Model Dog by BeautifulSilentDeath

The 'Baby Seal' Look

Disclaimer:  I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters except what I come up with.  They are mine.  I make no money out of this, this is just purely for fun.

A/N: Hello everyone, I used to write about 3 years ago under a different name.  I might finish up a story from back then...maybe.  I am a single mother, Network Engineer, and going back to college for my BS in MIS.  So, I have my hands full.  Tell me what you all think of this story so far.  I will look forward to your reviews. 

Model Dog

A set of blue eyes took in the prestige white and jet black colored coat.  Dark round eyes held a small glint in them and seemed to wink at her from the small crate the tiny animal sat in.  Big ears perked and its head tilted to the right. 

"Oh.  My.  God." Kagome breathed as she took in the sight before her.  She was just walking home from work.  If it wasn't for the fact her car broke down, causing her to take the subway and then walk the last eight blocks, she wouldn't have seen this adorable bundle of fur before her. 

Then, what broke the boat, what made this creature the ultimate of all cuteness, the must have, what will cause this simple city girl to spend four hundred dollars, the small furry creature put its large ears flat back against its apple shaped head.  "It looks like a baby seal! " Kagome squealed with delight. 

Yes, this long haired Chihuahua is so going home with her. 

The older gentleman who owned the shop, chuckled at the petit woman before him.  She looked very sophisticated in her black tailored business suit.  Sensible heals and a black leather ladies brief case hung at her side giving her the appearance of a strong head on her shoulders, but easy to get along with.  She carried herself well, and when he shook her hand, her grip was surprisingly strong.  Good business hands shake.  "Aye," the store owner drawled in a Scottish accent, "she is a cute one."

Now, Kagome really shouldn't have looked in this window, but animals are a soft side to her.  She had a cat growing up, but that was long ago, and the poor old thing passed away a long time ago.  She had never owned a dog though...  "I don't know much about dogs.  I know nothing about Chihuahuas.  What can you tell me about them?"

"Have you ever owned an animal at all?" Questioned the old man.

"Well, yes." Kagome admitted.  "I have owned a cat, but I know dogs aren't cats."

"Aye, lassie, indeed they aren't.  I will tell you about these little dogs and if you are still interested, then we will go the next step." Offered the store owner.

Okay, she can go with that. 


An hour later, Kagome was sure this is the right thing for her.  She thanked the store owner and left with her new puppy and a sack full of items.  Well, if you counted the new dog carrier that doubled as a purse, then you could say two sacks full of items.  She had some dog items stuffed in there, too.  

First thing Kagome did when she got home was to set up the doggie box.  She lived in an apartment.  One that is six stories high.  She would do the outside kind of training, if she didn't live on the sixth floor.  So, walking the dog was kind of out of the question.  So, she opted to box train the dog.  After picking a place for the Chihuahua to go, and introducing the puppy to the 'bathroom area', she went on to the next step of introducing her new little companion to its new home. 

Kagome has been feeling lonely.  Even though she had plenty of wonderful friends, her apartment was just so darn quiet.  She needed a pet.  One that would curl up with her at night, one that she could talk to, even though it couldn't answer back, and one to laugh at when it did something very amusing.   Looking into its big dark eyes and she knew she made the right choice.

"Time for a bath!" Kagome picked up the tiny fuzz ball and grabbed up the puppy shampoo. 

Kagome placed the Chihuahua in the sink and started the bath.  She didn't like being washed, but didn't put up too much of a fuss.  The store owner advised her to brush her when the bath was done.  Even though her hair wasn't long yet, it still got tangles in its hair.

She picked up a sparkly pink dog harness to go on her new best friend and adjusted it.  The puppy was only two pounds, but the store owner said she would get bigger; a couple of more inches and would probably get to be about five pounds. 

An hour later, both puppy and new dog owner sat down on her couch to watch a informative video on Chihuahuas.  It was a very good video.  The biggest thing she got out of it, not to mention the store owner also informing her, the need to train and socialize this dog.  As the little Scottish man said, "If you don't train them, then they turn into those stereo typical bad small dogs."  Kagome didn't want that. 

She lifted up the small puppy, giggling as it licked at her nose. "No bad small dog for you."

Just then, her cell phone chimed out.  Kagome looked at her bright screen and smiled widely.  "Hey Sango!"

"Hey, Kags!" Sango beamed over the phone.  "How are you doing?"

"Very well, thank you.  I got something you will flip over." Kagome lifted up her puppy again as she tilted her head to hold the phone between her shoulder and ear.

"Oh?" Sango inquired.

"Yup!  I got a puppy." Kagome squinted and the Chihuahua turned its held to the side at the high pitched squeal. 

"I'm coming right over!" Then dead air.

Sometimes it didn't pay to have a wild best friend living two floors down.  Five minutes later, an excited Sango came knocking on her door.  "Let me see! Let me see!"

Kagome's poor puppy got stolen right out of her arms and the thief plopped down on her couch getting puppy kisses.

"Aw! Kagome, she still has puppy breath.  I love puppy breath." Sango purred.

