Beautiful Mistake by Avaliee

It starts

Disclaimer: The characters of InuYasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi. However the original characters in this story are mine =) I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Beautiful mistake:
feudal era:

Deep in the forest far from any known path a fire crackled and popped pushing the cool fall air out of the small camp site. A small little girl lay curled up against her beloved dragon and a tiny servant sat dozing against a fallen tree.

In the shadows of the small groups resting spot sat the stone still figure of the Taiyoukai. His molten eyes constantly swept the surrounding area his aura striking out into the night promising death to any who disturbed there camp.

The threat of Naraku had long since passed; it had nearly been a year since the final battle had taken place. For one fight Sesshoumaru had raised his sword to fight along side his brother, it had been the right decision.

With Naraku so focused on the threat of the Inu youkai brothers the Tajiya and the questionable Houshi kept the swarms of demons easily at bay.

Kagura had shown her true colors and turned on Naraku, in his rage at his minion's betrayal the vile hanyou didn't notice the arrow flying directly at his heart. The white holy power shining through that arrow had been enough to make the Taiyoukai cringe, if he did that kind of thing of course.

The arrow hit its mark ripping agonized screams of defeat from Naraku as his body burned to ash drifting lazily away with the next gust of wind. It was a rather disappointing fight in the demon lords opinion, he hadn't been the one to land the final blow, not to mention the actual fight had lasted less than ten minutes..

It had been simply pathetic; Naraku had been nothing but a crazed lunatic hiding behind the tainted power of that disgraceful jewel.

Although Sesshoumaru had made his leave as soon as Naraku had been vanquished he new the moment the wish had been made. In an instant a brilliant pink light flashed traveling all throughout the lands until it reached the sea's of Japan.

Unsure at first what the Miko's wish had been, the demon lord continued on his way, only to bump into a branch with the very arm he had been missing all those years.

He had been very surprised, his curiosity had peaked slightly, not enough to go back and question the Miko.. But enough for him to lock the question away for another day. As time moved on so did the Taiyoukai and his young ward, and of course his faithful ever annoying retainer Jaken.

The threat of Naraku was gone, but still Sesshoumaru traveled guarding his lands and beyond only returning to the palace of his birth when it was completely unavoidable. The fire crackled pulling the stoic lord momentarily from his thoughts. His eyes slowly drifted to Rin, his Rin.

He would never voice it, and rarely allowed himself to think on the matter, but the tiny ningen girl had some how melted a layer of his iced heart. He assumed he cared for the girl like a father would care for a daughter.

He remembered shortly after the final battle he had taken Rin to his idiot half brothers village, seeking out the Miko Kagome. The well had closed after the wish was made, locking her into this time for the rest of her days.

Sesshoumaru was no fool, he knew the onna was not of his time, she smelled different, the smell of magic and time itself over lapping with her natural sent of spring. He was surprised when the Miko fearlessly approached him ignoring Inuyasha's sputtered profanities.

Sesshoumaru-sama what brings you to Edo?" the young Miko asked a small smile playing at her lips.

The Taiyoukai quirked a brow curiously, she was in the normal Miko garb they all wore, except the colors didn't match. His answer to the unspoken question walked up in the form of the no longer dead priestess Kikyo. It was quite obvious that Kagome did not wish to be confused for her incarnate.

After his long pause Sesshoumaru finally answered the waiting onna.

"I wish to leave Rin in your care." he stated simply.

*End flashback*

Sesshoumaru sighed, obviously that hadn't gone over well, though surprisingly it wasn't the shikon Miko who objected but Rin. She had cried and screamed and begged him not to leave her, repeating over and over again the same question "Did I dishonor you my lord?!"

his mind had been swiftly changed after the broken look settled across his young wards face. He was becoming too soft. A barely auditable sigh escaped his lips as his thoughts traveled back to that damned jewel and the wish that returned his arm.

It must have been a lightly worded wish to return the arm of a once again enemy. But then Sesshoumaru honestly had no urge to harm the Miko or her friends, as long as they stayed out of his way. Inuyasha was another story.

