A different Love by Mika

Kagome's Death

Hello there =)

If you're reading that you've stumbled over my first fanfiction here. It's actually an old one I wroe some years ago (and it was my first) but now I want to post it here. Its also  kind of learning for me, 'cause me mother language isn't english. So I hope if you find desastrous mistakes you won't be that shocked and tell me, so I can correct them =D

I'm also not that familiar with the ratings, so I don't really know which rating I should give it. I mean, some of them are clear, but when for example should it get M oder MA?^^

Now, that was enough of boring talking, on with the story =) I hope you enjoy^^

Disclaimer: I (sadly...) do not own Inuyasha. It's all property of Rumiko Takahashi

Kagome's Death

It was a nice, warm summerday. The sun was shining at its best, and the flowers were proudly showing their colours. It seemed as nothing could destroy this day.

On a small clearing stood a well. It was called the Bone-Eaters-Well, because all bones thrown in there seemed to be vanishing.

In this moment  a girl climbed out of this wooden-structure. She was fairly young, had shining long black hair and a smile on her face.

It was Kagome, Kagome Higurashi.

It was already some years ago she was dragged in this world and the adventure started. She was alreay 18. In this time she also started to train her Miko-abilities more, so she could be of more use in the battles. It was nice to be protected, but she didn't want to be so dependent on it.

Three days ago she had an argument with Inuyasha, again. Honestly, she thought, sometimes it seems we're doing nothing else. But this time she had to admit it was her fault. So she brought some extrapackages of his beloved Ramen, and wanted to look for him so she could apologize. Although, she noticed, it was very unusual for him to not be here, waiting impatiently for her.

For one moment she sat down at the well and took one big breath. She always loved it how clean the air  here was, smelling of flowers and forests.

She hadn't drew her breath out completely as she heard a loud young voice: " Kagomee! Kagome!! You're back!" A smiling Shippou ran into her open arms "I missed you soo much, Kagome!"

"Hey Shippou, what a nice surprise! Oh I missed you too, little one. I hope Inuyasha wasn't so mean to you while I was gone?" Shippou shook his head. "By the way, do you know where he is? I thought he would be here waiting for me, but... I have something for him." "Hmm..now that you ask me, I don't really know..the last time I saw him way by that big tree and- oh no, a while ago he suddenly jumped up and ran into the forest." "Into the forest? Hm..okay, then I will search for him there. Why don't you already go to the village? You can tell Sango and Miroku that I'm back." She told Shippou smiling. "Okay..but you'll be back soon?" "Of course." answered Kagome "I just want to talk tu Inuyasha. Off you go"

Anf with that Shippou was gone.

Kagome herself walked slowly towards the forest. Many things were going through her mind. Yes, she wantedto apologize. But she also thought if she should finally admit her feelings. She knew she was in love for him, had been for nearly all those years. But he, was he still after Kikyo? ' I know, Kikyo will always be a part of him..but...in the last times it seems..as if he finally accepted that the Kikyo he knew is gone, and that the one who is walking the earth right now doesn' seem to be the same...                         I want to tell him my feelings. I want that finally. How often did I thought about the feelings, when I was in his arms. So..protected..loved..I don't want to feel that only when I was in danger, or he brought me somewhere. Is it too much that I ask of?'

Suddenly she heard a voice. Two voices. She looked up..and could feel her heart shattering...agonizing slowly and loudly. Kikyo and Inuyasha.

Kikyo in the arms of Inuyasha...her Inuyasha. In the arms she felt so safe.

She could not look away. It was like her feet were rooted on the ground. She was shaking. But she could not move. Still shaking she saw as Kikyo drew her bow. She could not move even as Kikyo aimed at her. She wanted to run away, but she could not. Her legs did not obey her command. Why did'nt Inuyasha something? He had not moved a bit! He just stood there. Was he letting Kikyo kill her?

And then she heard it. The sentence. So softly whispered a human could barely hear it. But to her it felt like he was screaming it, mocking her from all sides.

"I love you Kikyo.."

