365 Days With My 365 Boyfriends by Mistress-of-PinkyFluff

So this is Kagome!

My humble fan fiction writers Pinky-Fluff (yes, that's right the one who leaves you those harassing reviews) presents “365 Days With My 365 Boyfriends” !




(Btw you know that I don't own anything ^_~)


“Higurashi! Inform me when you'll finish with all of your work, I might let you go early today.”

“Yes, Shima-sama.” Kagome answered to her boss. It looked like her supervisor was in a good mood. The slave driver usually leaves her tons of paperwork. Well, having a job at one of the most important media company was not easy! Kagome has to work through the paperwork and final designs, five days a week.

Final designs, paper work, all that sounded pretty important in her head, BUT! Her position in the company was...well her supervisor liked to call her “no one”. If she vaguely remembers, the job description said “assistant”. So Kagome Higurashi was an “assistant” to Shima Yunakiri, who was a secretary of Suzuki Haito. And Yuuki Haito was an assistant of Kanna Onigumo. AND Kanna Onigumo was a 26th graphic designer, for the 18th graphics department in the building, specializing for the magazines' covers. So all that makes Kagome...yeah, she's really is no one!

Call it either a food chain,where she's eaten by angry bitches, or an Egyptian pyramid, where she's again at the bottom thus being whipped by the angry Pharaoh. All of this was making her working days HELL!

But hey, the pay was good! And she was so happy when she has gotten a job here. Here, meaning the Taisho Media Empire. And yes! You guessed right! The famous company that owns the most popular magazines, such as, INUPOLITAN, 700 N' SEVENTEEN, and the most famous one INUBOY, like seriously you could see only that much girls in slut clothing dressed as Inuboy doggies on Halloween! But that's not the point!

The point is; Is her life miserable?


Her job may sucks cock, but she's an independent woman, and her life outside the workplace is more than just good! She has great friends and enjoys her life fully! Well if you consider fully never having a long-time relationship...And why is that? - That is because Kagome Higurashi does not believe in...what do you call that bullshit, again? Oh yeah, an emotion called “love”! Why should she stay with one guy, who will only cheat on her because he cannot keep his dick in his pants, when she can live her life merrily with more guys? Not like having more guys at once!

And that is the reason why Kagome Higurashi does not go on a date twice with the same guy!

I really wonder if anyone is going to read this... T.T It is kinda short after all!

In the next chapter we'll have a look at what's our favourite Killing Perfection up to!


Ja ne!