Seems Like Only Yesterday by Angelic Memories

Seems Like Only Yesterday

Dokuga officially turned 1 on April 16th and this fan fic is meant to response to Priestess Skye's Dokuga Birthday Challenge. 

The fan fic had to include an element of Dokuga - I used many things, I think they are all obvious as you read.

Minimum 700 words - 1 746 words used



Inuyasha is not mine. I do not own Sesshomaru and Kagome.

 I planned Dokuga to be a small village and upon seeing the image of Dokuga Island by Sugar0o I thought it would be perfect for this plotline. I take no credit for the creation and name, it belongs to Sugar0o... you can find an image of Dokuga Island here:

Smittee's café is not my creation either. I stumbled across it one day and thought it would a great add on to this story. All credit is given to Smittee. You can find the menu for Smittee's Café under Smittee's Profile.


Seems Like Only Yesterday

Kagome's smile widened as she read about a new retreat that would be celebrating its birthday over the weekend. The beautiful island would be filled with festivities. Being only a couple of hours from the island where their cottage was set up the miko decided it would be fun to go visit for at least a few hours. It surprised her she hadn't known of the island existence before now.

"What are you looking at koi?" a voice erased the silence of the room.

"I'd like to visit this place," the woman pointed to the scene as she scrolled up the webpage.

Sesshomaru drew closer, his form viewing the grey and red screen over the miko's shoulder. A vibrant green image of the crescent moon island surrounded by the deep depths of blue ocean.

"Dokuga Island," he whispered, "Hn."

"I think it would be fun," the miko hid any plead or beg from her voice, knowing it would get her nowhere.

"What's so interesting about it?" he asked boredly not bothering to continue reading.

"The community is brought together through a common goal."

"What goal?"

"It doesn't say, so I'd like to go and check it out."

"If it pleases you," he gave in, "I will have the plane ready to go tomorrow morning."

"Thank you," she leaned up and kissed his cheek.


"Welcome to Dokuga Island," a warm smiled greeted the couple as they stepped out of the plane and onto the runway. "My name is Possessed. If you need anything please feel free to ask."

"Wow this place looks so beautiful," Kagome whispered, sapphire eyes fluttering over the many buildings and the groups of people chatting away in different areas.

They were lead to a village centre were Kagome was given the chance to look around more. Small groups would gather for brief moments and then wander away to another location. The strangely clad community were obviously permanent inhabitants of the island, whereas other guest and tourists were in what would be considered normal attire. All of a sudden, right before her eyes, a guest was engulfed in a bright lights and when the flash dissolved the woman attire had changed. A fluff, matching her mate's mokomoko draped around one shoulder and a tag with a unique picture hung around her next. The colourful silk kimono paler than some of the other habitats, marking the woman as a pup who has yet to move up in the community. 

"Oh I see we have a new dokugian," a vibrant clothed being stood next to Possessed suddenly. "We take pride in getting to know our new members. Our older members have even introduced a new system to help integrate them into our community so they feel welcome. Notice how people are already complimenting her on her work and taking referring her to others. Danyealle-sama has placed this system in affect only a short time ago."

"Ah... hi," Kagome held out her hand.

"This is our fantastic and brilliant leader Miss Kagura," a second voice offered stepping behind them. "I am Priestess Skye."

Kagome leaned nearer her mate. The group was growing suddenly and encircling them. The miko got the sense that something was very wrong but she could place her finger on it.

"Um... you know I think I am rather hungry," the miko spoke up.

"Well there's no place like Smittee's café," Skye offered with a few new comers nodding viciously.

"Sounds great," Kagome smiled, wrapping an arm around her mate as she noticed many sets of eyes gleaming over his form.

"Follow me."

Sesshomaru guided his mate, trailing behind the overfriendly woman. His ears twitched as he picked up on yet another 'I heard' and a look on his mate's face told him she too had picked up on the suspiciously large amount of rumours floating about.1

"Um... did she just say there's a secret evil plan?" the miko looked to see many people had vanished but others had joined the group heading to the café.

"Yeah and I heard it involved bubblegum wrappers and plastic?" someone whose name tag read Kirai told her confidently.

"Weren't you the one who supplied them?" another who called herself Angelic Memories piped up forcing a sigh from Kirai.

Kagome brows knitted together in confusion, not understanding the point. But she was grateful to see they had made it to the café at last. Smittee came to sit with them as she gestured for someone on her staff to come take everyone's order. With the small things taken care of she turned to Kagome and Sesshomaru.

"So guests, are you just browsing or will you be staying indefinitely?"

"Well I'm not sure," Kagome began, "We haven't been able to look around too much yet."

Sesshomaru held back his tongue before he blurted out he had yet to see something he enjoyed.

"Well you must stay for this evening's fireworks," someone with the tag LC Rose chirped.