The skyline of the forest began to tint the slightest pink as the sun began its assent into the sky. The demon lord watched Rin begin to wake, as her internal alarm clock began to sound.

She sat up quietly rubbing her tiny fists gently against her eyes. A brilliant missing tooth grin spread across her face as she stood up and stumbled toward her waiting demon lord.

"Good morning my lord!" the small girl chirped

"Rin" was his only comment, it always surprised him that his one word remarks or answers never bothered the girl. She was beyond obedient.. Most days.

"Did you sleep well Sesshoumaru-sama?" she questioned with knowing eyes.

"Hn" the Taiyoukai rarely slept, and never did so when they traveled, he could go months before his body began to cry out for sleep.

Rin went about with her morning routine, never questioning what she was to do. She quietly added wood to the fire poking at it with a long stick. Standing up she carefully wiped the dirt and soot off of her orange and white checkered kimono. With a frown plastered on her young face she pulled the small binding out o her hair and slowly ran her fingers down her dark chestnut strands. Her small hands gathered the top layer of her hair and pulled it into a lopsided ponytail, her signature hair style.

Bright brown eyes scanned the camp site landing on Jaken, an almost evil smirk tugged at the young child's lips as she quietly made her way toward the toad... thing.

"MASTER JAKEN!" she yelled.

The small youkai cried out jumping up quickly resulting in his head roughly meeting a low lying tree branch.

"Silly master Jaken, the suns already up!" she chirped as she skipped happily toward her lord.

Sesshoumaru could barely hold his icy mask as he watched the old toad rub the growing bump on his head, all the while grumbling under his breath.

"Jaken." Sesshoumaru shot the toad a look promising death if he were to repeat his mumbled complaints about the child.

"Gather the supplies, we leave shortly." He stood swiftly walking from the camp.

"Yes my lord, of course my lord forgive this humble servant" Jaken frantically called as he scurried around the camp.

Rin "helped" Jaken pack up there supplies, strapping them onto Ah-un.

When the fire was put out and everything was ready Sesshoumaru quietly lead them back to the foot path. His mind kept wandering as they walked; he couldn't remember the last time he had felt this distracted. It was troublesome really, years of practice held his emotionless mask in place, only slipping when extreme anger took hold of his beast.

The trio walked through out the morning, traveling the borders of the western lands to insure the safety of those who called them home. Late morning found them letting Ah-un and Rin catch a cold drink in a small bubbling stream. Sesshoumaru stood watch as his ward splashed the much larger dragon earning a snuff of disapproval from the beast. The wind blew wiping the ice lord's hair sending it dancing behind him in a silvery mass. The Inu-youkai's eyes narrowed dangerously as he caught the scent of his bastard brother quickly approaching. As the small group came within eye sight of the demon lord he let a low warning growl sound from his throat.

The Miko Kagome stopped staring curiously back at him as Inuyasha brashly approached his half brother sword drawn and waving in the air like usual.

Rin having finally spotted the trouble, let a huge grin spread quickly across her face as she darted passed the fuming hanyou toward Kagome and Shippo.

Sesshoumaru sighed; this was one of the few times that he believed Rin simply lost her mind, running right in front of a brazen hanyou. I mean really! Sesshoumaru took note that the slayer and Monk were missing from the group, but his idiot brother's apparent mate was traveling with him, along with Kagome. 'perfect, now there are two Miko's traveling with my twit half brother.'

Rin skid to a stop right in front of Kagome's legs, her huge grin causing Kagome to smile in return. "Hello Kagome-san!" Rin said while she bounced up and down on her toes.

"Hi Rin!" Kagome patted the girls head and set Shippo down to talk with her, she loved the girl she really did, but it was hard to pay attention to her when two of the most powerful demons are busy flexing there muscles.

Kagome sighed, it was strange, the stoic demon lord was never violent when he encountered just one of the old group, or even all but Inuyasha. Of course he was never exactly friendly toward anyone; Kagome was always surprised if he didn't just walk on by her or the others.

