The Ultimate Destiny by Sabishii_Taiyoukai_Forever


The wind blows hard across the lands. The trees flow with the wind as they whisper ‘the time has come for all to see, the great one is coming to save us all from this beast that destroys us’. A nearby villager is returning to his village, but is unaware of the golden eyes that are watching him.

The wind blows again and was joined with a lowly growl. The villager stops and looks around. “He...he...hello?” he said, his voice shaking a bit. He was answered with another growl. This time the villager answered…. he ran. He ran as fast as he could towards his village but was too late when something made him go plummeting towards the ground. He tried to get up but was only greeted with a louder growl. This growl sounded like thunder and it made the earth shake in fear. The villager started to tremble but looked up slowly. He could only explain what he felt in one word, fear. He feared that he wouldn’t be able to get to his village again. He feared that he would see his wife-to-be. He feared that the demon would kill him. He only feared at what was to happen to him right here and now.

The villager closed his eyes and opened them again hoping that it would all be just a dream. But it wasn’t. The demon was still there. He looked at the demon in front of him. It had eyes red with rage, as its fur was pure white like the snow. Its long ears drooped down to the sides of the demon as its 3 tails thrashing around, knocking down trees where they used to stand. The furriest part of its body went around both the shoulders and stopped down its back half way. The demon also had some long fur down on the ankles of all the legs. The purple crescent moon shined in the night and the two magenta stripes lined down the massive jaws on both sides. The demon growled again. The villager struggled under the grasp of the oversized paw. It pushed down on the villager with its paw but the demon made sure that it didn’t push too hard to crush the tiny creature it had caught.

Save your struggling for later human.

The villager looked around. “Who said that?” he asked nervously. The demon looked down. ‘I did, now be silent or else you will die.’ The villager gulped but nodded. ‘This demon…the voice sounds like a female. Could it be a demoness? But this is not just any demon, this is a dog demon.’ While the villager was thinking, a low but deadly growl was herd from the demoness above him. He gulped again. She could smell his fear and she didn’t like it.

Human, stop your fear. It’s meaningless.” the demoness said.

He nodded his head again. The demon looked up again. “What is your name human? You seem so familiar to me.

He stared at the demoness then back at the woods. “My name is Yakuro.”

Yakuro Well then, I will escort you back to you village.” With that the demoness let up her paw and then crouched down. “Get on.” she said.

Yakuro nodded and did as he was told to do. She got back up and started heading towards the village.


Kagome just got back from her trip back to her era. “Oi! What took you so long wrench?!” a very familiar voice yelled. Kagome signed and look at him straight in the eyes. “I told you I would be back in two day Inuyasha. Geez, you think you’d learn to grow up sometimes.” Inuyasha glared at her. “Grow up? GROW UP?! You want me to grow up?! You are the one that needs to grow up!” Inuyasha stopped and stared at her in fear. ‘Oh shit!’ “Kagome, I didn’t mean that.” “Inuyasha…” she started. Inuyasha started stepping back.

“Inuyasha, I think you should take that back or el….” Miroku started but was interrupt by a loud ‘SIT’ and ‘BANG’ as Inuyasha hits the ground.

“Idiot.” Shippo said. He shook his head. “He’ll never grow up.” With that Shippo jumped up on Miroku’s shoulder. Kagome looked at Shippo and smiled.

“Bitch.” Inuyasha murmured. The smile that once graced Kagome’s face had disappeared. She stared at the half-breed. “What did you say Inuyasha? Care to say it out loud again?” her voice was stern and had a bit of hatred mixed in it. Inuyasha mumbled some more. “What was that Inuyasha?” she said. “I SAID YOU’RE A BITCH!! KIKYO IS BETTER THAN YOU ARE!! ALL YOU DO IS COMPLAIN!! IT WAS WAY BETTER WHEN YOU WEREN’T HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!” Kagome froze at the comment. Tears started forming in her eyes. Inuyasha’s eyes also widened. He flatten his ears against his head and said in a lower voice, “Kagome…” With that Kagome ran into the forest, ignoring her friends callings.


