Maiden's Kiss by Kai

A Boy named Maru

A/N: Oh my god I cant believe I decided to write this story. After all, I’ve got like fifty million stories to even finish. I don’t know if I’m actually going to go anywhere with this story. I kind of got this story stuck in my mind on the way to work so I just winged it. Reviews are nice.


He cursed silently to himself as he ran down the halls of his own castle. He had to find the witch quickly before she finished her enchantment. Golden eyes searched though every door, every room, trying to find the sweet voice that may have held his demise. He could hear her getting closer and closer, her words becoming more and more dangerous by the second. He flung open the door to his room, a sure enough, she stood there, surrounded by a circle of light.

Her long gray hair floated around her, her white eyes watching him with amusement.

“I shall kill you before you finish your enchantment witch.” Sesshomaru growled, his knuckles cracking as poison dripped from his claws.

The witch just smiled and pointed a finger at him. “For your cold heart, I cast this spell on you oh great lord of the west.”

Sesshomaru growled and dashed towards her only to be enveloped in a bright white light. The last thing he could remember was her shrill laugh as his world became pitch black.


Chapter one: The little boy named Maru.

“Inuyasha! Sit boy!” Kagome screamed.

Out of the trees birds took off as they were startled from the loud thud echoing in the forest. Down below the hanyou Inuyasha laid in a small imprint of himself, groaning from the pain from being slammed into the hard ground.

“Don’t you dare patronize me!” Kagome screamed at him. “Your always obsessing about a dead woman made out of earth and clay! You have no reason to stand there and insult me about who I like! Just because I said his name in my sleep, doesn’t mean you can just- Ah!” She was tempted to sit him once more.

“Why the hell did it have to be him though?!” Inuyasha yelled back. “He’s my fucking brother!”

Sango shook her head as she sat next to Miroku. “He’s known that Kagome’s like Sesshomaru for a month now.” She sighed as the two continued to argue. “I’m guessing she said his name at night again?”

Miroku shook his head no. “Apparently Kagome was dreaming about Sesshomaru when Inuyasha woke her up. She accidentally said his name instead of Inuyasha’s.”

Sango rolled her eyes. “Great. This is going to take a while. There’s a village near by. Lets get some supplies while they continue to argue. Your staying here Shippo?”

The small kitsune just nodded as he continued to watch the two fight.

“So what if I like him?! At least he’s still alive!” Kagome screamed at Inuyasha.

Finally The hanyou stood up, pointing a finger at her. “At least Kikyo returns my feelings! Sesshomaru would never give you the time of day!”

Tears instantly swelled up at his words. “I know that...” She whispered. “No matter who I like, my feelings will never be returned. I loved you at one point, I’ve done everything for you, and all you see me as is your shard detector. All he’ll ever see me as is just your bitch and a lowly human. Either way I lose!” Kagome tried hard to hold back her tears. How many times had she had this argument with Inuyasha and had not cried. She turned and bit her lip, closing her eyes to try and calm the pain in her heart.

Inuyasha whimpered and made his way to the girl. He did feel a bit bad for saying what he did. “Kagome I...”

Kagome quickly turned around, her eyes now angry. “Inuyasha! I hate you!” She screamed, causing him to back away, his ears flat against his head. She turned once more and took off to the village, needing to get away from the hanyou.

Shippo shook his head as he watched his adoptive mother storm off. He knew better then to run after her by that time. “Wow Inuyasha.” He sighed. “And here I thought you’ve learned your lesson about this.”

Inuyasha growled. “Shut up brat.” He then took off in the opposite direction, angry at himself for saying such words to her.


Kagome sighed as she walked though the village. In some ways, she just wanted to go home and sulk alone. But running away from the problem wouldn’t help it. Kagome knew a long time ago when she started to develop a crush on the taiyoukai that it would be hopeless. He was a cold hearted youkai who hated humans. Or at least that’s how he wanted them to believe. She saw how protective he was of Rin. It was like he treasured her most in the world. She felt a bit jealous on how protective he was with Rin. she remembered the battle with their father’s sword. The way he looked as he saved them from being killed at the last second. He made sure that neither of them got hurt and protected them. Though Kagome knew it was to protect Rin and not her.