Another sigh escaped her lips as she watched Sesshoumaru hurl Inuyasha into a large tree. After she had made the wish on the jewel everything had changed, of course she knew it would, but that didn't make it any easier.

She had worded the wish perfectly, it hadn't been selfish in the least, and so the jewel of four souls was forever gone. Everyone even ones she may have still considered enemies, had benefited from the wish. She looked down, wondering if Rin had been effected in anyway.

Kikyo had been given another chance, a new soul took over her body, giving Kagome her piece back, although the older Miko had a new soul, she was still the same person. Inuyasha and Kikyo we're married and mated within a week of Naraku's defeat. Sango and Miroku had taken the recovering Kohaku back to there Tajiya village and began to rebuild, and of course they were married too. The couple's first child was due within the next two months.

Kagome's reasoning for the well closing varied for weeks, but finally she decided it was because Shippo needed a family, and even though Inuyasha or even Sango and Miroku would have taken the kit in.. He would not have been has happy has he was with his adopted mother.

Sesshoumaru received his arm back, which Kagome figured, had been quite a shock to the icy demon, of course he had never brought the matter up. Kagome had no hard feelings toward Kikyo, in the back of her mind and even in her heart she knew that they belonged together. Kagome had often thought about being with Inuyasha after the journey was over, but it had always come back to one thing, he would always see Kikyo in her.

Alive and full of hope Kikyo opened up and became much friendlier toward Inuyasha's friends, her sister Kaede had passed away some months before the destruction of Naraku. Kagome and Kikyo had taken up the job of the village Miko's, Kagome had been surprised at first but the two got along quite well and she soon felt as the last of her romantic feelings toward Inuyasha slipped away.

Everyone was happy, that was the purpose of the wish after all, Kagome sometimes felt a little alone or unhappy, but she hadn't included herself in the wish, in order to make it unselfish.


The cold tone of the Taiyoukai's voice brought Kagome from her thoughts. Golden pools of molten lava locked with turbulent seas of blue. Kagome gasped, as the demon turned and walked away, there had been so much emotion in his eyes, so many questions, it had been brief but she was sure of what she had witnessed.

'so' the young Miko thought 'Lord ice burg does have emotions other than anger and "Die Inuyasha!". Kagome smiled and waved at the young girl as she bounded back toward her already walking lord.

Kagome eyed Inuyasha sitting against the same tree she had watched Sesshoumaru throw him into numerous times. Kikyo fussed over him as he sat with a very child like pout on his face, his ears flattened against his head in annoyance.

"Arrogant bastard what the hell was that about?" Inuyasha fumed

"You're the one that walked over there waving your sword around Inu" Kagome teased

"Kagome!" Inuyasha looked flabbergasted. "Who's damn side are you on! He's a bastard! I was protecting you guys!"

Kikyo shot Kagome a look that said 'oh please he was protecting us was he?' the two girls broke out in giggles as Inuyasha sat gapping like a fish.

"Idiot" Shippo mumbled as he climbed back onto Kagome's shoulder.

The group dusted off and headed back on there way.

Sesshoumaru led his group, increasingly annoyed with his idiot half brother. 'how dare he accuse this Sesshoumaru of looking for him! As if I would waste my time seeking out that disgrace.' he snarled viciously as he pushed all thoughts of Inuyasha and his pests to the back of his mind.

The day went on as usual after that, nothing out of the ordinary. The sun was making its slow descent from the sky when Sesshoumaru finally came to a stop. Jaken was so relived thinking his lord wished to find a camp site, his poor legs were so sore!

"My lord I'll begin gathering fire wood!" he said. Bowing like he always did he began to totter off into the woods.


"Yes my lord!" Jaken squeaked, frantically thinking back to what he had just done, had he offended his lord?!

"Take Rin into the forest, something is not right" was Sesshoumaru's only reply as he made his way toward the scent of his brother and the two Miko's blood.