“MASTER JAKEN!! I would like to play in the flowers!! Will Master Jaken come?” a little girl asks. Her yellow and orange-checkered pattern kimono shined in the moonlight rays. Behind her the green toad looked up. “Do I have a choice.” It sounded more like a statement then a question. The little girl leaped for joy as her raven hair flies all around. She then faced the two-headed dragon that was watching them constantly. “Ah-Un, would you like to come?” Ah-Un looked up at the girl and blinked, then nodded his heads. She smiled happily at the dragon and started walking towards the flower field was, Ah-Un following after with the toad.

Their leader, Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, has been out all day saying that it was important and then left. ‘I wander were Lord Sesshomaru went to that was so important?’ Jaken thought. With a sigh, he kept trotting forward.


“Stupid Inuyasha! Stupid, stupid, STUPID!! AGGHHH!! I can’t STAND him any longer!!” Kagome yelled out. The thought of him saying that the dead bitch is better than her drove her over the edge. So the only thing she thought about doing is running away. Tears formed in her eyes. ‘He can go to his clay-pot!!’ With that, she broke down. Of all the things he could have chosen he chose to say that to her!! ‘Why?’ Kagome thought, ‘Why can’t he love me the way he does to her. Why can’t he return my feelings?’ She cried and cried though the night with only those thoughts in her head but was so preoccupied in what she was thinking; she was unaware of the golden eyes that linger in the night.


Sesshomaru was sitting under a tree after being stressed out for the whole day. He absolutely hated how hard it was to track down Naraku. The damn half-breed wouldn’t sit still; of course that’s what you would expect from Naraku. He isn’t easy to kill, however, he, Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, matches his strength in battle. Oh how Sesshomaru wishes to kill something now. If he could just only grab the Tetsaiga…he stopped in mid thought and snorted. He knows he can’t touch it without being shocked by the barrier that surrounded the blasted sword. He massaged his head. Thinking of where to find Naraku and still thinking of the Tetsaiga was really giving him a headache.

He held back the urge to sigh. ‘Damn that half-bre…’ Sesshomaru paused his thoughts and sniffed the air. The air smelt of salt mixed with peppermint and flowers. He recognized that scent but he can’t remember whose scent it belongs to. He decided to ignore the scent but curiosity was getting the better of him and so decided to go and check out what the source is. ‘I think Rin is getting the better of me.

Sesshomaru masked his scent and demonic aura as he entered near a clearing where he then saw a young girl yelling at something…or someone. “…AGGHHH!! I can’t STAND him any longer!!” she yelled. Sesshomaru, as curios as he was pondered at what she said. ‘Can’t stand who?’ Then he watched as the young girl collapsed onto the ground tears streaming out of her eyes. ‘Hm…who or what made this human so upset? I wonder…WAIT…that’s Inuyasha’s wrench! Why do I even care for the miko?!’ Sesshomaru rubbed his head again. ‘ I really am blaming Rin for making me become too soft. I guess I’ll wait until my damn half-brother and his companions comes to find her.

He jumped into the tree that he was by and settled himself on the tree’s branch waiting while watching the young miko fall into a blissful sleep.


“Inuyasha, how could you do that to Kagome?!” Sango yelled. Sango was mostly like Kagome’s sister just like Miroku was like Kagome’s brother. 3 yrs they have known each other and become even closer than friends. Even if they were not family related they still would stick up to each other like they were so. Shippo was more like a son in Kagome’s eyes even though they both are different. Shippo was adopted after his parents died by the Thunder Brothers, so Kagome decided to take care of him.

Miroku decided to step in the matter. “Arguing won’t help find Kagome any faster.” he said calmly.

Just like him to be a stuck up.’ both Sango and Inuyasha thought.

“Feh, why should I go look for that wretched wrench?!” he snapped.

Sango flared at that question. “Because if you don’t, I’ll beat you down to the ground with my Hiratikosu until you reach hell.” she stated flatly.

Inuyasha gulped and nodded.

Satisfied with the answer, Sango picked up her weapon and headed towards the trees.

“I’ll be right back. Let me change.” and with that she left.

Inuyasha sighed and looked at Miroku. “What’s up her as--”

Before he could say any more, he was hit in the back of the head by a staff so hard that it knock him unconscious.

Miroku retreated his staff back to his side and shook his head.

“There is a child here, I think it is best to keep the language more to a minimum.”

