Disclaimer: I don't own Rumiko Takahashi's InuYasha.
Feelings for You
Prologue: Shock
Sakura petals fall gently on the pavement of a small street in Tokyo, in front of a beautiful church. The large iron gates leading to the church were open, with bouquets of flowers all around. The sun shone brightly on the marble statues on either sides of the large stairs leading to the church doors.
People wearing gowns and tuxedos can be seen murmuring and mingling happily. They were all here to attend the wedding that is about to take place.
“So, which one do you know, the bride or the groom?” A beautiful woman with long dark hair and wearing a striking red dress whispered into her champagne, staring intently at the large doors.
“The bride, you?” came a completely unanticipated reply from a man with orange hair in a green tuxedo. The woman gasped softly at the response to her question at open air. She recovered quickly with a confident smile on her face.
“You can say that I am acquainted with the groom.” She replied coyly. The man raised his eyebrows, and was about to reply when a stream of people began to file into the church through its large doors, which are now open.
“Excuse me, I believe that the ceremony is about to start.” The woman nodded to the man, who nodded back. She began to follow the mass of people and took a seat at the first pew. She glanced tentatively at the interior of the church. Three large stained glass windows decorated the back of the church, on the wall behind the altar. A large chandelier hung from the top, in a Renaissance design. Candles were lit on the chandelier. A red carpet adorned the path leading to the altar, with sakura petals sprinkled all over. The pews themselves were decorated with flowers on the side facing the path.
On the altar stood the priest and the groom. The groom was a celebrity in the business world, with midnight black tresses, deep violet eyes and a well toned body. The woman inwardly smirked. So caught up in her reverie was she that she had not noticed that the organ has started to play the wedding march in the background.
The bride, wearing a short white wedding dress with two little white feather wings protruding from the waist and a thin white veil on her head began to walk in tune to the song. A soft breeze blew in the open church, causing the feathers adorning her wavy black hair to move to the current softly. She was overcome with excitement, but she forced her face to be calm. Today is the day her dream comes true…
They have been dating for two years now. The first time they met was her first day as his secretary. He was rich and she was barely making enough to pay the rent in her apartment. The moment she laid eyes on him, he had her swept off her feet. He had intense purple eyes that she swears sometimes turned golden yellow.
He asked her out on her first day. At first, she declined, but because he asked her every day, she eventually gave in. Then one day, his ex came to visit from France. He swears that there was nothing between him and his ex, and she believed him. Eventually, he asked her to marry him, promising that he would make her the happiest woman in the world. Throwing all caution to the wind, she accepted.
Which brings her here, nervously pacing down the aisle towards her happiness.
However, the woman was oblivious to the bride. She had eyes only for the groom in his expensive white Armani tuxedo. Apparently, the groom only had eyes for her as well, for he was staring not at his bride but at the beautiful woman in the red dress standing in the first pew. The sadness, anxiety and regret in his eyes were clear for all to see… had anyone been looking. But everyone was too busy admiring the woman walking towards the altar to notice. Only the woman in the red gown noticed.
The bride finally reached the altar, and the wedding march drew softly to a close. After a brief moment of silence, the bride and the groom turned towards the priest, and the priest began the ceremony.
The man in the orange hair was seated on the first pew on the opposite side of the pathway, the woman noticed. So bored was she that it had escaped her notice that there was an overwhelming silence that filled the church.
“No” was suddenly heard after a very long silence. Everyone at the ceremony gasped in surprise. The groom stared sadly at his bride, who was looking at him in horror.
“I’m sorry Kagome.” He said softly, with his head facing the ground, bangs hiding his eyes. He was afraid to see the hurt in his bride’s eyes, so opted to step off the altar. He was aware of the stares of the masses as he proceeded towards the first pew, where the beautiful woman in the red gown is located. He reached for the woman’s hand, and proceeded to run out of the church.
Kagome stared after them in shock, before slowly falling to the ground.
“Someone chase after them!” A man’s voice boomed throughout the church.
Tears slowly glistened in the bride’s eyes. She started to sob as the man with orange hair in a green tuxedo came over to comfort her.
