My fanfic was inspired by both Inuyasha and a Thai drama called Jam Loey Rak. When I first watched Jam Loey Rak, I couldn't help but think of our favorite characters from Inuyasha, and how well they would fit into that story. This is my attempt to do so, and if you like it, please give the original story, Jam Loey Rak a try
Sesshomaru stopped letting the summer breeze fly past him he let a few strands of sliver hair fall into his face. The smell of sea water drifted up his nostrils tingling his senses.
He let out a soft smile not usually seen from the stoic businessman. Sesshomaru was out for his afternoon jog one of the few things he found enjoyable. Every afternoon he would jog down the his private beach enjoying the solitude. Sesshomaru loved to work but getting away always made him feel at ease.
Sesshomaru owned many Hotels and mines but his main suppler of his wealth was the pearl business he owned. Even though the particular job took years to produce its first pearl it was his favorite. The job allowed him much freedom.
At the young age of nineteen he had inherited everything including becoming full guardian of his younger brother who at the time was only twelve. Six years later everything was finally the way Sesshomaru felt it should be.
His business were successful and his brother Inuyasha was doing well in college.
Sesshomaru taking the towel from around his neck he began his journey back to his home. Reaching it he went into the kitchen. Turning on the tap he searched around for a clean glass finding none he cursed
his brother for not washing the dishes.
He found a coffee cup using that he started to take a drink from it when a loud shot made the cup slip from his fingers shattering onto the floor. Looking around confused the shot had sounded like it came from his brother's part of the house.
Having a bad feeling in the center of his gut Sesshomaru with slow caution went towards his brother's art studio. At the door he could smell burning paper he reached for the door handle turning it slowly.
Something had caught itself in the middle of Sesshomaru's throat which was the reason no sound came out seeing his younger brother sprawled lifelessly on the floor in a pool of his own blood. Whatever had stopped his voice sure didn't stop his body as he moved towards his brother.
Seeing the gun in his brother's hand Sesshomaru fell beside his brother bring his head to his lap. His face filled with pain. Soaked in the only person he cared for blood for the first time in six years Sesshomaru was lost.
Kagome stared at the pretty pink dress then at the prettier purple dress she wondered which one her cousin Kikyo would want to wear to the party.
“Kagome hurry up!” Kikyo shouted.
Kagome at a lost closed her eyes and got one of the dresses hoping it would be the one Kikyo wanted.
Handing the pink dress to her cousin who examined it before heading to the bathroom returning moments later in the pink dress.
“Good job Kagome.” Kikyo praised her cousin examining herself in the mirror. She reached for the diamond necklace on her dresser putting it on.
Kagome seeing her cousin put the necklace on her thoughts went to the person who had given her cousin such a expensive present.
“Why haven't I seen Inuyasha around here in awhile?” Kagome asked. Kagome was aware that Inuyasha was Kikyo boyfriend for almost a year. It was strange to go a whole week without seeing the silver haired boy who was a college classmate of theirs.
Kikyo did a careless shrug. Then a annoyed look came over her face “Why?” She asked almost angrily.
Kagome wisely just shook her head trying to stay out of a argument with her cousin.
Kikyo did a few more thing with makeup before picking up her purse then storming out of the room. Kagome could here her cousins car start up then her angrily tires squealing go down the street.
Kagome shook her head. Her cousin wasn't the easiest person to get along with but she loved her and owed her life to her cousin for saving her from drowning when they were younger.
She wondered what could have happened between Inuyasha and her cousin they had met in college. Another thing Kagome owed to Kikyo. Without Kikyo's parents she would have never been able to go to college. Her only being the daughter of a farmer.
Leaving her cousin's room she only hoped Kikyo didn't hurt Inuyasha too bad.
Sesshomaru dressed in all black entered his brother's art studio. Five days after his brother's suicide he finally got up enough courage to find out why. Most of his things were burned only a couple of his brother's paintings remained.