Shippo also shook his head and said only one word that would explain the half-demon’s actions,



Kagome woke up minutes later. She looked around at her surroundings and tried to figure out how she got there. All she could remember was that she was crying and then it all went blank. Wait. Crying? Crying about what? She thought about it for a moment and then it hit her…Inuyasha. That’s what happened. That’s who made her cry. He said that the clay-pot bitch of his is better than her. Just thinking about it made her tears fall down again. She tried to wipe them away but more came down.

Then there was a shuffling noise in the bushes. Kagome stopped and looked around. She was scared and without her weapon she was defenseless. The ruffling noise started again but this time, it was louder than the first. Kagome was about to cry out for help when something unexpected happened…

…the noise stopped.

Kagome, more scared then ever, started to shiver. Her voice was shaky just as her body was, “H…Hello? Anyone there?”

All of the sudden, out of nowhere an ogre demon came out of the trees and started attacking Kagome. She dodged the first attack but wasn’t as lucky for the second attack. The ogre’s claws slashed through her backside. She howled in pain and stumbled to the ground. Blood seeped through her blouse and down her back to her legs. She whimpered and looked up at the ogre, the ogre had her blood dripping from its claws onto the flourished green grass. Then the ogre started to attack her again this time the attack scraped her arm. Again she howled in pain and was sent flying backwards.

When she came to a stop, she tried to get up but was only greeted back to the ground. Tears streamed down her face as the ogre once more headed towards her.

Suddenly Kagome was thrown into a world of darkness and before she new it she fainted.

The only thing she saw was a glimmer of silver hair moving towards her and strong-arms grabbing her. Her only thought was reverted to the only person she could think of,



From the tree branch above, Sesshomaru looked around for the source of the sound that was coming from the trees. He kept looking from the miko girl and back again until something got his attention,

…the miko had no weapon.

He had the urge to roll his eyes but held his stoic face in place. Sesshomaru kept his eyes on the girl until the demon jumped out of the trees and started attacking the girl. His beast kept telling him to help the miko but he himself didn’t want to help his brother’s wrench.

Help her… his beast said.

No.’ he argued back.

You know you want to…it doesn’t matter if she is you brother’s… his inner beast tormented.

Do not tell this Sesshomaru what to do.’ he snapped back.

Suit yourself… And with that his inner demon left.

“Hn. I will not allow myself to be like my father.” Sesshomaru said distastefully. All of the sudden he heard a loud cry from where the miko was. What he saw made him burn with anger.

There, on the ground was the girl soaked in her own blood kneeling on the ground before the ogre demon, also with her blood on its claws. Sesshomaru then saw the ogre demon running towards her poised for another attack. Sesshomaru growled and was about to leap out to help the girl until a blue blur with a tint of silver with it came out of the trees and towards the girl. The blur then attacked the ogre before grabbing the girl and leaving. What Sesshomaru saw was the most unusual thing that had ever happened, a blur comes out of nowhere and then kills the ogre demon in one slash and then vanishes with the girl. He, Sesshomaru, had never felt this much demonic aura since he was with his father. Ever since his father passed away, Sesshomaru had never felt anything like this before for a long time,

…Sesshomaru was unconfertable.


Kagome moaned then opened her eyes. She blinked a couple of times and then looked around. Rocks, rocks, and more rocks…

Must be a cave…’ Kagome thought. Water dripped on the caves ground making a slight ‘plop’. She sighed and looked around some more.

After a minute of looking around, something moved in the distance. She shivered at the amount of demonic aura coming from the direction the movement came from. With a slight stutter in her voice, she said, “He…Hello? Anyone there?”

Again the figure moved. Kagome, trying her best not to be too scared, pretended to be brave for a while. “Please come out…who ever you are.” she asked politely. Sunlight hit the caves entrance and all Kagome could see was the outline of the figure and a tint of silver hair. She tried again. “Please…I won’t hurt you.”


“Indeed.” was the answer she got back.

Kagome was shocked. She only knew one person that one word but yet this didn’t even sound like his voice at all. Yeah it was cold but it sounded more feminine and…calm but Kagome wasn’t sure if it was him or not but she tried anyway. “Sesshomaru? Is that you? Why on Kami’s world do you sound like a girl?”

She paused and realized what she said, ‘Fuck! I’m sooo dead. Shouldn’t have said that, shouldn’t have said that, shouldn’t have said that!’ Kagome closed her eyes and waited for the blow but what surprised her most was that it never came. Then something unexpected happen that almost made Kagome scream, the sound bounced off the walls of the cave and even scared off the nearby demons that were waiting to attack them when vulnerable, that sound she thought she would never hear from this kind of cold hearted person, the sound of laughter.

