Written in Flames by Violetcarson

Written in Flames

Title: Written in Flames
Author: Violetcarson
Theme: Billow
Genre: Drama, Angst
Rating: PG
Original Post Date: Apr. 25
Word Count: 200 (Woo! Didn't think I could do it!)
Summary: The fire consumes, and Kagome despairs.
A/N: Won joint 3rd, tied with Forthright's drabble. *points wildly* OMG I TIED WITH THE GREATEST DRABBLE WRITER IN THE HISTORY OF FANFIC!!!!!!!!!

I'm good now. XD

If I actually do continue writing and posting drabbles, they probably won't be related to each other very often. So unless otherwise stated, assume everything I write stands alone. 


Black smoke billowed out of the gaping hole in the roof. The flames danced wildly, whipping back and forth in the stream of air that couldn’t contain them. Ash drifted down around her, a harsh mockery of snow. Yells surrounded her, instructions shouted, but her attention was focused. Her gaze never wavered from the entrance.

Kagome’s heart pounded harshly in her chest, and her throat ached with tears that she couldn’t release. They’re okay, she told herself.They’re both coming out of there okay.

When the roof started to collapse, her scream rent the air, louder than the crackling flames, louder than the yells of those fighting the blaze, louder than the blood pounding in her ears. She curled into herself, and cried. Her mind rang with shock, and replayed over and over, No, he’s not dead. They’re okay. He got them both out. They’re okay. Oh God!

There was a shout and she looked up through tear-stained eyes. A figure approached, his white clothing made gray, a small bundle in his arms. She stumbled toward them, tears dripping. Her arms closed around them both, and her voice choked on a laugh as Sesshoumaru handed her their son. Thank you…