In that moment Kikyo let loose of her arrow, and it flew straight at Kagome. Slowly she looked at it. She still could not move. Or did she not want anymore? Perhaps it would be bter when she was gone. Inuyasha was happy, with Kikyo. She slowly closed her eyes. There was no place left for her, was there?

Suddenly she felt a searing pain at her cheek. Instantly she opened here eyes wide. She felt blood running down her face, on to her white and green school uniform. Kikyo had missed. The arrow was stucked just some milimeterrs away from here in a tree and had only touched here.

Now life came back into Kagome. She didn't want to stay here, she didnÄt want to loose her life, she didn't want to see this scenario anymore.

And so she ran, leaving a wet trail of tears behind her.

She was running as fast as she could, running away as far as she could. Why? Why had she even believed a little bit she could be happy with Inuyasha? Obviously he was more happy without her! Why had she let such a big hope grew up?

At one point, she couldn't run anymore. Her legs couldn't support her any longer. She collapsed at a small river. and just sat there. Doing nothing. Hearing nothing. Seeing nothing. She didnt want to.

'What would happen if I just walk in there, and don't come back?' She wondered.Quickly she splashed some water on her face. Such thoughts were senseless and stupid. She should know that.

Slowly the water became more calm once again. Kagome could detect her blurred reflection. Was she so undesireable? Once again she became lost in her thoughts. When she looked at her reflection again, she noticed horrified that her's was not the only one she was seeing.And she sensed a sikon shard!

'A youkai! Why, stupid me, why didn't I sense it!' Withought loosing to much thoughts about that she stood up quickly and began to run for her life. She just made a couple of steps as the demon's claws came down at her back. She screamed, but stood up again, not wanting to submit to her fate. She ran, not bothering to look where, just ran. But the youkai had no problem following her. He was fast, and she still didn't cathch all the enrrgy she lost during here run before. More than once she could feel the claws, feel the pain. He didn't gave her a hard blow, only little ones, so she could still run. Was it a game for him? Had he fun doing that? Kaome couldn't help but cry. Why, why was that happening?

For a small moment she closed her eyes, and than she was lying flat on the ground. She had tripped. Stunned, she couldn't move for a moment. ' No! Why? Is this the end? I don't want to die! Mom, Souta, gramps...Inuyasha. No!' One last time she could get up.

But not for long. It seemed as if the youkai had enough of this chase and the next moment he gave her the final blow, and she flew through the air, coming down hard. She didn't move anymore. She would never be able to move anymore. She could never see that her body landed in front of another person. She didn't saw that her tormentor ws a part of history the next moment.

A small girl ran to the motionless miko. Curiously she looked at her, and than up "That, that ,,,is Ka-Kagome! Kagome-chan, are you okay? Please, please open your eyes!" The little girl began to shake Kagome, begging for an answer, but Kagome never responded in anyway. Slowly, with tears gathering in her eyes, the girl looked up "She..she is dead..isn't she...? She is dead!" Sobbing she sat down by the miko. She hadn't known the girl very much. But she had seen her sometimes, and she was always nice to her, always smiling. Why id she had to die?

So lost in mourning ofer the miko, the girl nearly didn't hear the sound of drawing a sword. She turned, and saw how her master took hold of his sword. But not this horrible sword, Tokejin. No, it was Tensaiga, the sword of life!

Rin's eyes widened in happiness and excitement. The eyes of a small green imp widened as well, but  more in shock. " Bu-but, my Lord Sesshomarou, what are you doing?? You would.." 'He wouldn't..no, why should he..? No, never..never with somebody like that! Never..but...!? No..he..he really does it!?'

Sesshomarou lifted his sword slowly. Then he let it flew done onto the motionless girl.


Okay..so much for the first chapter. I'm sorry, I know it's short. My old chapters were even shorter..T.T But I'll try to get them longer. I also know that this is really an old scenario with Kimkyo and Inuyasha..it will be a little different, but.. I'm sorry, it had to be in there^^

Sooo, I hope you like it anyway and please, please give me some feedback if I should continue, if the language is okay, if..if, ..if...^^

Until next time =D

Ja ne! Mika