Moving gracefully at a quick but not hurried pace Sesshoumaru weaved in and out of the trees and shrubbery of the forest. He came to a field and stopped just out of sight. There was his idiot brother waving his sword around once again, but after a closer look Sesshoumaru saw he was protecting something, or someone for that matter.

The two Miko's stood on either side of Inuyasha firing away into a group of Rogue youkai as Inuyasha sliced down any that got to close to be targeted by a bow. The small female they were protecting sat behind them with the tiny kit growling and throwing rocks at the assailants. When they had finished off the group Inuyasha turned and roughly helped the small onna up from her resting spot.

The woman's hood fell back revealing knee length hair, its color similar to tropical waters, the highlights bright and colorful like the shallow waters, and the under layers dark and foreboding as the deep sea. Her brilliant pearl eyes shimmered with the setting sun, reflecting the colors of the sky in her normally stark white iris's.

Delicate but graceful flowing wings fluttered in slight agitation as she looked around the field she had been sitting in just moments before her attack.

Shock flickered across the demon lords normally composed face before his eyes narrowed dangerously as he stepped out of the field, that was no ningen that was Tenshi and Sesshoumaru had some things to say to that twit of a sprite before he slowly killed her.

Tenshi smiled at her saviors, she was a little wary of the hanyou, but figured she was safe with the two friendly Miko's in control. She looked around at her feet and smiled when the small fox youkai tugged at her kimono.

"Is this yours fairy-san" Shippo asked innocently.

Smiling and nodding she took the small wreath of flowers and placed it back on her head, the baby's breath tugging small strands out of place making her look tousled.

"Thank you little kit!" she smirked at the child's blush. "My name is Tenshi!" she said to the others. They introduced themselves politely.

Kagome was shocked, all this time in the feudal era and she had never ever seen a fairy.. Or whatever she was. She smiled as Inuyasha gave the poor woman the third degree asking why she was attacked by so many youkai.

Tenshi opened her mouth to reply when all the color drained from her pretty peach face. Her eyes widening in disbelief she made a mad dash for Inuyasha quickly placing him in between her and the irate Taiyoukai.

"Tenshi" he snarled dangerous fangs glinting as he bared them toward the group.

"Why hello Sesshoumaru-sama long time no see, I... I... hmmm what was I going to say... oh yes! Your looking lovely today my lord!... where is young Rin I'm just dying to see.."

"ENOUGH" Sesshoumaru roared.

The tiny sprite 'eeped!' and ducked back down behind the hanyou she was praying would protect her.

"Sesshoumaru what's the big idea!? How do you know Tenshi? What the hell did she do to you!?" Inuyasha's mouth really would get him in trouble one day.

"Did she tell you why all those youkai were after her Inuyasha you fool."

Inuyasha glared at his half brother, "honestly I don't care if she burned a village, if you don't like her that means I do!" he growled arrogantly.

Kikyo rolled her eyes sighing and looking toward Kagome, who, just shrugged.

Tenshi smiled and clapped her hands excitedly! "See! I'm not so bad! The Hanyou likes me Sesshoumaru-sama why cant you!" she gasped when Sesshoumaru's poison whip snapped an inch away from her face.

"That vile sprite, that you hide behind you brother, is wanted in the west, there's an award on her head for aiding in the death of 3 soldiers." he seethed with anger.

"Feh." Inuyasha said with a smirk.

Snarling Sesshoumaru towered over him, "YOU half breed, mock the deaths of youkai that protect your home lands and your people?!" venom dripped from his mouth as he spoke.

Inuyasha looked as if he was having an inner battle, even though he hadn't spent his whole life living in the palace of the western lands, like the prince he rightfully was, it sill meant something to him. It was his youkai instinct to protect the lands of his birth.

Sesshoumaru smirked, slinking closer to the bitch sprite while his brother was confused and the others distracted by the foolish creatures crying. He made a grab for her throat only to grasp a handful of flower petals as she transported herself some yards away, making a mad dash for one of the Miko's. Grabbing Kagome she put a hand over her mouth and pulled a tiny curved dagger from a strap at her leg pressing it against the girl's throat. "Just play along so old fluffy stuff doesn't kill me I wont hurt you!" she whispered frantically.