“Kagome, Kagome. He just made the biggest mistake of his life.” The man started to comfort her in the midst of the uproar that had erupted from the eloping of the groom with another woman. Kagome’s mournful cries filled the church as everyone paused to consider the situation.
“Inuyasha, Inuyasha… Why did you leave me?” She yelled through her tears, sobbing uncontrollably. The man with the orange hair hugged her tightly, wishing her pain to disappear. However, he knew that this wasn’t like the other times when Inuyasha made Kagome cry. This time was irreparable.
Outside, the birds were chirping and the sun was shining. It was a day like any other for everyone in the world…Except for those who just witnessed a dream shattered.
“Kagome, you have to eat to keep up your strength,” her worried friend prodded, holding a spoon of congee in front of her. Kagome stared at her with emotionless eyes, then just resumed her staring at the table in front of her.
“Kagome, you haven’t eaten for the past 3 days. If you keep this up, you’ll die. He’s not worth it and you know it.” Another friend was heard speaking behind her. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders, hoping to shake the sense into her. She flinched at the contact, still staring at the very interesting table which was made of marble.
“Shippo, what will we do? Where has our Kagome gone?” The girl shakily asked, placing the spoon back into the bowl. Sobs began to escape her as her tears landed on Kagome’s hands, which were on the table.
Kagome started staring at the droplets on her hand. But that was the only sign of life that she displayed.
“Shh Sango, it’s all going to be okay. It’s getting late, tomorrow’s another day.” Shippo comforted. Sango nodded before wiping off her tears with the back of her hand. With a forced smile, she stood and helped Kagome stand as well.
“Come on Kagome,” Sango said as she led Kagome into her room.
“I’ll sleep on the couch.” Shippo yelled after them. He shook his head. The friend that he once knew has gone and left a shell in her place. He thought of the man who left her at the altar. Inuyasha… His hands wrapped into fists as he thought of him stealing not only his woman away, but also Kagome’s soul.
Kagome lay on her bed awake. Her head pounded. She stared out her window, hearing the rain softly fall on the ground. She pulled herself out of the bed and proceeded to the bathroom to retrieve some Tylenol. She looked around for it, but there was none. So she walked out of her apartment, hoping to get some from a nearby pharmacy. She walked down the stairs of the building and opened the front door.
She slowly walked towards the road, the rain already soaking her hair and clothing despite the amount of time she spent outdoors.
Why did you leave me, Inuyasha? Was I not good enough for you? Why did you leave me for that woman? Who is she to you…?
So preoccupied she was in her thoughts that she didn’t hear it until it was too late. She turned her head and stared at the object that projected the offending sound through the silence of the night.
What a pretty convertible. It must’ve been expensive. Its colour reminds me of his hair… Were her last thoughts before the collision. The driver braked as she saw the girl walk across the road, but even so, he hit the girl head on with enough force to push her into the side of a car parked on the side of the road.
The pulled the car to a stop before getting out of the car. A strange man in a black cloak wearing sunglasses stared at Kagome’s body. He leaned down towards the girl’s body. He fumbled under his cloak and pulled out a vial dangling from a silver chain around his neck. He held it over the fallen girl’s body, and waited for a while. Suddenly, the vial glowed a bloodred colour.
“Hn… interesting.” He remarked as he was about to pick up the fallen girl’s body.
“KAGOME?!” A loud shriek was heard from behind him. He turned towards the origin of the sound quickly. He saw a girl with long hair pulled back into a ponytail wearing what appeared to be cat pajamas running towards the road, looking in all directions.
He swore under his breath before leaving the girl on the ground, getting back into his car and swiftly driving away. Sango turned and spotted a body on the ground. She looked around and spotted a sleek black car turning the corner before leaving.
“Kagome?” She asked softly. She touched the fallen girl’s hands and jerked back, as though burned. They were pale and unmoving.
“Kagome?” She yelled, louder. The girl in her arms didn’t stir.
“SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! MY FRIEND JUST GOT HIT BY A CAR!” She yelled in concern, clutching Kagome’s body as though it was a lifeline.
“Don’t leave me Kagome… please stay with me…” She sobbed as she hugged her unconscious friend.
Around them, the rain continued to fall softly onto the ground.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed the prologue of my first fanfic! :)