Unexpected by Kirai

Chapter 1

Alright guys! I have a new story for you all!

This one was inspired by our very own Momo. So i would like to dedicate it to her! Thanks Momo!!! Anyways the beginning is a little slow so please bear with me. I know, i know, i'm very plotty, hee hee.

DISCLAIMER: My wish still has not come true. I don't own anything but the plot and any new characters unless stated otherwise.


The sound of steel clashing against steel echoed in the canyon Roars melded with roars as the two demons fought viciously against the other.

Bright white light flashed as the weapons of the two adversaries struck with inhuman strength. The sword of the silver haired inu male vibrated with power and sang as it struck the twisted metal staff of his female opponent.

Her name was Ai. A demon of great power and unstable emotions. She was dangerous just for the fact that she was unpredictable. Added to her uncanny ability to move from one spot to another in the blink of an eye, that made her deadly. Her rage was legendary for its ferocity. No demon had ever defeated her before, or even come close to it.

Her metal staff was a thing of beauty. The twisted iron of the staff was fixed on both ends with wickedly sharp diamond blades that shone brightly against the duller, rust of the metal.

"Give up!" she demanded coldly as they broke apart again. Her black eyes glittering with her anger.

The silver haired demon charged back at his foe with a quick swing of his mighty blade. She met his advance with her staff head on. They fought like this for a few more moments, Ai on the defensive against his punishing blows. She was as tireless as he as they fought each other brutally, using every trick they knew, dirty or not.

"You are never going to win!" she yelled at him as their weapons clashed and strained against the other. Her mouth curled into a bitter sneer. "You think you're better than me, don't you?"

The male regarded her with a cold sneer of his own. "You are not significant enough to me."

She screamed loudly and put more strength behind her weapon as she swung the un engaged back end of her staff quickly at him. "How dare you!"

He noted her outrage and inwardly sighed at her predictability. For a demon known for her unpredictability, she disappointed. With one short sentence from him, she had done exactly what he had predicted she was going to do: attack him. And lucky for him, she shut up for a few minutes as well.

"I'll show you dog!" she taunted as she aggressively pushed him back and onto the defensive.

He allowed himself to be pushed back a ways before he swung forward with his superior strength and sent both her and her weapon flying back into one of the stone walls of the canyon. Ai recovered quickly from the blow, wiping blood from the corner of her eye. Her black eyes took in the bright red blood smeared onto her fingertips in angry disbelief. No one made her bleed.

"You will pay for that." she screeched loudly. The sounds pounding in his sensitive ears. Venom dripped like acid from each word. Ai thrust her staff forward.

He backed up and parried the thrust of her staff with ease. She was fast, her agility one of her strengths, but in her anger she was blind. Unable to think, only to react. It was truly pathetic. She quickly twirled her staff in a circle, before slashing down with one end. It missed and she brought up the other end and stabbed at him. The diamond blade cut through his clothes like butter, nicking the skin of his leg. He moved away again, distancing himself from her, though she followed closely on his heels.

With no warning or indication he spun. His sword became one long extension of his arm as he attacked. A flash of red light erupted from his blade as he swung in a wide arc. Ai was blasted back despite her own weapon absorbing a large amount of energy. She hit the ground hard, rolling over and over on the sharp rocks.

Fury rolled off her in waves. No one, human or demon, male or female had ever fought her like this, fought her and be winning. It was appalling. It was unforgivable. And she wasn't about to allow him to get away with it. She scanned her brain for a way to combat her enemy. He had stopped and was looking at her with disinterest. In that second her only option seemed to spell itself out across her mind's eye in big block letters. Ai hid her sudden grin as she changed her tactics.

She buried one of the diamond blades into the ground in front of her as she faced her adversary. "You're pathetic." she accused him "So weak. Hell, you're whole line in weak. And it all started with your dear old sire. Such a human lover! Well, guess what?" She didn't give him time to answer, even if he had wanted to. "I've decided to grant you your heart's deepest desire!" her voice echoed off the walls of the canyon around her.