Seeing a open book on his brother's desk he went towards it snatching it up. There were only a few words on the page.
If you don't want me anymore Kikyo my life isn't worth living.
Sesshomaru flipped back to the beginning of his brother's diary sitting down he began to read things he had never had guessed about his brother. A part of his life he had hidden from him.
“Little brother” Sesshomaru mumbled finishing the book. His hands went to cover his face. “Did you really kill yourself over this girl?” He said to the air.
Then his hands dropped to his sides his hands turning into fists. He wished his brother hadn't burned so many things in the room if only he had left just one picture of this Kikyo.
Sesshomaru picked the book up slamming it hard onto the desk. When he did a picture flew from inside one of the flaps.
Picking the picture up of a young lady with long jet black hair and cinnamon brown eyes. Sesshomaru was sure this was Kikyo.
The smirk crossing Sesshomaru's perfectly shaped lips could only be described as evil.
Kagome picked up her purse checking her cell phone she hurried out her door locking it behind her. She waved at the first taxi she saw.
Kagome relaxed into her seat hoping she wouldn't be late. If the store was sold out of the particular brand of makeup Kikyo would kill her.
When the taxi flew pass the turn into the mall Kagome huffed angrily. “You missed the turn.”
Kagome glared at the man as he only glanced at her in the mirror but didn't say a word. Getting a little frightened “Let me out!” She shouted.
The man continued to drive. Officially afraid now Kagome dug out her cell phone from her purse only to have it fly from her hand when the man pressed on the brakes.
Reaching for the handle to the door Kagome pushed it open beginning to run from the car. In her hast to get away she didn't even notice the man making no move to chase her.
When she was suddenly pulled back a damp cloth pressed to her face the last thing she remembered seeing was a strand of sliver hair.
Sesshomaru stared ahead of him concentrating on the dirt road he was traveling he had no remorse for what he had just done. Seeing the dark haired girl sit up groggily then look around in his back seat in his review mirror he smiled. They're eyes meet and Kagome blinked several times.
“What??” She said confused. Seeming to realize what was going on she began to scream.
Scowling Sesshomaru slammed on brakes as Kagome was trying to climb over the seats making her fly backwards.
Getting out of his car he went to the back yanking Kagome out of the car. Having a harsh hold on her arms he shook her.
“If you don't shut up I'll kill you right now!” Sesshomaru growled.
Kagome to frightened to listen to reason swung wildly at Sesshomaru making his sunglasses fall from his face. Both surprised from the action froze. One from pure anger that this girl had hit him. The other from the familiar golden eyes that stared back at her.
Kagome recovered to late to realize it was her time to run as Sesshomaru's vice grip clamped down on her again. She winced.
“What do you want from me? If it's money you want get any.” Kagome whimpered.
Sesshomaru smirked.
“I don't want your money Kikyo.” Was his response.
Kagome stared at him in shock. “Kikyo? I'm not Kikyo yo-”
Sesshomaru cut in. “Don't try to lie to me Kikyo.” Sesshomaru said disgusted.
He looked her up and down “This is the girl my brother fell for? Such a plain looking girl?” Sesshomaru asked himself.
“Brother?” Kagome asked. It finally clicking why this man looked so much like Inuyasha. “You're Inuyasha's brother?”
Sesshomaru glared at the girl he had his hold tightening. Kagome winced again but Sesshomaru ignored her. “Thought you weren't Kikyo?”
Kagome's mouth opened then closed “If you're Inuyasha's brother why are you doing this? Were is Inuyasha?”
“Inuyasha told me to do this.” Sesshomaru said.
Kagome didn't believe him.
Pushing her towards the car Sesshomaru pushed her into the back again he tied her legs and arms up then he gagged her then blind folded then closed the door. “If you don't shut up I'll kill you right now.” He warned.
Kagome struggled but to no use she had to figure a way out of this.
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