She sighed once more as she sat on a bench, next to a kid and a family who was eating what looked to be some shaved ice. The boy was the only one who wasn’t eating. Looking at the small boy, she was once more reminded of a certain taiyoukai.

Really, why did she like him so much? Then again, what wasn’t to like about him? He was strong, proud, and smart. Even without his left arm, he was powerful. She remembered the intense look in his eyes when he saw her on many different occasions. Most of the time it was a murderous gaze. Kagome would always hide behind Inuyasha when Sesshomaru would try and come for her. But then again, she figured she deserved most of it. After getting the Tetsusaiga, his pride was hurt and tried to kill her to reclaim his pride, then when she struck the sword with an arrow when he once more tried to kill Inuyasha, he tried to get rid of her because she was an obstacle.

“No wonder why he hates me.” Kagome groaned.

The boy next to her looked over before his eyes widened. “You that girl...” He whispered.

Kagome snapped out of her thoughts before looking at the boy. Truly looking at him. He had long black hair that was tied back in the middle as well as dark midnight blue eyes. His clothes seemed a bit worn, but made out of a soft material that showed he wasn’t just some peasant boy.

“What do you mean?” Kagome asked, confused at his words.

The boy looked at her for a moment before coming to some sort of agreement with himself. “Never mind. I mistook you for someone else.”

Kagome gave a small smile. “Do I look like your sister or something?”

“No. Just someone else.” He stood and walked in front of her. “What is your name mi- girl?”

Kagome arched an eyebrow at how rude he was acting. Just like a certain someone. “Its rude to ask someone their name before introducing yourself first.”

He rolled his eyes before going silent for a moment before answering her. “Maru. My name is Maru. Now girl, what’s your name.”

Kagome seriously thought about scolding him for a moment. “I’m Kagome Higurashi.”

“Kagome!” Sango called, a bit out of breath. “We need to evacuate the village! There’s a horde of youkai on their way here. Miroku is already putting up sutras around the village while we get everyone out.”

Kagome stood up quickly. “I left my bow and arrows back at camp!” She gasped. “I’ll see if I can find any while we get everyone out. Maru, where are your parents?”

The boy looked between the two. “I don’t have any. I’m not even from this village.”

The two girls looked at each other before Kagome grabbed his hand. “Then your coming with me. Stick close and don’t let go of my hand.”


Miroku stood before the village, whispering his prayers as he kept the barrier up to prevent the youkai from entering it while Sango got everyone out. But he knew it wasn’t going to last long. He didn’t want to use his wind tunnel unless if he had to. ‘Hurry Sango.’ He thought to himself, feeling it barrier slowly give way.


Kagome seemed to be out of breath as she was shooting youkai from the air. She was using too much energy trying to get youkai after youkai and protect the boy next to her. Sango wasn’t too far away from her, hacking away with her Hiraikoutsu.

“Where’s Inuyasha!” Kagome yelled at Sango who flew in the air.

“I don’t see him anywhere!” Sango yelled back.

Maru grabbed the edge of Kagome’s skirt, causing the girl to look at him for a moment. “You don’t need that hanyou to kill all these weaklings.” He said to her. “Your strong enough to beat them all miko. Now do it.”

In shock, Kagome stared at him. She didn’t remember telling him that Inuyasha was a hanyou.

“Kagome! Behind you!” Miroku yelled.

Kagome quickly turned and shot another arrow into the horde of youkai, killing another group of them. “Sesshomaru...” Kagome whispered softly as she grabbed another arrow.


Inuyasha sat in a tree, watching the clouds go by. “I cant believe I said that to her.” He said softly. “But she knows that that bastard would never accept her. She’s human and he hates them.” But despite that, he knew he should have apologized to her about what he said. After all, he was the one who broke her heart and told Kagome he planed on mating Kikyo. It was only right that Kagome would move on. But why he older brother? On top of that the brother who tried to kill her many times over and over again?

He sighed and took a deep breath. Instantly his eyes widened and he stood, looking at the village in the far distance. “I smell blood...” He whispered under his breath before taking off. ‘God Kagome, don’t be in any danger.’


“Kagome, are you alright?” Shippo asked as he ran over to his mother.

Kagome gave a small nod and checked her arm. After they had finally killed the youkai, it seemed like they missed one and it attacked her before, surprisingly, Maru took up a weapon and killed it in one simple blow.

