notice by now were in a shed. also its not close to any houses by the way and that's all you have to know"
'what, fuck' he thought. he was screwed.
kagome looked down at her beloved... tonight's the night.
" i want you to make me a women'" she said while getting up and slowly taking off her top and bottom half of her lingerie. she watched as her lover watched helplessly at her. there was just something about this moment seeing him tied up all for her. she felt like her insides were melting and oh the way he was looking at her with such hate. it was like he was trying to make her cum instantly. once she was fully unclothed she went down and took his member, loving the way it felt so velvety and hard against her hand. she stroked it a few times and was delighted when she heard a hiss through those sensually parted lips. she looked at his face taking in all his features, while she handled him.
sesshoumaru had two admit, being bounded and having a female take control wasn't so bad. he tried to watch as her hands worked magic on him. slowly, oh so slowly. it was like she was killing him. he tried moving his body to shoved his dick hard against her hands but to no avail, he still couldn't move his body, not even an inch.
"harder" he hissed. it was like he had no shame or didn't care anymore what so ever.
he watched as she smiled and pumped her hands hard on him. 'oh yeah that hits the spot' he felt a hot sensation rise in his groin. he was so into it that he almost didn't notice the wetness on the tip of his dick. he looked to see her licking him and then finally taking him into her mouth. he heard a soft moan come from her, it vibed through him. "oh shit"
just when he was really getting into it she stopped "what the -" she stopped his lips from talking him with a finger.
"i cant wait, i want you inside me"
kagome positioned herself on the tip of him. slowly bending down, she took him inside her. she could feel the throbbing length of him pierce through her maiden head. she bite her lip to stop herself from screaming and held herself still for a moment trying to adjust to him. after what felt like an eternity she pushed down and took the rest of his length. oh he felt so good inside. kagome moved forward and put her hands on his chest moving her body up and down. she rode him feeling complete, he filed every inch of her that she could even feel the tip of him hitting her womb.
"oh sesshoumaru" she moaned. kagome grabbed on to his shoulder lifting herself up more. she was pounding up and down on him so hard you could hear the slapping of skin.
sesshoumaru watched as she rode on top of him. he could see her breasts bouncing up and down as she moved. even though he was in total bliss he notice something on her chest, it looked like a tattoo. he tried to lift his head as high as he could to get a better view and what he saw shattered the bliss he was feeling. he came back to reality. this wasn't just casual sex, this was rape and even though he knew this, he couldn't stop the moans that were coming out of his mouth. he stared at the bouncing breast, at his name...
kagome screamed out her pleasure when she came. she knew he came to for she felt a hot exploding sensation that cocoon inside her belly. she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. smiling she thought how wonderful it felt, it was better than she ever imagined it would be. she wondered if he felt the same way too.
"can you get off of my dick now" he said like he was disgusted.
kagome stopped smiling, she opened her eyes to see her lover glare at her. oh didn't he know that turned her on. of course what he said she didn't like. she sighed, she knew this would happen. he was going to be stubborn, but she knew they were meant to be and she was going to prove that to him. smiling she got up, feeling a little bit of an ache between her legs but that was alright, she welcomed the pain because it was from her beloved.
oh don't look at me like that
don't you like...
the knife in my hand
im going to carve my name
on your perfectly cool skin
ill carve it right next to your heart
your cold heart
ill etch the meaning of my love to you
my sick love
sesshoumaru watched as she held a knife in her hand. his eyes practically popped out of his head. he watched as she moved slowly to him. oh shit maybe he shouldn't of said what he said. maybe he should apologize... he shook his head that-ll be the last thing hell ever do. he wasn't going to to apologize even if it killed him...
"oh sesshoumaru" kagome said "do you know that i wrote my name on my chest?"
she didn't wait for him to answer "because that's what im going to do to you, i want to hear you scream my name" she said wickedly
she was in front of him now smoothing her knife free hand on his chest. he couldn't believe his ears. was he going to die? he didn't have time to ask questions or to speak when all of a sudden he felt a stabbing pain. he felt the tip of the blade glide across his chest, but he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of hearing him scream.
"ka - go - me" was that her name?
even though she stopped he could still feel the throbbing of his sliced skin.
he watched as she moved towards his face and dipped her head next to his right ear. all of his hair came on end and when she whispered "i want to hear you scream" he couldn't stop the shiver that ran through his body. the only confusing thing was that he didn't know what it meant. was it fear or no it couldn't be ... pleasure? well he was definitely not going to scream.
