Encounters In Small Meetings by Angelic Memories


I nearly didn’t get this one done because of exams… and work. I really have no time this week. Not to mention I have to rewrite an essay because my computer lost it… how cruel this world can be. Anyway…

Prompt: Imperial

Minimum 1000 words: 1 187 words used.



Each day was filled to the brink with the constant caring of her pups. Tamika had returned home. She had tried to tell Kagome how to care for the pups, but Sesshomaru was determined that they would care for their pups without the older woman’s help. So, with many sleepless hours, Kagome made do with trying to figure things out.

After a couple of weeks she was beginning to fall into routine. Each morning she would wake, fed each pup as they woke, then help Sesshomaru dress. The rest of her morning was spent with Sesshomaru in his study, where Kagome would nap with the pups, or play with them, before feeding them again. Being in the same room as her mate meant the pups could be around their father more, and though he was usually busy keeping up with the constant income of scrolls from other lords, both human and youkai, there was also a minute free here and there for him to come over at sit with them between reading scrolls. Though it wasn’t much, Kagome appreciated the time that he was trying to take to spend with them.

Afternoons were spent in one of the family rooms. The pups were fed first and then Kagome and Sesshomaru would sit to their light lunch and tea. Sesshomaru would then return to his study for any meetings and oral reports from his generals while Kagome would spend time with the pups on her own in the mating chambers. Then just before bed, Kagome would sit with the pups and tell them a story. Most of the time she would tell them tales she grew up with, and in many cases Sesshomaru would tell her that she was strange. He had never heard of many of her fairy tales, myths, and legends, so he always questioned her sources.

Usually there would be no time to argue with the inu. He was never so serious as to make a big deal out of her stories. It was his was of teasing her before he pounced upon her. Kagome would remind him that they had to be quiet for the pup’s sake, but no matter what she told him, he would keep her screaming through most of the night.

But of course there was more to begin thinking about. The naming ceremony was upon them tomorrow and as Kagome woke she reminded herself to go through things in her head. Her moves for her morning duties were zombie-like, following her usual patterns with little emotion. Sesshomaru said nothing at first, but he worried when she completely ignored his question during their afternoon meal.

“Kagome,” he mumbled, “tell your mate what distracts you so.”

“Hm… oh, nothing, it isn’t important.”

“Anything worth worrying you is important to this Sesshomaru,” the inu answered without pause.

“I just want to make sure I don’t make any mistakes. What if something goes wrong?”

Each of the pups had yet to be given a name. Following inu tradition meant that they wouldn’t be given their names until after four weeks old. This time allowed the pups to show if they were weak or if they were strong and had a right to their family name and any titles that would go along with their names. But Sesshomaru also told her that in the old days it was whispered that if a pup’s name was uttered before the proper ceremony than their soul could be stolen. So the naming ceremony made sure that no spiritual force could take hold of her pup’s souls. Unfortunately it wasn’t helping Kagome, who had gotten permission to name the two females. She wasn’t very good with writing in ancient Japanese and she was afraid she would spell her own children’s names wrong.

“This Sesshomaru believes in you.”

“I know you say that, but it’s not going to help my worry. Surely there’s a way to practice. Writing a name isn’t the same as speaking a name,” Kagome pointed out.

“But it is still considered letting another person know. Do you really wish to risk the pups’ soul?”

“Do you really believe something will take control of pups through their name?”

“It is a possibility that I am not willing to risk. Knowing a name can have a very powerful effect in some species, the inu do not take things lightly when it comes to their young. For that reason I must insist you follow these traditions. Please just give me this one thing.”

With a faint smile, the miko nodded and continued her meal in silent. Sesshomaru said nothing more on the matter, hoping that his silence would allow her to keep her mind at ease. But as the hours crawled by, he couldn’t bare her antics. Her fidgeting cause him discomforted. The tense aura caused him worry. But most of all, the sad smile of fear she tried to hide, caused his instincts to scramble in concern.

“You will be required to give the male a title,” Sesshomaru uttered as they sat beside the fire in front of their mating bed.

“What do you mean title?”

“All of the imperial family receives a title. For example, my title was the crown prince, because I would inherit my father’s land.”

“So… I have to pick a title?”

“Yes, just like I will give each of the princesses a title.”

“But… you didn’t say anything about imperial titles. You just said a name. Sesshomaru why are you telling me this now.”

“Miko, a title is not difficult to choose. You needed be original should you choose not to be. My father was the crown prince as well.”

Kagome suddenly got the reason for Sesshomaru’s story telling. He was purposely trying to ease her fears by helping her with small hints and clues.

“So Sesshomaru how did your mother and father choose what to call you?”

“They didn’t,” he growled out, “My grandfather was still alive when I was born and he named me.”

“Oh,” Kagome sighed, “Does that mean your mother will want to be a part of the naming.”

“No, she is female, and cannot name a child unless the father of the child gives her specific permission.”

Kagome looked to her mate and remembered what he had told her when she begged to name any girls. Not many alphas were willing to give up the right to name their offspring. But Sesshomaru knew that with Kagome he would have to change many of the traditions in his family. Thankfully his title gave him a right that few had and there was very little that anyone could ever do about it.

“Sesshomaru?” the miko looked at the hand wandering over her knee and against her inner thigh.

“Kagome,” he stated calmly, “is there something that matter.”

“Not tonight.”

“But you are in need of some relaxation.”

“Last time I looked your intentions are nowhere near relaxing.”

“They can be… after the grunt work that is.”

As much as her mind was fretting over the ceremony to come, she still couldn’t help but let the imperial pain have his way.


Ja ne

Angelic Memories

© 2009