Wanting More by Acb6293

Chapter 1

Sesshomaru sat and watched from a distance as Kagome flirted uselessly with Inuyasha. He’d noticed her growing attraction for his little brother, of course, he did, she was the only thing that ever had his complete attention. It hurt, watching her fall for him but he didn’t know how to stop it. If he were to listen to his parents, those two were meant to be. He didn’t believe in all that though, because he knew the truth. Kagome was meant to be his. 

He remembered the first time he ever met her, she was only three years old, the same age as Inuyasha, and he was five. His stepmother brought over her new friend Aomi and her daughter so that she and Inuyasha could have a play date. Sesshomaru remembered being struck with something when they first made eye contact. Something inside him, a part of his yoki told him that she was his and that he was just as much hers. He didn’t really understand it at the time being five and all but that didn’t stop the possessiveness from showing. He remembered when he lost control of his beast because he saw Kagome and Inuyasha holding hands, it was only after Inuyasha had a black eye, a few bruises, a bite mark from a child size inuyokai in his natural form, and with Sesshomaru grounded for a month that he found out the only reason they were holding hands was that it was too dark for Kagome’s human eyes to see. He was too taken over by his instincts to remember her human shortcomings. 

It wasn’t as if Kagome ignored Sesshomaru, quite the opposite actually. He found it funny that she seemed to be just as protective of him as he was with her. Sesshomaru remembered that one time when he was 10 and she was 8. He was with some kids his age and one was cracking jokes at Sesshomaru, he didn’t mind, it was how they all spoke to each other and Sesshomaru knew that he could end the kid if he pissed him off enough. Kagome heard a joke that was made about Sesshomaru looking feminine and she stomped right over to Yousko, with her finger out to poke his chest with every word she said, then continued to call him every name in the book, words so vulgar Sesshomaru wasn’t even sure he knew what they meant, he had a blush on his face when he scooped her up to take her away after she kicked Yousko in the shin for good measure. 

There are many other stories he could remember about how Kagome Higurashi would try to protect him when he didn’t need it, every time she did though, it made him love her a little bit more. Unfortunately, it has always seemed that she’s only had eyes for his little brother, romantically anyway. He didn’t know how it happened, and why she didn’t turn her affections towards him, he’d give anything to her, besides his brother was too focused on her cousin, Kikyo. Inuyasha cared for Kagome, of course he did, how could he not, they’ve been friends for over a decade but his affections were very clearly trained on Kikyo, as was almost every other guy in their high school. 

Not Sesshomaru though, he’s always only wanted Kagome. So much so that there are rumors flying around about his sexuality. Though he was popular and had many beings, male and female alike, throw themselves at him, he’d turned them all down because they weren’t who he wanted. Well, except that one time when he was intoxicated enough to let himself take Kikyo to bed. He was feeling sorry enough for himself at that point because he thought he’d never have a shot at Kagome so he figured he might as well take a look alike. He was happy he came to his senses before he actually rutted with her, there was some foreplay but that's where it ended. 

He sighed and looked back at the two, he felt as if he could talk to Kagome about anything, and sometimes he would. By the time his brother and Kagome were 12, she’d come over to their house every day, half the time to hang out with Inuyasha and the other half to be with Sesshomaru. When it was just them together, they could just sit and talk for hours. People would be surprised to hear this about him, in fact, they probably wouldn’t believe it because he was not too talkative around anyone else. It’s just what she brought out in him. She considered him one of her best friends but he wanted more.

“Hey, Sesshomaru, are you planning on heading to your house? Inuyasha and I are going to go there but I don’t really feel like walking.” 

As if he’d ever tell her no. No matter that his father wanted him to come to his office so he could get prepared for learning the business because he would one day take over. If she wanted a ride, he’d be there to give it. “Sure, Kagome. Let us go.” 

She gave him one of her bright smiles that made him feel like the world stopped rotating. “Really? Awesome, thanks!” 

