The Woman Of My Life by ajowi-sama

Chapter 1

''Congratulations miss Higurashi, you're pregnant!''

''W-what? There must be a mistake, doctor.'' Kagome couldn't believe her ears.

''Calm do...'' the doctor tried to tell her.

''B-but how? It's just not possible. How did this happen?'' She whispered, touching her stomach as if to confirm. She sat
down again sure that her legs would give way if she didn't, trying to process the information. What it meant. What...

The doctor let her take in the news first before he proceeded. He was used to getting the same reaction from his patients.
Some were happy  because they had planned for a baby, some were shocked at first then accepted it but for some the     words didn't exist in their vocabulary. At least not yet.

'' no, how did this happen?'' she asked looking at the doctor.''How did this happen?''

''You tell me. I don't mean to be rude miss.... afterall, you were there when it took place.'' he said jokingly. ''Or should i tell   you how babies are made?'' The expression on Kagome's face told him this was not the time no place to joke. ''Lets  not cry over spilt milk, ok? I have a few questions, you have to think of a way forward but before that tell me, are you ok?'' he asked concern on his face now.

''I.. yes...i mean no. I mean go ahead. ''

''Do you want to have it?''

''I don't know. It's just too much to take in now.''

''Abortio....?'' he asked.

''No!'' Kagome cut him short. '' I don't believe in that. All i need is time, time to grasp all this.''

''There's the option of adoption too. I want you to think about it and give me a call when you reach your decision, ok?''

Kagome stood up, thanked him and left. There was a park where she always went to when she wanted to think, to clear her mind. She had alot to think about..


The park was as peaceful as she remembered. Not many people came here because it was away from town. She went directly to her favourite place which was a fountain surrounded by wild flowers and many trees. It was like a secret place. Her secret place. Kagome loved it here. With the situation at hand, it looked like she was going to be coming here more often.

She rubbed her stomach slowly. Abortion was not an option, she couldn't, wouldn't do it. The child was made out of love and she definitely would not give up her child for adoption. That would be too cruel. Why? How? She always used protection.
Did the condom burst? It was a possibility.

She just finished high school two months ago and was planning on going to the university. Who would have thought she would become a mother at such a tender age of 17? Her boyfriend said he loved her, maybe he would support them. He recently started working.

Her family was very religious, there was no way her strict parents would allow such shame into the family. She had to figure out a way to tell them, to make them understand. Her mother never approved of her boyfriend. She remembered the first
time she brought him home, her mom made it very clear that they should break up. How was she going to break the news to
them? Her dad had great plans for her future. He always made sure she excelled in her school work. Now all his plans would be in vain. She would get a home pregnancy test just to be completely sure, to confirm the obvious.

''Who am i kidding?'' she whispered tears falling down her cheeks. Unknown to Kagome a silver haired man was watching her.


Sesshomaru needed to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, there was only one place that came to mind. The park! He told his driver to go drop him at his office where he kept one of his red sports car. The car helped him just incase he needed to get away fast. He drove to his destination, parked,  got out and walked towards the park.

As he approached his treasured place he heard someone crying. '' What the..?'' he stood there staring at a woman. Her back was turned to him. She had long, black, silky hair. What was a human girl doing here all alone? Fine, it was a public place open to everyone but to him it was special. He thought he was the only one who came here.

He cleared his throat to get her attention. Kagome looked up to see a man standing in the clearing. She wiped her eyes to get a better look! He was tall, had long silver hair, molten amber eyes, a crescent moon on his forehead and the maroon  stripes on his cheeks enhanced the masculine beauty of his face.

''What are you doing here?'' he asked. ''Why are you crying?'' The girl continued staring at him as if he was from another planet. Kagome had seen good-looking men and demons before but this one was like a god. For a moment she forgot all her problems.

'' I should ask you the same question. What are you doing here?'' she managed at last.

''This is where i come whenever i need to be alone.'' he replied.

''I see'' she looked away, very much aware of his eyes on her.

''May i sit next to you?''

Kagome knew better than to allow him near her. Normally she would have been careful not to risk being with a strange man in a secluded place like this but today she didn't care. She had other things to worry about. Since this was where he took refuge, she couldn't send him away. He had already seen her crying, what could be more embarassing.

''Go ahead!''she told him without looking up. They sat there for a while silently looking at the fountain before he spoke.

''Do you want to talk about it?''

''Even if i tell you, will you help me?''

''Maybe. I can't unless i know the situation.''

''Nobody can help me, my life is ruined'' she said standing up.

''That bad, huh? Bad enough to make you cry''

''Gotta go now, enjoy the place.'' she turned to leave but he grabbed her hand and turned her around.

He removed a small notebook, scribbled his first name and cell phone number and gave it to her. He saw the questing look on her eyes and answered, ''When you need someone to talk to call me, i will listen.'' She started shaking her head, so he took her hand in his and put the paper in the palm of her hand and closed it. They were now standing face to face. Blue eyes met amber eyes. They stared at each other for what seemed to be a lifetime. Kagome was the first to break eye contact.'' Take it!'' it was more like an order.


''There is a reason why we've met here today. I don't believe in coincidences.'' with that he left.