Forbidden Love by Moka

Where Ya Going?

Chapter I: Where ya going?

Disclaimer:  Unfortunately, I don't own any of the characters. But I wished I did.

It was morning and Kagome was getting ready for the day. So was Sesshoumaru...Anyways, back to Kagome. She packed some fruit and headed for the forest, when Sango stopped her.

"Why are you going in the forest? It's too dangerous for you!"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine! Besides, I'm only going to practice my archery."

Sango looked at Kagome suspiciously. Kagome took out her bows and arrows.

"Okay," Sango said unsure. Kagome walked into the forest, oblivious to the fact that Sesshoumaru was watching her the whole time. He kept his aura hidden. Kagome put up a target and aimed her arrow at it. When she let go, it flew into a bush. Kagome tried a few more times, but they all avoided the target. Kagome was frustrated.

"You only have to relax," said a voice in her ear.

Kagome knew it was Sesshoumaru.

"How do you know?"

"I know you're not letting the power flow through your body."

"I don't have my powers yet."

"Hm," was all Sesshoumaru said.

He gripped onto both her hands, gently. Standing closely behind her; she tensed up.

"Just relax and focus on the target."

Kagome relaxed in his chest.

"Get a good grip on the bow..."

Kagome complied.


Kagome did so.

"And release," whispered Sesshoumaru in her ear as she complied. The arrow had blue spiritual powers as it hit the target; bullseye!

"I-I got my powers," whispered Kagome.

She looked into Sesshoumaru's eyes, as he did to her. Their faces were inches away from each other. Soon, they were wrapped in a passionate kiss. Kagome's eyes widened.

" first kiss...'

Kagome deepened the kiss by wrapping her arms around Sesshoumaru's neck. Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Kagome," yelled a voice. Sesshoumaru and Kagome broke their kiss.


'That sounds like...Sango's voice!'

Sesshoumaru jumped in the trees. Sango came into view.

"Kagome," she yelled as she ran over to Kagome.

"Did you practice your archery?"

Kagome smiled at her.

"Yep! I even achieved my powers." 'With some help,' thought Kagome as she blushed, remembering Sesshoumaru took her first kiss.

"What's the matter Kagome? Why are you so flushed? Is it too hot out," asked Sango, snapping Kagome out of her thoughts.

"No-no, I'm just thinking about something."

Sango grinned, mischievously.

"Oh, about a boy?"

Kagome blushed even harder.


In the trees, Sesshoumaru was watching. He was amused boy Sango and Kagome's antics. Back to Kagome and Sango.

"I bet your thinking of Hojo."

The red on Kagome's face grew darker.

"I am not!"

"I bet you are! You and I both know he likes you."

Sesshoumaru's face turned to anger and jealousy all at once.

'Who's this...Hojo kid...?'

Sesshoumaru listened to the conversation.

"Sango! You already know I don't like-like Hojo! Besides, I like someone else."

Sango's expression was from mischievous to suspicious.

"Oh, and who is that?"

Kagome, still blushing, said,

" don't know him..."

"Well, can you describe him? Wait, first, tell me how you met him."

"Um...he was injured so I healed him. He helped me achieve my powers."

Sesshoumaru listened and realized she was talking about him. He felt his face heat up.

-Sesshoumaru's P.O.V-

She...she loves me? (A/N: Like-like means love just so you know.) But what is there to love about me? I'm so...unemotional but...I'm so different towards her...I think I love her too...I listened to what Kagome said.

"He's really sweet and understanding. I love him."

"Oh? And who is this 'sweet and understanding guy' who caught your heart?"

"His name his Sesshoumaru."

"......You know that his name is 'killing perfection'?"

Kagome smiled.

"Yes...I do..."

I jumped out from the trees.

-End of P.O.V-

"And I love you,"said Sesshoumaru.


Sango took out her sword.

"Be gone, demon! Leave us or I'll kill you!"

Sesshoumaru just stared coldly at her.

"Sango, no! Don't kill him!"

Sango stared at her like she was crazy.

"Kagome, he's a demon. Our whole village kills demons, don't forget."

"Sango, don't kill him!"

"Why not, Kagome?"

"Because I love him," Kagome blurted out.

Sango's eyes widened.


"I love him..."

" love a demon?"

"Yes...He loves me as well."

Sango sighed and put her sword away.

"If you love him...Then I'm okay with it."

Kagome smiled. She ran over to Sesshoumaru and embraced him.

"Does your mother know?"

Kagome frowned.

"No...Please don't tell her!"

Sango smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone," Sango said as she walked away.

Kagome and Sesshoumaru blushed. They turned to each other and looked in each others' eyes.  Their faces grew closer. Soon, they shared a passionate kiss. They held each other in a lover's embrace. Kagome spent the whole day with Sesshoumaru. It was sunset and they were sitting on a hill. Kagome looked a Sesshoumaru passionately.

"I really enjoyed your company today."

Sesshoumaru gazed at her the same way.

"Me too."

They leaned in and shared another passionate kiss. This time, they deepened it without any interruptions. However, someone was watching.

"So Kagome, this is why you left the village? I'm pretty sure mother would love to hear that," said Kikyo, as she walked back to the village. (A/N: Dun-dun-dunn!!! Getting really dramatic, isn't it?) Sesshoumaru broke apart from Kagome.

"What's wrong," asked Kagome.

"Nothing. I just thought I heard something."

Kagome smiled.

"I have to go, see you tomorrow," said Kagome as she kissed him good-bye. Kagome and Sesshoumaru went their separate ways. When Kagome got in her hut, Kaori and Kikyo were waiting there. Kaori did NOT look happy.

"Kagome, you're leaving this village tonight."

Kagome's eyes widened.


-End of Chapter-