On the way home he stayed quiet while he listened to the two talk, though he could be open with Kagome, the same couldn’t be said for his brother. They used to get along well but when Kagome started to show a marked interest in his little brother, Sesshomaru couldn’t help but be jealous of him. The whelp didn’t deserve her, not only that but he doesn’t want her. Sesshomaru scoffed out loud, as if he could get anyone better than Kagome. 

“What’s got you acting so high and mighty?” Inuyasha asked.

“Nothing that concerns you.” 

Kagome rolled her eyes, she just wished two of the most important people in the world to her got along better. She didn’t know what she was going to do with them. She’d be happy if they could all hang out together but that just isn’t an option, every time she manages to make it happen, a fight breaks out between the two. And when a yokai and a half yokai fight, things end up broken. If she had to listen to their parents yell about another broken table or another hole in the wall, she’d go crazy. 

She didn’t know what to do though, she loved them both and from what she heard, they used to be good friends. Though she can say in the almost 15 years that she’s known both of them, she never saw it, except maybe in the beginning. It’s not to say that they hate each other, if Inuyasha is ever bullied because of his half-breed status or anything, Sesshomaru will step right in and make sure it never happens again. It’s just that when the two of them are alone, they just can’t get along. It made Kagome sad, really. She wanted to figure out how to fix their relationship but to do that, she had to figure out what the real problem was between them, and every time she tried to ask either of them, they either didn’t respond or changed the subject. 

When the three made it back to the Taisho estate, Sesshomaru parked the car and they made their way inside. “Kagome, I was thinking about ordering pizza, are you hungry?”

Her stomach let out a timely growl and she blushed. “Mhmm, that sounds great, thanks Sesshomaru!”

“Oi, what about me? I’m hungry too.” 

Sesshomaru wanted to tell the whelp to fend for himself or cough up some money for his share but he saw Kagome out of the corner of his eye and knew she hated it when they fought. He wouldn’t be winning any points in her book by being a jerk to Inuyasha. “Hn. What toppings do you want?” He didn’t have to ask Kagome, she’s had the same favorite topping since she was seven.

“Uh, I’ll take pineapple… thanks.” Inuyasha all but whispered the gratitude, he wasn’t used to an amenable Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru nodded and made the phone call. 

“So, do you want to get started on our homework? I promised to help you study, remember?” Kagome didn’t need to wait to hear Inuyasha’s answer, the look on his face said it all. If she was going to get him to do any homework, she would have to talk him into it. She sighed and was about to start convincing him when his phone rang. 

Inuyasha looked to see who was calling and Kagome sank down in her seat, she knew by the way his face lit up it was Kikyo. She didn’t know why she did this to herself, she knew he didn’t care about her the same way she cared about him but she couldn’t help but hope one day he’d see what was sitting right in front of him. He answered the phone and left the room to talk. At the same time, Sesshomaru came back in. 

“It should be here in about a half hour.”

“Huh? Oh, okay, cool.” It did not in fact, sound like she thought it was cool, she sounded like she was tired and downtrodden. She jumped a little when Sesshomaru walked over to her and put his hand on top of hers that was resting on the counter. 

“What’s wrong, Kagome?” 

“Nothing, it’s just I thought that I was going to help Inuyasha with his homework and studying today, I guess that’s not going to happen now though.” 

He knew she was right, he could hear the whelps conversation with Kikyo in the other room. In fact, currently, Inuyasha was trying to find a nice way to tell Kagome that he was leaving. “Come now, miko, if Inuyasha doesn’t want your help then that's his loss. Why don’t we do something fun after the pizza gets here?”

“Like what?” She asked, trying to get past her disappointment because she really did enjoy spending time with Sesshomaru.

“The drive-in is playing “Killer Clowns from Outer Space.” Remember how much we used to laugh at it when we were kids? Well, at least after you stopped being terrified by it. Why don’t we take the pizza with us and go watch it?” 

She held on to her sadness for a few more moments before perking up. “Okay, let’s do it! And hey! I was never scared of it! I was just… uncomfortable, they’re freaky looking.”

“Sure, let’s go with uncomfortable. Good though, it’ll be more fun than studying anyway.” He said and gave her a small quirk of his lips and a small hand squeeze before taking his hand back. Kagome learned a long time ago that considering Sesshomaru's mannerisms, he just gave her his version of a blinding smile. She felt a small flutter in her stomach at the look in his eyes before he turned away. 

