A Distant Echo by iloveprettysilverhair

A Distant Echo

A Distant Echo

by iloveprettysilverhair


I see her weeping form at night amongst the nightly shadows,

her quiet moans of sorrow fill the calmly silent meadows.

Her hollow eyes turn to me each night, but I always look away,

‘The girl begat foolishness after his death,’ I say.

Once again I take my leave, her weeping a distant echo.


It is no matter the length I go, to escape her haunting cries,

they always find me late at night just as I shut my eyes.

She walks to me while calling out, pleading to set her free

from her painful, broken heart and tears full of tragedy.

Her hope, like the fading moon with daylight, dies.


Her wails fade as the sun rises up, comforted with the light,

It wears on even me, a taiyoukai, regardless of my might.

Silently I mourn the loss of kin to those darkened hands,

it was not a death befitting of a child of the western lands.

But the girl is eternally devastated, grieving always outright.


Gone is another day of peace, she comes to me in the dark,

Her face one full of sorrow; exhaustion has left its mark.

‘How long do you intend to cry?’ I asked of her a time.

Words fell on her deaf ears, still grieving the horrid crime.

I daresay that I miss the fiery woman’s spark.


As the days peel slowly away like dead and drying skin,

I’ve become used to her presence and her cries like once I’d never been.

But still the loud moans of her vast loss are haunting me

and the darkness, once so soothing, has long ago lost its beauty.

The vigil of your death, InuYasha, is approaching days within.


An eerie silence has befallen her on this yearly-hallowed eve,

Her form is beautifully aglow in moonlight, but I am not deceived.

We meet at your gravesite proper, brother, and she gently begins to cry,

‘You are not meant for this world,’ I say, ‘for he was not the only one to die.’

Her timid eyes meet mine, confused, longing, and naive.


She stretches out a glowing hand to gently touch my cheek,

Instead of coldness, it’s warmth I feel, when my stripes her fingers seek.

‘I can touch you,’ she says, ‘I cannot be dead.’ If only it were true.

I’ve missed her, though she hasn’t gone, imagine if she knew.

Her eyes turn towards the ground, and once again she speaks.


“That’s my grave there, isn’t it?” she asks quietly of me.

I hesitate to answer, but in my silence I agree.

She has spent these long nights mourning, a lost and saddened soul,

appearing only for myself to see in evening upon the knoll.

Her hollow cry gives me shivers and echoes through the trees.


‘Cease that racket, you’ve cried enough,’ I say unremorsefully to her.

She stopped and once, her eyes ablaze, her wrath I did incur.

I waited with bated breath for her to begin anew,

but she calmed herself and looked at me, those beautiful eyes of blue.

To this day they torture me so, and remind me of my error.


It was many a night ago, that I tried to set her free,

before she died I took my pleasure with her and her with me.

She blamed herself for his death, ‘He was distraught,’ she said.

‘If I hadn’t have given in, he would not be dead.’

But I could see in her eyes she wore her time with me proudly.


I could see the sun would be rising soon and knew she had to go,

but I pulled her tightly to me and kissed her lips soft and slow.

It’s time she moved on from this world, sadly from me as well,

the long nights of her ghostly wails, the echoes will retell.

The morning rays cast the world from its shadow.


She moved from me and her eyes found something far behind,

I follow her sight in curiosity and take a breath of resign.

We count the markers all lined up and find we were remiss,

I turn to her, and she nods her head before we’re captured in the mist.

The marker we’d unknowingly forgotten…was... mine.





Be gentle, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone with this as I usually don't write poetry.  I hope you enjoyed it, and for those of you who may not catch it, Kagome is a ghost who is haunting Sesshoumaru who, unknowingly, is also a ghost.  Complicated much?  Not at all!

Happy Halloween and thank you for reading!