"STAY back or I'll kill the pretty little Miko." Tenshi shouted, effectively freezing Inuyasha and Kikyo in place. Sesshoumaru however let a very rare, predatory grin slip on to his features.

"I said stay back Sesshoumaru-sama" she glared at the stalking Inu nervously.

"This Sesshoumaru cares not for the Miko you hold your blade against, little sprite" he snarled. Momentarily distracted by the hurt look Kagome sent his way.

"Will you let more innocent lives be taken by this sprite of mischief" Sesshoumaru questioned his half brothers group.

Sighing slightly Kagome's inner debate went on.

"Even though Sesshoumaru's an ignorant ass.. He wouldn't lie, he holds his honor too high.. This fairy thing.. Must have really hurt those people, or helped in there murder some how. Although I wouldn't put it past him to stretch the truth to get his way.." Mind made up Kagome gathered her courage.

"She said she wouldn't hurt me, that she's only using me to get away." Kagome yelled.

Smirking Sesshoumaru made a mad dash for the fairy momentarily startled when the vile fairy slid her dagger across the unsuspecting Miko's throat.

He missed Tenshi by mere inches as she jumped and swooped out of the way just in time. Cackling madly she stopped when she was a safe distance from the ground. Her devious nature already forming a plan for some fun in her twisted little mind.

The hanyou was comforting his crying mate who held Kagome's lifeless body in her lap, the poor Inu mutt was looking pretty upset himself while the demon lord paid no mind and glared angrily up at her.

"Sesshoumaru!" Tenshi hissed, "I've asked you on numerous occasions to hear my side of the tail your corrupted guards told you!" he opened his mouth to retort.. "SILENCE" the fuming fairy screamed "Mischief is indeed my game oh great lord of the west" she had to hold back a giggle when his anger bubbled up at her mocking tone. "

"But Sprites have honor, my games are never deadly!"

A low murmured chant filled the camp sight steadily growing louder as the object of Sesshoumaru's fury began to glow a brilliant blue.

"Oh Sesshoumaru-sama so great and noble, you speak of honor and pride, and respect. Respect is earned and should be given when deserved, Truth is what is expect, and when it's told you should not reject this. You care for a human girl, who follows you without question, yet you scorn her race and think them weak! You mock my power great lord of the west it's time that I put you up to a test, Tenshi's game is about to begin! Doomed to repeat the same mistake again! Until you learn of love and loss, of hope and freedom with a cost."

The fairy giggled madly as she circled in the sky.

"If that was some attempt at a rhyme.. Or something clever.. You failed miserably! That didn't even make any sense you Looney fairy! Get down here so I can avenge Kagome!" Inuyasha roared

She smiled sadly at the hanyou before disappearing in a poof of flower petals.


Opening her eyes she gasped at the sight before her, she sat in a beautiful field a roaring water fall set in the backdrop of the scene. Flowers littered the ground in wild sprays of color as the wind blew gently against them. The stars in the sky showed twice as bright as she remembered.

"Hello!" Kagome called

"Is anyone there!?"

Sitting down she pouted slightly, where in the world did Inuyasha and Kikyo go!? Or Shippo for that matter, he never left her side.

A bush in the distance shook, quickly catching Kagome's attention.

"Who's there?" she shouted standing up from the soft grass

Tenshi walked out with a large smile on her face, plopping down right in front of the gapping Miko.

"Hello Kagome, sorry about that." she said with a mock pout.

"Oh my god." Kagome started to panic "I'm dead aren't I!? You really killed me!?" she nearly screamed.

"Well, Yes.. And no." Tenshi said rocking back in forth on the ground.

"What the hell does that mean? How can I be dead but not?!" images of Kikyo flashed through her head and she began to panic all over again.

"Well, you are in fact, very much dead." The fairy stopped to watch the girls face fall in defeat. "But I intend to fix that, if you intend to help me of course."

"What do you mean" Kagome asked, this fairy really was confusing..