The black haired girl couldn't help but smile at the picture playing out before her.  So far her new puppy had a wonderful temperament. 

"What kind of dog is she?" Sango asked.

"She is a long haired Chihuahua." Kagome offered her a drink and went to get some sodas out of her fridge. 

"A Chihuahua? Really?  I thought these were hell dogs." Sango lifted her up to inspect the small creature, as if seeing the little evil streak in it. 

"That is what happens when you don't properly train them.  They turn into demon dogs." Kagome replied as she gave Sango her cola and took a sip of her own. 

The brunette contemplated her answer and kissed the tiny dog's nose.  "What is her name?"

Kagome frowned.  What a horrible dog owner she was!  "Geez, Sango.  I haven't named her yet."

Sango put the puppy on the floor and watched her try to take on a pink fuzzy dog toy.  Both women snickered as she growled and shook her head the best she could.  The toy was larger than the creature trying to attack it.

"Zena." Sango suddenly said.

"Huh?" Kagome wasn't paying attention to her best friend.  She was too busy being amused at her new pet.

"Zena.  You should name her Zena."

Kagome glanced at the other girl and then back at her small friend.  The puppy hopped at her toy, like a little warrior.  "You know what, Sango?  I think Zena is a wonderful name."


The best thing about living in a large city... lots of pet services.  Kagome didn't want Zena left in a crate all day while she was at work.  Zena is a baby.  She couldn't stay in a crate all day!  She can't stay out of her crate at home alone, either.  God only knew what the tiny dog would eat.  So, she found a nearby dog sitting service that she could drop off her puppy at and they would care for her while she worked.   The lady that ran the sitting center, Dog City, was very nice and dogs seemed to love her. 

"Hey Rin!" Kagome greeted her as she walked in the front large glass doors.  It was cool out today, and Chihuahuas didn't take cold weather well, so Zena sported a soft pink sweater. 

"Hi Kagome!" Rin countered as she walked around the counter to admire the small stylish dog. 

Kagome held up Zena for her to take.  Rin stood a little taller than Kagome herself and dressed in casual clothes.  Her shoulder length hair was always pulled back in a short ponytail and even though she had dog hair all over her, she always looked well kept. 

Sango suggested she look for a dog sitter  when she thought about smuggling her puppy into work.  For Kagome, It was instant love for Zena.  Zena slept in bed with her, went out with her, and was dressed in the best dog clothes.  Yes, the Chihuahua had become her 'baby'.  Kagome even went out and bought her a designer dog bag to sport her puppy in.   The other didn't go with as many outfits.  So, she had no issue when Sango sent her to Dog City.  It was one of the top dog sitting places around.  Nothing was too good for her Zena!

Rin smiled fondly at her furry customer.  "How old is she now?" Rin inquired.  She had so many dogs she tended too; she couldn't always keep track of them. 

"She will be four months next week." Kagome said proudly. 

"She is old enough for puppy classes now.  Have you considered having her trained?" Rin took Zena to the puppy room with the rest of the puppies in her age group.

Kagome frowned as she watched the other women leave with Zena.  She had been doing a good job socializing her puppy.  She took her out everywhere but the grocery store.  Took her to the dog park.  Even to a dog fair last week.  Everywhere Kagome goes, everyone pets Zena.  The Chihuahua loves it, too.  She is a huge ham.  "Well, I never thought about sending her to a trainer.  She is so well behaved."

"Oh yes, she is a wonderful little Chihuahua.  Best one I have ever seen!  But she needs to be taught the basics, too."  Rin handed her the small sparkling Leash Zena had been wearing.  She wouldn't need it here.

"I guess you're right.  She doesn't know how to sit, lay or anything like thing that." Kagome took the leash and stuck it in the pouch of her doggie purse. 

Rin walked over to her desk and picked up a card.  "Here," she said. "This is a good friend of mine.  We have known each other for quite some time.  He is an accomplished dog trainer and has never had a dog he couldn't train."

Kagome took the small white paper from the dog sitter and looked at the writing.  The card read 'Tashio Training.  For all of your dog needs.'  "He's good, huh?" Kagome asked as she dropped the card into her bag.

"Oh yes!"  Rin pressed. "He is wonderful with dogs.  He breeds his own German Shepherds, too.  They are beautiful and very good family dogs."

Kagome thought about the bad habits Zena had.  Although there weren't a lot, she could use some improvement.  Just the other day, Sango fussed about how bad Zena begged for food, or how when she wanted up on the couch, she would dig her small nails into your leg until you picked her up.  'Perhaps it would be good of me to have her behave better than just being nice to everyone.'

Thanking Rin, Kagome exited and headed off to work.  She has a lot to do today and as she can contemplate this later. 


Sango read the card as both women scratched the small puppy between them on the couch.  "I've heard of this guy before."

"Well, is he good?" Kagome wanted to know.

"Yeah, from what I have heard he is." Sango informed.

Kagome lifted up Zena from her place on the sofa giving her a soft hug and decided. "Then I will call this guy Friday.  What do you think, Zena?  Are you up for learning some new tricks?"

Zena laid her ears back against her head in her famous 'baby seal' look.