His Assignment by Kesari

His Assignment


Wrote this for Breezy's Week Two Challange, and somehow managed to use all the words!!! This one is over 1000 words!!! I was pleasently surprised with the length not so happy about the story itself... I blame it on lack of sleep and coffee, or perhaps my horrid writing skills, well hopefully one of you readers out there will enjoy. Oh and if i put the wrong rating on it please tell me and i will fix it, i was unsure and didn't want to rate to low incase i gots in trouble. *hides from scary people with power*

Read and Review!

The cast of Inuyasha belong to their respective owner, Rumiko Takahashi.


His Assignment

Sesshoumaru stood among the various guests at the party waiting for one particular lady to arrive. He had seen her at a few of these functions but self preservation had kept him from approaching her, she was after all under his father's protection. Tonight however, he had been assigned to her, ‘to entertain her in anyway she desires,' were the exact words of the overzealous father. The tone in which he had said it seemed almost as if he was implying that some far more intimate acts would be required, yet Sesshoumaru's rational mind kicked in. This was after all, the man that had been known to remove any and all appendages that touched her in a way the mafia lord did not see fit.

The lady that Sesshoumaru had been thinking about was currently walking down the stairs to enter the ballroom. Her deep red dress hugged her curves catching the attention of all the men in the room, single or otherwise attached. As she took another slow, tantalizing step down the stairs, the slit up the left side of her dress opened to mid thigh revealing her long milky white legs. This effect, paired with the deep slope of the neckline, attracted looks of lust and longing. Sesshoumaru felt himself stirring; this human woman was affecting him in ways youkai females had been unable to for years. It was pointless he thought, his father would not spare him just because they were related. That was after all how he had achieved control over all of Japans mafia, his ruthless demeanor to those who betrayed him and his kind hand to those who pleased him.

He approached her slowly his eyes boring into those who tried to approach her before him, to him the job may be beneath him, but he was not one to do something inadequately. He would see that this woman was pleased with his performance, no matter what he had to do.

"Kagome," he greeted, bowing slightly, his voice stiff. As he rose, he offered her his arm.

"Sesshoumaru I presume?" her voice was soft, and pleasing. He inclined his head ever so slightly, she took his arm.

Seated at a table their comfortable silence continued, broken only by the interruptions of the flirtatious men. A quick glance from the cold eyes of the inuyoukai would send them scurrying off to look longingly at the miko from the corners of the room. This intervention on his part earned him many thankful glances from the young woman. When dinner was served they found their table infiltrated by a bunch of old men.

"Are they friends of yours?" She sounded nervous.

"My fathers." His tone was dismissive, suggesting their lack of importance, or his disinterest in those his father associated with.

"Oh." Sesshoumaru glanced at her, assessing her face, then looked away.

Kagome looked down at the plate in front of her, for a moment all conversation seemed to stop as she realized what the main course was. Lobster. Oh that ridiculous crustacean that she could never eat gracefully. Taking a quick glance around to make sure that no one was watching she proceeded to attempt to take apart her lobster. Tuning out the conversation at the table to better concentrate it wasn't until she was struggling with the second particularly difficult claw that she realized her dinner partners where giving her strange looks. Blushing she looked over a Sesshoumaru hope that he would find it in his cold, emotionless heart to help her.

No such luck.

His face was impassive except the slight smirk that was hardly noticeable, his eyes however were laughing at her. With an indignant expression on her face she wiped her hands off quickly on her napkin then prodded his chest with her finger.

"You sir," she continued to poke him forcefully, "are here for my amusement! I am NOT here to amuse you." Then quieter so that the others at the table would not hear, "so wipe that smirk off your face and help me."

His eyes twinkled in amusement for a second longer before he leaned across her, his eyes widened almost unnoticeable as he felt her chest brushing his arm, stirring up more longing inside of him. After quickly, too quickly for his liking and successfully breaking open her lobster, he pulled away.

"Thank you," she didn't sound pleased about the loss of his body against hers.


"I hope that means your welcome in mafia slang or something." She was teasing him, and a part of him was enjoying it. Maybe his father would be receptive to him entertaining the woman well into the night... or perhaps not his rational side put in.


Once all the tables were cleared Sesshoumaru's father rose from his seat to address the hall. Everyone bowed respectfully at him. "I hope you all enjoyed your dinner," Kagome glared at him from across the room, "and that you will continue to enjoy yourselves well into the night." Hope sparked deep inside Sesshoumaru.

"Hai," the response rang through the room, no one dared to anger the Lord.

"I have invited a special friend all the way from the states to play guitar for us this evening." Everyone turned to the stage to see who it was. Steven King gave a small nod to the hall picked up his guitar and began to play. "Enjoy," the mafia lord sat back down, and everyone was free to roam as they pleased. Quickly Kagome was dragged off to dance by one of the more eager young men.

Leaning casually against a pillar he watched as she glanced around nervously. Obviously uncomfortable with her current dance partner she was searching in vain to find him. The old man that had claimed her for the second dance was oblivious to her state of unease, and continued to tell her of his adventures. Kagome tried to sound polite, "Oh, sir-"

"No, no I was quite fine; it was nothing but a scratch."

"No really-"

"I am a tough youkai it will take more than a sword fight to bring-" he stopped abruptly as a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Well another time then," his eyes looked at her longingly as she was swept away by another.

"Thank goodness you got me away from him," silver and black hair floated as she was spun into another turn, effectively avoiding the advance of another young man, "he was starting to remind me of a yeti!" Sesshoumaru's eyebrow rose in a questioning look as she shuttered from the thought. She certainly made interesting connections, he would give her that.

Her eyes lit up and a mischievous smile appeared on her face as she spotted the chocolate fountain on the far side of the room. Breaking away from him she strolled quickly through the crowds, her determined steps clearly expressing her desire not to be interrupted on her way. She moves like a cheetah mused Sesshoumaru, like Cheetara from ThunderCats. In an odd way the notion stirred something deep within him, he pushed back the idea that he might be really attracted to the human.

Reaching the table she chose to bypass the fruits and other assorted food all together, instead she picked up a small silver dessert spoon. With a sideways glance to see if he had in fact followed her, she stuck the spoon into the silky smooth waterfall, and began twirling it in a suggestive manner. Once fully coated she pulled it out placing it slowly into her mouth, her eyes fluttered shut enjoy the sweet bliss of the rich chocolate. When she removed it her lips glistened with the moist substance.

Her suggestive actions created a battle of wills within the stoic youkai. One part of him longed to keep all ‘offending' appendages, while the other deemed it a worthy risk.

Her hand reached out and trailed softly down his chest. "You wouldn't want to leave me a depraved woman, now would you?" The alluring look in her eyes and the heat of her voice broke his resolve.

"Come." A satisfied smile appeared on her face as he led her from the large open room to one much smaller and more secluded.
