Encounters In Small Meetings by Angelic Memories

Curing the Beast

I have had literally no time for anything these past few days, so  I was very happy this decided to give me no trouble and come out in a matter of minutes.


Theme: Toxic
Minimum 800 words: 930 words used.

Summary: Sesshomaru comes to realize he isn't immune to all poisons.


Curing the Beast

Vivid pools of blue watched as the river of green dripped from sharp claws. The colour of honey had lost its dominance as red raged wild in a possessive fury. As another table was swiped clean in two between them, the hovering figure of a delicate rose surrounded by poison flinched visibly. Her voice had long ago lost the affect she hoped to gain over the usually calm and collect beast.

"How dare you allow another to touch you!"

The words could just barely be made out between the series of growls and hisses.

"You are not theirs to touch. You're mine, you belong to me. This Sesshomaru holds your freedom bitch."

The final obstacle blocking her from him was dismantled like all the rest. The toxin slowly burnt away the remaining wood as the form clad in pure white silk stood before her, observing her every movement. Kagome held her breath as a hand reached for her. Until they were mated she was not immune to the effects of the poison.

"Sesshomaru, please," she whispered urgently, "I didn't mean it. It wasn't like that. Please listen."

Too far gone in his anger of losing the woman to another he allowed no words enter his mind and stir the logical side, caged away from the rest of the world.

Prying her to her feet, the inu pushed her roughly against the wall and caged her fragile body. His mind followed only line of thought. Cure the toxic element that plagued his mind. End the constant fear that nagged at him nearly daily. Silence the screaming rocketing along his thoughts.

The proximity of his female calmed the rare emotions. Her scent, and the contact eased his unsettled mind to allow him a brief moment of rational thought. Yet he was bombarded with the growing feeling of lost. Something within his chest appeared to weigh him down when he thought about the chance of letting another take what was his.

"Kagome," he bit out in a hoarse whisper, "What toxins have the Kami's bestowed you with? How is it that you affect this Sesshomaru so?"

Taking the open window as her only chance, the miko hesitantly bit her lip before speaking out. I annoyed her that she feared the inu for even one moment. Yet her guilt allowed him to act the way he had, even though she knew she was innocent. For some reason though she could understand where the inu was coming from. The Sesshomaru she knew was far too sensible to completely loose it over nothing, and she too had gone wild when Kagome had been confronted by a concubine that had thought to grace the bed of her future mate.

Of course, Kagome blindly vented at the inu, who hadn't the clue what had occurred until he calmed the miko enough to get the full story. So to her it was clear what he felt. Yet she was not youkai and knew nothing about how irrational a beast could become in a rage.

"I didn't know he was in the spring. I was just going to clean up before dinner and just as I entered he spoke out. I couldn't scream since he placed a hand over my mouth and you came before I could do anything more. Sesshomaru, you have to know that I would do nothing to betray the trust you have given me," Kagome explained, her breathing quickening with the lack of oxygen.

From the sudden silence the small woman, still pinned to the wall, hoped the Lord of the West had come to his senses, but suddenly she felt a vibration through her entire body. It wasn't until that moment that she realized Sesshomaru had firmly secured his body against her and his croon could be felt through his chest to hers. In an instant the croon became more powerful before the vibrating male began to rub against the female's form.

The strangely appealing motion caused Kagome to gasp in shock, confusion, and want. Her various range of emotion couldn't hold onto her thoughts properly as she drifted to the possibility of giving herself up to the male.

However, before she could make up her mind up about what she wanted exactly the inu stopped. More than bewilderment was written on her face as he pulled away from her.

"What?" she tried composing her appearance by flattening the wrinkles of her kimono. "What's with the... that thing...?"

"If another dares to touch this Sesshomaru's poison they will pay for it with their life. You affects will only be felt by this Sesshomaru."

Her mouth dropped at the smug expression, before his back greeted her and began to walk away. Eyes never leaving his form, she watched him leave the obliterated room as if nothing had happened there except perhaps a formal tea.

There were still a lot of things she had to learn about life with an inu, but slowly she was beginning to pick up the various silent rules. But something he had said concerned her.

"How do I stop affecting people? It's not like I do it on purpose."

Sesshomaru stopped in his step. The frame of the door outlining his figure as he glance back at her from over his shoulder.

"Hide your emotions from the world; release them when we are alone."

As he continued on his way she was left to think things through.

I don't want to change who I am. Yet I can't ask you to change either. What do you do when you've lost your way?


Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2009