Her mouth twitched as he slowly began to walk towards her. She set about swiftly moving her hands into different hand sign, setting her trap for the advancing demon. He was walking right into his worst nightmare. A light ebbed slowly out of the diamond blades of her staff. It was purple, thick and slow moving. It was her aura.

"Die." he told her as he quickened his pace to a run at demonic speed, his sword was outstretched and ready.

Almost there. She thought triumphantly. The closer he got to her waiting trap, her hands moved more rapidly. One more second.

Her hands finished the last of the signs just as the demon reached the striking distance of her aura. In a flash, there was an explosion that rocked the sturdy, battle-worn walls of the canyon. Ai shut her eyes tight against the dust and burning light. She waited five seconds before opening her eyes to nothing but an empty battlefield.

Her plan worked! The silver inu demon was gone, leaving no trace of himself behind. She laughed in victory. Her trembling hands reached for her staff and pulled it free of the ground. Her aura had receded back into her weapon. She swung it over she shoulders and hooked her arms over the ends to balance it in place. Leisurely she walked away, whistling as she went.

You are not my problem anymore, she thought wickedly Have fun with the humans. You are never coming back Sesshomaru.


Brilliant pain pounded savagely through his well toned body. It felt like nothing he had ever experienced before and nothing he could ever describe. His mouth was cemented shut and his tongue felt thick and unnatural as he actually attempted to scream; a concept so foreign to that he did not realize that was what he was doing. He had never thought that there was a pain that existed that could bring him, Sesshomaru, a powerful inu demon, to his knees in agony. He was wrong. If he could have moved, Sesshomaru was certain he would have been there in seconds. He wanted nothing more than to scream out in an insane attempt to rid himself of the pain.

It burned like acid in his veins, stretching to every single part of his body, to places he had never thought possible, it burned. It seemed to go on forever; an eternity of the most excruciating pain he could never have imagined possible.

Then just as suddenly as it had begun, it disappeared completely as though it had never happened. He was lunging forward as he had been what must have been seconds ago to that demon bitch Ai, but instead of impaling her upon the blade of his sword, he fell flat on his face upon a warm hard surface. His sword no longer clutched in his hand. It was gone, disappeared as though it had never existed.

His eyes were closed, the lids feeling heavy and unfamiliar. He was annoyed by how much effort it took for him to simple open his eyes. He shut them again immediately as bright light seared them, effectively blinding him temporarily. As he waited for the bursts of light under his eyelids to abate, Sesshomaru began to take inventory over his body, trying to establish what was working and what wasn't.

He experimentally tested hsi fingers and toes, finding them in working order, a little sluggish but working, he moved onto his arms and legs. Pushing his body off of the ground, he opened his eyes again, bracing himself for the light and the pain. Knowing what was coming helped to dim the effect as he controlled his reaction as he had done for centuries.

Once on his feet, Sesshomaru looked about him. Flat stone was everywhere, both light and dark. It covered the ground for as far as he could see and rose up in strange formations high above. Grass seemed to creep up through cracks in the stone. He had never seen anything close to his. The air was thick and dirty, smelling foul. It moved heavily into his lungs and seemed to stick there. Loud blaring sounds assailed his sensitive ears, mixed with chatter and a pecliar roaring sound.

Where was he? A light breeze swept over him, shifting his long hair, to glide softly against his skin. It brought with it the realization that he was completely naked!

That didn't disturb him in the least. Demons were more comfortable without clothing on. They mostly wore it to blend in somewhat with the humans so that they could get more privacy. Though he had no affection at all for the breed, they left him alone for the most part when he wore the clothing so he always had.

Sesshomaru ignored the humans as they began to gather one by one to stop and stare at him. He kept a cold firmly in place on his face, hiding his rising disgust at the gathering crowd.

He sniffed in, trying to get used to the unfamiliar air that seemed o stick to his lung and not come out right. As he inhaled deeply a faint scent registered. It smelled like apples and spice, a scent he only smelled when he was around his hanyou brother.

Without a word or another look at any of the crowd gathering around him, he walked away and followed that faint scent.