"I mean, dear Miko." she giggled "I plan to teach lord fluff and stuff a nice lesson on kindness, love, humans strengths blah blah blah."

"And just how do you expect to do that to one of the most powerful youkai alive?" Kagome asked skeptically.

"I already cast the spell, now all I need is you Kagome!" she happily clapped her hands a mischievous smile pulling at her lips.

"Ok.. What did you have in mind."

"Oh you'll see Kagome, it might take you a couple days to understand, but all that I can tell you is, this, only you and Sesshoumaru will understand what has happened, what I changed, and so, he will be forced to seek out your aid. Be patient, your companions won't remember that you died, and I would think that they wont remember me either!" she smiled triumphantly.

"I don't really understand.." Kagome started

"that's the point dear." Tenshi was getting annoyed; maybe she gave humans too much credit after all.

"Oh ok.. Well its not as if I really have a choice, If I say no I have to stay dead, just tell me this first.. I won't be living dead will I?" Kagome asked nervously

"Oh of course not that's just disgusting!" Tenshi spat

"Ok I'll do it.." Kagome had a feeling she might regret this, but what choice did she have.

"GREAT, absolutely fabulous and don't you worry Kagome I'll keep an eye on this little game of mine, I have the best attention span ever! I promise yo..." her sentence died on her tongue as a pretty fluffy ball floated by her face on the breeze.

"Yeah great attention span" Kagome mumbled.

"Oh well what was I saying dear? Oh never mind yes, well you're going to go to sleep now Kagome and when you wake up everything will be fine I promise!" Tenshi fussed around the little Miko before nodding.

"Good night Kagome."

"But I'm not really sleepy..." she said just as her eyes drooped closed and she slumped onto the ground.

"Yeah" Tenshi sighed, "They always freaking say that." she shot a dreamy look around the field and then skipped toward the forest disappearing into the night.


The lord of the west had left his brother and his pathetic group with the dead Miko, in Sesshoumaru's opinion it had been a waste, the girl had potential. But he was quickly over it. His brother's wench sat crying over her once enemy while the kit wailed incoherent things into her blood stained kimono.

Sesshoumaru figured the girl's death had distracted his brother enough, and out of the little respect he held for the Miko who defeated Naraku he left before Inuyasha started waving his fathers fang around like a baka again.

He found his ward and retainer a few miles away, Rin happily skipped across the field picking flowers and weaving them in to a necklace. As of late her favorite new game was "Making master Jaken prettyful."

Sesshoumaru tried to convince the girl that no amount of flowers could make Jaken.. Pretty.. But of course she had just shrugged and continued on with her game.

Jaken sat near the fire; hundreds of pink yellow and white flowers weaved into his clothing, even his staff and a dangling stream of greenery. As much as the toad complained it was quiet obvious to anyone but said person, that he was fond of the girl.


She stopped in her tracks a huge smile plastered on her face as she ran toward her lord waving madly.

"Hello my lord!" she took a gasp of air before continuing "Rin was just playing make Jaken prettyful even though my lord says Jaken could never be pretty, but I think the flowers help, at least his smell isn't so bad when he has all of Rin's nice flowers on him! But Jaken called me a stupid ningen and he told me that Sesshoumaru-sama would get tired of me and take me to Inuyasha's village again is that true lord Sesshoumaru will you get tired of Rin?" she gasped for air before she began to pout.

Sometimes Sesshoumaru was surprised at the amount of air the young child's lungs could hold. Sighing he patted the girls head.

"Go wash up Rin it's time for sleep." he stated emotionlessly

"Hai my lord!" she chirped as she skipped toward the stream.


"y-yes my lord." Jaken stammered

A loud screech of shock was heard as said toad went flying into a near by bush.

"My lord why do you treat your faithful servant as such" he cried bowing over and over again.

Sesshoumaru ignored him in favor of settling down against a large tree, he was suddenly over come with the urge to sleep as his eyes drifted closed. He tried to fight it, but soon sleep over came the great Taiyoukai.

Laughter rang out over the forest as Tenshi's spell began.

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