Everyone has a bad habit, anything from biting your nails, smoking, and even drugs. Not everyone has an addiction, but if you do you know how hard it is to stop. Love, on the other had everyone's felt. What happens though when your love, bad habit, and addiction combined into a person? Sometimes it’s easier to quit something bad for you then it is to quit loving someone who’s bad for you.
Disclaimer: I do not own or make any profit from Inu-Yasha the series or any of its characters. However, the plot elements are mine. Bear with me a little on this chapter; I wanted to get most of the background stuff out of the way so there would be no real flashbacks...hopefully.
Chapter 1: Bad Habits
The sound of a cell phone’s ringtone could be heard through out the dark house. A girl scrambled to find her phone while still trying lie comfortably in her bed; she looked at who the caller might be. She stared at the name for a while, not sure if she should answer or not, she then sighed, “hello?”
“Hello Kagome,” a deep voice replied smoothly, “I didn’t think you would answer.” Kagome said nothing, feeling that the man on the other end still had something to say. “I thought you hated me,” he sound slightly relieved, but she knew better, she knew that he was more relieved then he voiced out.
“I never said I hated you Sesshomaru, I was just extremely mad at you,” Kagome sighed and looked at the clock, one in the morning. ‘He’s calling fairly early for an apology call.’ Kagome mused.
“Oh,” he paused, “do you want to talk to me still?” She could hear his breathing on the other end of the phone, he was nervous, she could tell.
“Yeah, sure.” Kagome caved, she could almost hear him let out a breath of relief. “So, how have you been?” she asked.
“Good, I missed you.” He trailed off.
Kagome stared at her ceiling, ‘and the cycle starts again.’
Kagome and Sesshomaru met roughly four months ago, but for both of them, they had felt that they had known each other much longer. They both knew how to press each other’s buttons, drive the other up the wall, make the other drop to their knees in apology, and most of all, they both knew how to keep the other madly in love.
They met just a couple of weeks after Kagome and her ex-boyfriend Inu-Yasha broke up. After finding out that the entire time they were dating Inu-Yasha was cheating, Kagome left heartbroken and in need of a friend that knew not much of her. It just so happened that on Kagome’s Instant Messenger, she had a person added for several years and couldn’t remember how they met or even retrieved the other’s email. Mustering up the courage, Kagome sent a message to her unknown contact asking how the contact knew her email. From the picture on the contact’s I.M., she could tell that it was a guy and a good looking one at that.
Now, it would be nice to say that he answered politely and gentlemen like, however, he did the quite opposite. He swore at her and told her, very rudely, that she had added him, well to say Kagome was taken a back the language is understatement. Still in shock, Kagome answered timidly, saying how she just wanted to know since she had him on her contact list for a while now and couldn’t remember just how he came to be on it. He seemed to pause and then asked if she was male or female, Kagome looked at her display picture, showing how she was indeed a female, thought he was a bit odd. She then told him that she was a female and asked if he could see her picture, replying no, she understood now why he had been so hostile.
Finding out that she has been female, the male apologize profusely and asked her what her name was, she told her name and he told his in return. After a couple of minutes of talking he told her he had to go and if she would like she could call him, she replied that she wouldn’t mind that and he gave her his number. Once she called him, they talked for a couple of hours and told him that at midnight she would be a year older. He asked how old she was turning and it turned out that they would be turning the same age, he then told her that he had to go and before leaving he wished her a happy birthday.
Kagome wasn’t exactly sure what happened during the conversation, but after they hung up, she felt a sense of attachment to him. She brushed it off as a small crush because of his voice, but in the back of her mind she knew it was a little bit more then that. The next day they talked again and this time she found out that he was in love with a person name Kagura, and Kagome found herself surprisingly jealous of this women but non the less she wished good luck and goodnight before they hung up the phone once more.
It went like that for two weeks; they became fast friends and felt that they both knew each other far longer then just two weeks. Then one day, they had their first fight, it was something so meagre, that if you were to ask them now what it was, they would not remember, however, they would remember the fight. It lasted about four days and eventually they forgave each other and started talking as if nothing happened. Neither of them wanted to admit how their fight seemed like a love quarrel and how it seemed like they had known each other for a long while, instead of the mere three weeks it really was.
They fought every couple or so days and the fights never seemed to last long, until he didn’t contact her for a week. Kagome was so worried that their friendship was over called over and over again for five days. When he finally picked up, joy washed all over her and even though he did it to her at least twice a month for two months it never really bothered her. One night however, he had said something that made her never want to speak to him again, but if you were to ask her what it was, she would just shrug her shoulders and tell you she doesn’t remember. After that argument, she didn’t pick up his phone calls and ignored all of his text messages but one day, while checking her email, she saw a message from him, apologizing and ask her to contact him.
She called him back that night of the email; they had talked and in some ways told the other how they felt. Unknown by them, they had started a cycle and formed a habit that was damn near impossible to break. They fought, made up, got lovey towards each other and fought again, that what it was, no matter how hard hey tried to stop it, the cycle kept going. One day though, Kagome realized just how much she really needed him in her life, without him, she felt empty and awkward, like she had real no purpose but once he was in her life, she felt complete, even if they fought often. She also realized that, in a way, they both each other's bad habit. It never occurred Kagome just how far their needs really went and how deep their emotional connection really was.
A/n: Please tell me what you think and some feedback would be lovely!