"I'm sure we can manage that," the miko smiled kindly while her mate wished she would say no sometimes.

Before anyone could say anything else their food arrived. Kagome had ordered candy for Shippo and Rin back home in Tokyo but she was surprised to see it wasn't an ordinary bar of chocolate that laid before her.

"Sesshomaru this chocolate is... in the shape of you..." Kagome asked holding up a detailed bar of milk chocolate identical to her mate's shape.

The inu didn't need to look too closely to see the woman's point. He ignored it and forced his attention on a form hidden behind a pillar across the street. His meal was left untouched as the miko excitedly talked to each person as they came and went. Finally the figure who maintained its distance came closer and entered the cafe.  Nobody was written across her identification tag.

"Hey Sugar0o, you haven't introduced me to your friends yet," she pouted.

"Nobody, there you are. I was l0oking for you."

"Sugar0o, you just r0oified that word."

"So I did," she mumbled but shrugged, "Look who's here," she added.

"Do you need someone to show you around?" Nobody asked innocently.

"Sure, I'd like to do some shopping if you don't mind," Kagome replied ignoring the annoyance her mate was showing at the suggestion.

Nobody escorted them to an attachment to Smittee's Café. The small shop carried various items. One being a small version of Fluffy, the name she had given to her mate's mokomoko.

"Are you a flut?"

Kagome's eyebrow arched while Sesshomaru immediately growled, "What did you just call my mate?"

Nobody rolled her eyes and shook her head at the newbies. It occurred to her that they had yet to read the dokugian dictionary. There was a lot of explaining to do.

"Do you love mokomoko more than Sesshomaru?"

Suspicious golden eyes glared at the miko, he had wondered the same thought many times over the years. The way she clung to the fluff almost made him jealous. Almost. But the furry appendage was part of him, therefore he needed ever be jealous, and never brought it up... now he would get some answers.

"Of course not..." Kagome stuttered, "Fluffy is a part of Sesshomaru... I love them both equally."

"You're a flut," she confirmed. "Ah would you look at the time. Must be off. See you soon."

Kagome shook her head and looked to the latest additions to her group. For the rest of the day they toured around, everyone happily joined her, chatting away. Some of those who she had already meet returned. More than once she witnessed a guest morphing into a permanent residents. Only when her mate was gone did she realize the meaning behind everything she was seeing. It made her grin mischievously, which she hid from her mate. Late in the day Kagome screeched as an opossum suddenly leaped onto the miko and hugged her. Yuzuki, one of the additions to the group, shook her head. The inu growled and joined his mate demanding to know what was going on.

"It looks like you've been exposed to Nobody for too long," Yuzuki supplied. "This is one of the later stages of Nobodieitis."

"This Sesshomaru has never heard of such a disease?" the inu growled turning to his mate with concern.

"It's highly contagious, and there has yet to be a treatment... but Kagome should be fine."

 The commotion in the island square stopped Sesshomaru for arguing with the strange being. He watched as everyone gathered around the one that was introduced to them as Miss Kagura. The leader led everyone into a song as the sun set below the horizon.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Dokuga!
Happy birthday to you!

Even Kagome joined into the song and laughter that followed. The first slice of cake, ordered from Smittee's Café, was cut by Miss Kagura. Everyone lined up to grab a slice before sitting down upon a luscious field and turning their eyes upward. Kagome and Sesshomaru waited and moments later fireworks blasted and filled the sky with bright colours of patterned light. Sizzling and crackling boomed through the sky, echoing in the clearing. Most of the night was spent celebrating reflected through the forms of singing, dancing, mingling, and laughing.

In the early morning hours Sesshomaru's ears rang so much he declared it was time for them to depart. Kagome pouted, her bottom lip pushed forward to make it look more swollen then it was. He ignored the woman knowing that looking at her would mean giving in to her demands.

"Are you sure you must leave? Can't you stay a little longer?" Many of the others were giving puppy eyes to the couple as they begged.

"We'll be back," Kagome promised with a smile, making sure her mate wasn't paying attention to her words as he led the way to the plane.

"What a strange place," the inu muttered beneath his breath as he looked out of the window of the plane as it took off.

"I don't know... I think I might be a dokuaholic," Kagome told him.

"What nonsense do you speak woman?"

"I think we should return next month for our mating anniversary."

"Do you plan to kill your mate?"

"No, of course not silly," she whispered with a smirk. Already her form was surrounded by a light only fading once her attire matched that of the dokugians. "We only want to torture you."


1 For anyone who have yet to play you should know this refers to the game Rumours in the Game Forum and I actually took the rumours from the thread. I didn't pick favourites, just most recent on page 52 that would fit.

There were so many more people who I wanted to add into this fic because of things they have done but the plot only left room for so many. But my thanks to every member involved in keeping Dokuga running.

Please let me know how you liked it...

Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2009