How The West Was Won by PickledPlum

The Picture

PickledPlum (Gift Receiver/Poster of One-Shot): Nobody’s last words to me… “So i am leaving the site but if you would like, you can post the fic i wrote for you under your profile. Thank you again for donating I love you!!”  

My response to Nobo… It is an honor to post this master piece of yours as a remembrance of your greatness. Until we meet again! ::steps back from green bathroom stall which now has PickledPlum <3 Nobody written on it in purple sharpie:: I Love You Nobo!!!  

Nobody (Gift Giver/Author of One-Shot): This fic is for Pickled Plum. It is a background to her fanart seen here. You should look at it first before reading this fic.
I make no money from this and all charachters belong to their respective owners, who are not me.

Sesshoumaru was not one to throw "fits" as his wife called it, but he had to draw the line somewhere. The great demon lord stood there, feet planted in the dirt, staring at the novelty building his small wife was trying to convince him to enter.
"Please, Sesshoumaru!" Kagome whined as she pulled on his arms, but the demon wasn't just stubborn, he was heavy and made of stone she was pretty sure.
"No." He replied, realizing she was making a small scene.
Kagome got behind him and began to push with all of her might. "Just this one thing, Sesshoumaru, I won't ask for anything again!" She yelled, causing more people to turn and look at the weird, tall man with white hair.
"Miko, this Sesshoumaru will not." He enunciated firmly, wishing she would stop being so determined for once - just once - or be determined about something he might not have found so ridiculous. Like sitting by the koi pond, or playing chess for example.
Kagome was getting irritated. Ever since she had seen the picture at Inuyasha house she had wanted one - it was so neat. Why couldn't he just give this one time? Kagome jumped onto his back irritably, trying to get the stubborn demon moving. By now they had gathered a small crowd, all watching the woman pull and crawl around the man.
"Sesshoumaru, what is so wrong with it? It'll be fun!" Kagome wined as she began to tug on his hair.
"Kagome, I do not want to relive any part of the Wild West." He told the woman. Lowering his voice, he confided, "It was rather embarrassing." Memories of the things he did and wore flashed through his mind, and Sesshoumaru realized it then:  he had said too much. Damn the miko and her skills of getting him to talk!
Kagome grinned. "Gotcha."
Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes exasperatedly. "Damnit!" She was so observant and determined. Sesshoumaru began to contemplate drugging the woman while he waited for what he knew was coming.
"If you do this with me, I won't ask you any questions about the Wild West or what made it 'embarrassing'." Kagome said as she pulled on him a little more, a secretive smile on her lips.
Sesshoumaru conceded and began to follow the woman into the shop. The people who were watching the display dissipated, a little disappointed that they hadn't gotten to know about the weird looking man and his embarrassing stories of the west.
The door chimed as the couple walked in. The walls were decorated with old pictures and western memorabilia, and Sesshoumaru sighed as Kagome practically skipped to the front desk.
They could hear a woman yelling in the background.
"I'm telling you he had dog ears!" One woman yelled at the other who was shaking her head at her apparently crazy friend.
"People don't have dog ears. Just drop it - you sound crazy, Pickled Plum." The other woman threw her hands in the air, apparently fed up with her friend.
The less crazy of the two looked at the couple who had just arrived. "Hi! My name is Nobody, and welcome to our shop."
Pickled Plum looked at the customers warily. 'White hair' she though as she examined the gorgeous man in front of her.
Kagome smiled as she picked out a pose and outfits for the two of them.
Sesshoumaru and Pickled just stared at each other as his wife scuttled around the shop busily.
He had heard the woman's ranting and assumed she had noticed his brother's ears. He wanted to point to his pointy ears to help direct her gaze but refrained from doing so. Who pointed at their ears, anyway?
Pickled sighed. He seemed normal - handsome, but normal. "Please, right this way," she directed and Kagome squealed excitedly as she went to the back to get dressed, Sesshoumaru resigning himself to his fate and following after his eccentric wife.
As the two got dressed, Pickled setup the camera and background, still pondering the man.
The two walked out at exactly the same time and Pickled Plum smiled, walking over to Sesshoumaru, whom, under his wife's careful selections, had turned cowboy.
"Um... your zipper's down." Pickled Plum stated, blushing cherry red as the demon lord fixed his offending trousers.
The two sat in their respected areas, Kagome holding an old bottle.
"Ok, now smile." Pickled Plum instructed as was demanded.
Kagome grinned, but Sesshoumaru did not. If there was one thing Sesshoumaru didn't do, it was smile on queue.
Kagome, realizing her husband was not complying, glared at him.
"No." Sesshoumaru said before she could even open her mouth.
Kagome sat for a moment, and Sesshoumaru could see the gears in her mind turning.
Kagome leaned up and whispered something in his ear.
Sesshoumaru stared at her when she pulled away, stunned that she would even suggest something like that. Especially at a time like this. There was no way he couldn't comply now, especially after that.
Sesshoumaru grinned and turned to the very confused Pickled Plum, eyes slightly red. "Take the picture." He ground out from between his teeth.
Pickled Plum blinked, but acquiesced, almost positive she had seen a fang.
With that, Sesshoumaru turned to his miko, who was thoroughly satisfied with the photo.
"We are leaving now." Sesshoumaru enunciated, startling Kagome.
"But we haven't paid! And we don't have our picture!"
Sesshoumaru turned to the confused photographer.
"We will send payment and return the costumes at a later date." He explained, and with that, the great demon lord transformed, destroying the little shop, picked up his miko, set her on his back, and took to the sky.
Poor Pickled Plum just stared as the great dog demon disappeared into the horizon.
Nobody came back from her break to see the shop destroyed. She found her Pickled Plum slack-jawed with her mouth hanging open and eyes bulging.
"Oh, my gosh, Nobo! You're not going to believe what just happened!"