It rang through her ears and through the cave. Once the laughter died out, the voice spoke up again, “This ‘Sesshomaru’ person you talk about is not who you are talking to, but you are right about me sounding like a girl.”


Kagome opened her eyes and looked down to the ground, “I’m sorry about that…” she whispered.

“No need for that…” the figure got up from where it was and started walking towards Kagome, “…but I am curious of why you were fighting a demon with out your arrows miko. Do pray tell.”

Kagome stuttered a bit but told the figure the whole story. She told about what Inuyasha had said and how she ran away from him and how the demon started attacking her. When she was done with the story the figure stopped moving towards her and growled low. Kagome knew it wasn’t a good idea to tell the story to a stranger nonetheless a demon. The figure stopped growling and kept moving forward. “Inuyasha you say…I have a score to settle with him…” now the figure was in full view for Kagome to describe and to her surprise, she never knew that the figure…well…was another Sesshomaru look alike but was a girl. She had a breastplate just like Sesshomaru’s except for the shoulder plate wasn’t there. Her obi, just like Sesshomaru’s, but was red that had a mixed of orange and had a design of a fire look to it. Her tail was like Sesshomaru’s but was connected to the other shoulder as well and had three tails instead of one. Her hair, that she mistaken as Sesshomaru’s, was also silver and looked exactly like his but she had a bit of an Inuyasha look to her as well (meaning that she had those long bangs that Inuyasha has down the sides of his face but hers reach down to her waist). She wore a dark blue kimono that had a bit of sparkles that matched her golden eyes and on her face wore the symbols of the Western Ruler, the same color and everything, the crescent moon and the two magenta stripes that laid on her cheeks and hands (the picture of her is at my home page if you want to see it and understand a little of what I mean).

Before Kagome knew what she was doing, she bowed down to her and said, “I’m sooo sorry.”


The demon stifled a giggle and said, “There is no need for formalities miko, just call me by my name.”

Kagome stood up and said, “And that would be…”

“Ketaramaru.” The demon said.

Kagome tried to say the name, “K-E-T-A-R-A-M-A-R-U, Ketaramaru, Ketaramaru. I like that name.”

“My parents gave it to me before they died. Father was the best demon here on these lands before he died protecting a human mortal and a half-breed at that.” Ketaramaru said in discus.

“Almost like Sesshomaru’s and Inuyasha’s parents…” Kagome sadly said.

“Indeed.” Ketaramaru stated.


“…and you act just like Sesshomaru, always saying one word and acting cold to everyone…” Kagome announced.

Ketaramaru raised an eyebrow.

“…and that too…he always looks so god damn sexy when he does that…” Kagome stopped and blushed ten shades of red.

Ketaramaru, on the other hand, just burst out laughing. “You think Sesshomaru is sexy?! You’ve got to be joking right? I thought you were in love with that half-breed Inuyasha!” she laughed more.

Kagome just stood there shocked. She couldn’t avoid asking the question. “How do you know I love Inuyasha?”

She looked at Kagome and said, “I know many things Kagome. No need for that though. I believe we shall be leaving.”

“We, as in you and me? What about the Shikon Jewel?” Kagome asked.

“Yes, and we may pass some demons that may have them, especially the one your pack and Sesshomaru’s are looking for. Naraku, I believe was his name.” Ketaramaru stated clearly. Kagome just looked at her in a dumbstruck way but nodded in agreement. “Good.” Ketaramaru said and started walking towards Kagome.


Kagome wasn’t sure what was going on but for some reason, she felt much more…safer with her. Kagome was dragged out of her thoughts when something fuzzy rapped around her. She looked down and saw that Ketaramaru’s tails rapped her around the body. She looked up at the demoness, “Um…may I ask what you are doing?”

“Rubbing my scent on you so everyone knows that you are in my pack.” she said, moving her tails up and down Kagome’s body.

“Oh…” Kagome said, embarrassingly and the rest of the time they were quiet.

Once Ketaramaru was done, she unwrapped her tails from Kagome and had set them back to her sides once again. “Come.”

Kagome looked up, nodded and followed Ketaramaru out of the cave. As their bodies disappeared into the forest, all that was left was the dripping sounds of the water hitting the rocky ground.