~~BURNED~~ by Sha


Fire burst out as a woman screamed dodging falling wall. She was in her thirties and making her way to the exit. Just as she finally made it out, the door caught fire. Running to the fire men spraying water on the massive fire. A boy no younger then twelve stood in a blanket crying.

"Sota!" He turned and ran to her. He collapsed in her arms as he continued to cry.The woman searched to growing crowd and turned to her son.

"Where is your sister?"

"She...she pushed me out the window and...she's..." He couldn't continue as tears once more raked his body.

The woman moved him to a peramedic as she moved to run in the house, but soon found herself being held back by another. "NO!!!....My daughter's in there.....LET ME GO!!!"

"Don't worry the men that's in there will find her. Where is she?"

"I don't know but she's..."

There was an explosion as the left side of their house blew up. The debris flew everywhere as all moved to cover themselves. The boy Sota moved to his mother who was on her knees crying as the fireman tried to hold her. He wrapped his arms around her as he looked back at the house that was steadly fallen apart. Sota started to cry harder as he thought of his sister that he just lost, but before that could be done, the man released her and ran to the door that was still on fire. He called two others over and they all but the fire out and pulled the door . The wood was chared as they all nodded and ran into it. When it caved in they moved for the three men inside to come out. But there was only two at first, then another came out carring a young woman who was wrapped in a cold sheet.

Sota and his mother rushed over when the fireman placed her on the gurney. Sitting in the ambulamace, the woman held her daughter's cold hand. He turned to his barely breathing sister and asked, "What are we to do now?"

"We're going to see your father." Raya answered as a tear was shed as one of the men cleaned her daughter's wounded arm.

"When was he to return from the business trip?"

"Tomorrow. I'll call him later at the hospital." Looking to her son she smiled. "Go to sleep." The boy nodded and was soon asleep. Sighing she turned back to her daughter and kissed her hand.

"Don't you worry baby, you'll be fine. I promise."

With that Kagome Kira Hiragashi was rushed to the hospital where a mother's nightmare would come to be.


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