Who Am I to Say by Inu Guardian

Who Am I to Say

Disclaimer: I do not own 'InuYasha' and company. I do not have rights to the song "Who Am I to Say". I simply borrowed the lyrics for enjoyment, not profit. I make no profit from this work of fiction.

A/N: If you can read this story while listening to the song, it has a really big impact. It was hard to write, and I hope it touches your hearts as it did mine. I had so much fun writing this.

Challenge-fic response for lunaticneko's challenge to "Who Am I to Say" by Hope

Who Am I to Say


Love of my life, my soulmate

You're my best friend

The two sat side by side on the hood of his car. Black and silver hair mingled together in the wind, making it flow seamlessly. The two beings leaned into each other, taking in the warmth and comfort that was being offered.

Sesshoumaru Taisho. High school senior. Heir to one of the world's largest law firms. Full-blooded demon.

Kagome Higurashi. High school sophomore. Heiress to one of the oldest shrines in Japan. Powerful miko.

Kagome tilted her head forward, allowing her bangs to block the image of the setting sun. The feeling of sadness surrounded her like a heavy curtain. She knew this day was going to come. They had fought it for so long, filling each previous day with love, laughter, and as much of the other as was feasibly possible. But it still wasn't enough.

"Don't be sad, my little miko," Sesshoumaru whispered in her ear. "We've had each other for this long. Surely we can survive what lies ahead." He tightened his arms around her waist. "Will it be so terrible?"

"Yes," was her immediate answer. Kagome turned herself so that she was sitting across Sesshoumaru's legs. Her tear-filled eyes gazed up at him forlornly. "You will be leaving and I will be stuck here. How am I supposed to be happy with that?" She wiped quickly at the tears that were falling freely from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. "You've been a constant in my life for the past six years, and now...now..." The words died on her lips.

Long, clawed fingers threaded themselves through her raven locks. He gently tilted her head up and stared down into her deep blue eyes. Slowly, confidently, he descended upon her and laid his lips on hers, taking her breath away with the simple motion. Lovingly, he lifted her up and positioned her so that she was straddling him. That closeness, the feel of him, was what she needed. And himself as well, if he were honest.

He knew she was right. Through the years they'd been nothing more than strangers, with her being his brother's best friend. The time they took to get to know each other. The steps he took to make her his. Now, he had to leave it all behind. It tore at his heart, the wrenching of it making him sick to his stomach. He knew, as did she, that there would never be anyone else.

She drew away first and locked her eyes to his molten gold ones. The love from her own reflecting in his. "You will come back, won't you?" she asked, wanting reassurance. "I will wait for you, forever if I have to."

He nearly crushed her with the urgency and fierceness of his embrace. "Not even death could stop me."

Unhurried, he kissed her neck, jaw, behind her ear. His emotions were burned into her skin through his lips. His hands moved under her shirt, sliding over smooth flesh. He sighed as her own hands glided over his skin. Her actions more impatient than his own.

He took her, slowly, on the hood of his car and out in the open. Neither wanted to take the time to go home. Her sighs as he licked and nipped up and down her body. His soft groans as she did things to him he never thought possible. When he entered her, he brought her to the edge of oblivion. His thrusts were slow and strong, filling her completely.

Together they came several times over the course of the night.


Color me blue, I'm lost in you

* * * *


Part of me like breathing

Kagome sat on her bed, her body wrapped in Sesshoumaru's school sweater. It smells like him, she thought sadly. Laying her head on her knees, she looked over at the table next to her bed. Her favorite picture of him sat there, along with several objects he had given her over the years. A hand reached up and grasped the necklace he gave her just before he left.


"These will do you more good than they will me."

She looked up at him with a shocked expression as he looped his class ring through his favorite white gold chain.

"Wear these close to your heart. Right where I will always be."

End Flashback


Kagome sighed and closed her eyes. He would be gone for the semester, but he would come back. He promised. She would wait for him. She promised.


Now half of me is left


