Blossoms by blackrose

The sakura tree

Sesshomaru gazed at the sakura tree. Its leaves and flowers had long since stopped blooming. "In fact," he thought with a sigh "They had stopped blooming on the day she left." The tree once covered with fragrant pink blooms was now bare. There was no life to be seen anywhere on the tree; the tree that meant so much to them both.

" It has been one year," he muttered to himself. One year since she left. He knew it was not her fault. It was that damned jewels fault. She had told him that a sacrifice must be made in order to purify the jewel. He had not known what she meant until later.


"Kagome," cried a desperate Sesshomaru. He grasped at thin air where her body used to be, but it was now fading, fading right before his eyes. She was leaving him. It was then he realized what she meant by a sacrifice.

" Sesshomaru," she managed to whisper.

"I love you we will meet again." And then she faded as if she was never there. At that moment time seemed to stop, and he let loose a cry. A cry of pure sadness that could be heard for miles and miles. A cry of defeat utter defeat with that Sesshomaru sank to his knees, and for the first time in his life he cried.

End flashback.

Sesshomaru shook himself out of the memory. Trembling at the memory in his minds eye, he looked up at the sky.

"Gods how he missed her." He would do anything to once again hold her, to feel her petal soft lips against his once again if only for a moment.

He thought back, back to before when they had met. He chuckled as the thought. He had tried to kill her, for helping his brother steal Tetsusaiga.

"What a fool I was." He realized now it was ridiculous to try to obtain something that he could never use.

"She taught me that, and in exchange for a sword I obtained something so much more valuable."

Yes ever since that day when she had opened his eyes they had become friends of sorts. He had been curious about her, and she about him. It was not until much later that he finally realized that his feelings were something so much more.

He had told her he loved her under this very tree. He had asked her to be his mate under this very tree.

A gentle breeze sent the smell of sakura blossoms his way. It tickled his senses; it also brought back fond memories. "she used to smell like sakura blossoms" with a sigh he turned back to the tree, and a single crystalline tear made its way down his cheek.

"Someday my love I will find you again, and once again the sakura tree will bloom," he said too quietly for any thing but himself to hear with that he turned and left.

Silently from up above a lone figure in white gazed down on Sesshomaru. Tears flowing from her sapphire eyes.

"Soon my love, soon we will be together again," with a sigh Kagome faded into mist, but not before uttering,

"I love you,"


Authors note: Well I hope you liked this story. I was crying when I was writing it. I am not sure if it is because it is a good story or because I am just really emotional. I hope is the first. Anyway, this is my second oneshot, and I hope you liked it. I would love to hear what you think about this story, so please review even if it is to say this story sucks I do not care. Anyway, please review!!!
