To Marry A Prince by Micah caran Damien

Chapter 1

A/N:This story is a hit on so I thought I'd try it out over here.

“This is the Princess Yukami of the South.” The King of the Western Lands announced and gestured for a young woman to come forward. “Princess, this is my son, Prince Sesshomaru.”

The prince sighed and rolled his eyes. Inwardly, of course. He would never allow his thoughts to manifest outside of his head. He slid his golden eyes along the princess' body. Sesshomaru couldn't deny that she was beautiful. Yukami was a vision with tanned skin, long deep purple hair, and lovely curves. Still she was the same as every other woman that had been paraded in front of him. He merely nodded in her direction and allowed his gaze to wander past the demoness to her entourage.

They were all human and there were only three of them, two girls and a young man. The male was dressed in black and deep violet livery that matched his hair and eyes. Beside him was one of the young women. She was tall and muscular with brown hair tied back into a ponytail. Unlike all the other women there, this one was clad in in wide black pants and a tight battle shirt.

It was the woman behind the others however, that caught Sesshomaru's attention. She was much younger than the princess and her beauty was much more subtle. Her raven colored hair was wavy and hung down to her waist. Rich brown eyes sparkled from her sun kissed face, betraying an intelligence not normally found in humans. Unlike her fellows, she was not dressed in the Southern House colors. Instead she was garbed in a white and green gown that showed off her neat figure well.

Princess Yukami noticed the direction of the prince's gaze and frowned. “Allow me to present my companions to you, Prince Sesshomaru.” she said. “My bodyguards, Sango and Miroku.” she pointed towards the young man and the muscular young woman. They both bowed low to the demon prince. “And my lady in waiting, Kagome.” The remaining girl dipped an elegant curtsey.

Sesshomaru nodded to them and stood up. He was truly a beautiful young man. Silky silver hair fell to his knees and reflected the light in the room. His skin was the color of porcelain and eyes like frozen gold shined in his handsome face. The markings of the inuyoukai of the Western Lands were upon his face in the form of a blue crescent moon on his forehead and magenta stripes over his eyes and on his cheeks. “Enjoy your time here.” the prince said, his voice smooth and emotionless. “Father, I am off to practice my swordplay.” Sesshomaru's eyes snapped back to Kagome's face and stayed there for a few seconds. Then he swept from the room gracefully.

“You must forgive my son.” King InuTaisho remarked to his visitors. “He is not one for small talk. Or any talk for that matter. Eventually he will come around.”

“That is quite alright, Your Majesty.” Yukami replied.

InuTaisho nodded and beckoned to one of the waiting servants. “Saia here will show you and your companions to your rooms, Princess. If there is anything that you should require, do not hesitate to let me know.”

Yukami curtsied and she and her people followed Saia out of the throne room. InuTaisho watched them go and then went out to the practice yards in search of his son.

He found the younger demon squaring off against one of the many guards that the Western Stronghold had in employ. InuTaisho had to admit that his son was a wonder with a blade. He watched as Sesshomaru blocked attacks from the guard and made his own.

The King approached the dueling pair. “Daisuke.” he said to the guard.

The demon in question sheathed his sword and bowed to his liege. “Your Majesty, what can I do for you?”

“I would like you to pick some men to increase the guard on the eastern wall. I have placed our guests there and I want no harm to befall them as long as they are here.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Daisuke bowed to the king and his son and hurried away.

InuTaisho turned to his son once they were alone. “Sesshomaru.”

The prince didn't answer, but busied himself with sheathing his sword and sliding it back into place at his side.

“Sesshomaru I am your father and you will listen to me.” The elder demon barked firmly. “Look at me.”

Cold amber eyes met smoldering ones. “Can I assist you with something, Father?” Sesshomaru asked in a detached voice.

“You can stop being so heartless for one.” InuTaisho thundered. “You are a royal inuyoukai and that means certain things. Most importantly it means that you have to carry on our lineage. That means that you have to take a mate and have her bear pups. I will not have our hold on the West be fractured because you are to cold to even look at a woman.”

Sesshomaru just stood there, no emotion on his face. “I do know all this, Father.” he said. “However, you seem to forget that I am not your only son. Or is Inuyasha not worthy to carry on our line after all?”

“Inuyasha proves himself more worthy everyday.” the king responded. “But it is you, Sesshomaru who is my first born, my heir. You cannot foist your responsibilities off on your younger brother.”

The prince growled. There was nothing that he hated more than being accused of neglecting his responsibilities. “When there is a woman who is not the same as all the others that are paraded through here, I will look. I refuse to taint our line with the pups of a woman who is unworthy.” Sesshomaru gave his father a significant look and walked away.