"HAH!" it came so suddenly, she stabbed his stomach.
"oh sesshy that's not what i want to hear. what did i say in the beginning? i want to hear you scream my name"
"fuck you bitch" sesshoumaru spluttered out. he had blood coming out of his mouth.
you'll never forget
don't forget
cause you see
i carved your name too baby
remember, always remember
your not the only one with a cold heart
im sorry you had to die
kagome smirked. she ran the knife through his thighs and watched as his body trembled. she always imagined something like this, something horrifically beautiful. he was finally giving into the pleasures she was sharing with him, her love that he will never forget. everything was blossoming, soon hell be in heavenly bliss. she glided her fingers along her name. but smeared against it, so fascinating. she marveled at his perfectly scared body, he was even more beautiful, a master piece. her mother always said she was an artist. she could make things be seen differently.
sesshoumaru gasped, he couldn't very well breath through his mouth because of the blood 'oh god, i think she punctured one of my lungs'. he tried to make a sound but it sound like a wimpy cry. he felt a hand stroking his forehead and his hair.
"shh everything's going to be fine. i love you you know that right"
Love? is this what you do to the person you loved. he felt sick or at least he thought he did. the pain was going away, he felt cold. the only warmth was her hand. even though he rather have moved his head, he welcomed it. his eyes felt suddenly heavy, it was like going to sleep. except hell be sleeping forever. but his sleep was ruined, no she wont let him sleep in peace.
"haaaa!!" it came in a gurgled sound.
kagome stabbed him again. she wasn't going to let him off that easily after all she did for him. he knew she loved him, he knew she would do anything for him. she was doing this for his own good. no one could have him. no one but her, because she was the only one that could ever love him and he knew it damn it. she took the knife in both hands stabbing away.
"i love you, i loved you, ill always love you!"
he wasn't screaming anymore even if he tried, kagome knew that this was the end and a new beginning. she stared at his lifeless body, at her bloody hands. the tears just came out so suddenly, they fell down to the body that was covered in blood. she didn't mean to, she loved him. she had to do it for both of them. For both of them...
"im sorry, im so sorry, but you don't have to be alone. well be together. like romeo and Juliet" she said while smiling with her tear struck-ed face.
it will be her last smile as she took the knife that did the deed to her beloved and plunged it to her chest. she fell on top of the one she loved waiting for her death to come, reeling in the pain that was all worth it. ' this is the end, but well be together again... '
just remember, always remember
stone for stone, my sick love
you'll always be mine.
well that's it. i really didn't like the end. i felt like i could have done something more... but oh well that's how it ended. tell me what you think.
for those who want to read the whole poem (without the story) here it is :
i carved your name on stone
(im sick)
i see your face in my mind,
(im sick)
i have one of your briefs
yes im sick
don't ask why baby
you should know
i dream of your perfect body
withering beneath me
oh, do you...
know how sick i am
i follow you around
yes im a sick stalker
i have a photo album of you baby
kisses on the slick covers.
one day you'll see
you'll be all mine and
no one elses
one day you'll see...
just how love (sick) i am
baby i got the handcuffs
you wont get away from me
yes im naughty
do you want to see
yes im sick
i would throw the (body) the fantasy
of my love
oh how i would love, love
to carve my name on your (stone)
yes that's how sick i am
i know baby that your the alone
and distant type
but im gonna be there
for you tonight
i got a sick treat
for you
you'll be howling at the moon
oh baby do you, do you know
how sick i am.
tonight's the night
my heart swells
your alone tonight
buddy's gone
oh im sick
(im sick)
your surprised baby
don't you like my gift
don't you like the handcuffs
the duck tape...
oh wait, i don't need this
don't you like...
the ropes at your feet
your all tightly wrapped up for me
i guess your giving me a gift too
mine, your all mine
oh don't look at me like that
don't you like...
the knife in my hand
im going to carve my name
on your perfectly cool skin
ill carve it right next to your heart
your cold heart
ill etch the meaning of my love to you
my sick love
you'll never forget
don't forget
cause you see
i carved your name too baby
remember, always remember
your not the only one with a cold heart
im sorry you had to die
just remember, always remember
stone for stone, my sick love
you'll always be mine.
' ' thoughts
" " people talking
Disclaimer: inuyasha does not belong to me all rights go to rumiko takahashi
although inuyasha is not mine the poem in this story is, so no copying, all rights belong to me not to you. thank you
well enjoy, and review :)