“I’m fine.” She said, looking at the boy. She could have sworn she’d seen that kind of movement before. But from where? “Thank you Maru. You saved me there.”

Maru huffed and tore off some cloth from his sleeve. “You should watch yourself from now on. Not everyone is going to save you every time your in trouble. Your strong enough by yourself Miko. Maybe you should give yourself more credit then you give yourself.”

“Is everything alright here?” Sango asked, landing next to the three. “Kagome, your hurt!”

“Its nothing.” She smiled. “Maru here helped me at the last second.”

“Indeed.” Miroku walked up to the group and looked at the boy. “Tell me Maru, how old are you and where did you learn how to fight like that?”

“My age is of no importance to you.” He said simply. “As for fighting like that, my father taught me how to fight. Then he went and died a pointless death.”

“I see, a war. What noble family are you from?”

Maru watched him carefully. “For now, it doesn’t matter.”


The girl closed her eyes and turned slowly to see Inuyasha running towards them. “Don’t worry Inuyasha.” She said, crossing her arms. “Everything’s fine here. I just got hurt a little and everyone else is fine.”

Inuyasha stopped before her and took her arm into his hand. “How did you get hurt?”

Kagome ripped his arm away from him. “Why should you care?” She was still mad at him for his comment. “I bet you were with Kikyo While we were fighting to save this village.”

He growled, his eyes narrowing. “Shut up wench. I wasn’t with her for your information.”

“Then where the hell were you?!” Kagome shouted at him, causing Inuyasha to flatten his ears against his head. “We’re humans Inuyasha. We’re not as strong as you are and if we get seriously injured, we could die!” Her vision blurred for a moment and she began to sway.

“Kagome?!” Inuyasha called, seeing her swaying.

“Don’t touch her you pathetic half breed.” Maru snapped. “She’s poisoned.” The boy helped Kagome sit down and undid the bandages. “Damn this curse.” He muttered under his breath. “Monk, get me some cold water. Slayer, keep him away from her right now.”

Sango and Miroku looked at each other for a moment before doing what he said. The boy seemed to know more then he was letting on.

“What are you going to do to her?” Inuyasha snapped before taking a small sniff of the air. “And why the hell do you smell like Sesshomaru?!”

Maru looked at him for a moment before rolling his eyes. “You are a disgrace.” He muttered under his breath before pressing his lips against the wound in Kagome’s arm.

Inuyasha watched in shock as the boy began to suck the poison from Kagome’s wound, spitting it out every now and then, then going back and repeating the possess. Finally he pulled away for the last time, spitting once more.

“Here’s the cold water.” Miroku said, giving Maru the canteen.

Maru looked at it for a moment before taking a swing of it and spitting it out, getting rid of the poison in his mouth. Once more he took another swing of it, but this time, pressing his lips against Kagome’s, forcing her to drink.

Kagome’s eyes slowly opened as she felt warm lips against her own. Her head was still fuzzy, and she was a bit confused when she saw dark golden eyes looking at her, and a crescent moon on his forehead.

“Se...Sesshomaru?” Kagome whispered, confused.

Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo stood there in complete shock as they watched the boy Maru, quickly grow up, his long black hair turning silver and his clothes completely change into a white kimono. In a matter of seconds, the boy Maru was no longer there, but instead Sesshomaru.

“What the hell?!” Inuyasha yelled, the shock over taking him. “What game are you playing you bastard?!”

Sesshomaru resisted the urge to roll his eyes and instead ignored Inuyasha as he picked up Kagome. He was quite confused himself. The curse the witch placed on him caused him to be nothing more then a human child. So then why did a kiss from this human miko caused him to turn back? How did she break the curse on him?

“I’m dreaming aren’t I?” Kagome muttered.

Sesshomaru looked at her, seeing she was still dazed. “Yes miko, this is nothing more then a dream. Go back to your dreams.

Kagome gave a small nod and snuggled up to him in his arms before falling back asleep.

“Show me to your camp. If this Sesshomaru recalls, she has medicine to help.”

“Why the hell should we help you?” Inuyasha growled.

Miroku stopped Inuyasha with his staff. “If we bring you there, will you promise to explain things there?”

Sesshomaru gave a small nod. “Yes Monk. Now show me your camp.”

TBC.... Maybe.