She quickly shook it off because Inuyasha took that moment to walk back into the kitchen. She couldn’t help but hope she was wrong and he wasn’t going to ditch her but the look of apology in his eyes showed her that she was right in the first place. “Hey, ‘Gome, can we do a rain check for the studying tomorrow? Kikyo invited me to a party.” 

“Sure, Yash.” She said resignedly. 

“Thanks, you’re the best!” He said with his goofy smile then ran up to his room to get ready. 

Kagome and Sesshomaru waited in the living room watching TV and it wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door signalling the pizza arrived. Kagome smiled at Sesshomaru as they got into the car to go but Sesshomaru could tell her heart really wasn’t in it. He was trying not to take it personally but it was hard. Again, he couldn’t understand why he wasn’t enough for her, he’d do whatever he had to, to make sure she was happy but she didn’t seem to notice. He shook his head, that wasn’t fair, she was a great person and a great friend, she always noticed the little things.

“Kagome, what’s wrong?” He asked again, hoping getting her to talk about it would make her feel better so that they could enjoy their time together. 

She stayed quiet for a long time, so long that he thought she might not even answer. “It’s just, why aren’t I enough? Why doesn’t he notice me that way? What’s so special about my cousin? Aren’t I the one who’s always there when he needs me?” 

Sesshomaru wanted to laugh at the irony. No, if he were being honest, he might want to cry but he’d never lower himself to do such a thing. Wasn’t he just thinking the same things about her? She’s the one that’s blind to the person that really loves her. The urge to laugh lessened as the urge to be sad grew. No, he thought decidedly, he wasn’t going to do this anymore, he didn’t deserve this and all she was doing was hurting herself and him by proxy. Anger grew in him, he wanted to yell, he’d never felt this type of anger towards her before, not even close. He let out a scoff that sounded so bitter and disgusted that it shocked her. 


“I always thought you were smart, Kagome but it seems I was mistaken. There comes a point when you have to accept the truth and move on, he doesn’t want you, not like that anyway and he never will. If you want to stop being so hurt all the time, stop waiting around for something that will never be.” He came to a decision then and made a U-turn and started driving toward Kagome’s house. “In fact, I should have taken my own advice long ago.” 

She gasped, he’d never spoken to her like that, and though his words weren’t too mean, the tone he used said enough. It was also filled with more self-loathing than she thought possible. He thought she was stupid because she kept hoping that Inuyasha would see her? What was he talking about? And why did it seem like he was bringing her home?

“Sesshomaru, the drive-in is the other way.” She said tentatively. 

“Change of plans, I’m bringing you home.” 

She didn’t really know what to say, it was clear he was upset but she didn’t get why and she didn’t want to make it worse so she just stayed quiet. When he pulled in front of her house she turned to him and opened her mouth to say something but he just reached in the back seat to grab the pizza and shoved it in her hand to take. “Uh, thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow. We’re still going to hang out, right?” 

“I have plans.” 

“Oh, okay. I guess I’ll see you in school on Monday.” 

When she made it to her room she couldn’t help but break down in tears. She didn’t know exactly why she was crying but she had a feeling her friendship with Sesshomaru changed completely and that thought made her incredibly sad and hurt.. 


Two weeks later 

Kagome couldn’t help but stare as Sesshomaru walked down the hall with yet another girl. He’d been hanging around with a new one every day it seemed and she knew they weren’t just being friendly. The random breaks in walking to make out made that pretty clear. It made her feel sick to her stomach and upset. She felt tears prick in the back of her eyes so she quickly turned away. Ever since that day in the car things have been strange with him. She’d still go over there just as often as before, half the time to hang out with him but he’d always be out or have a girl over in his room. When he was home and she’d come over, he’d be nice to her but that was it, he’d just make small talk and then make excuses to leave the room so she’d have no choice but to just go back to hanging out with Inuyasha. She didn’t know what she did to make him change so much to her and every time she’d ask what was wrong or ask him why he was mad at her, he’d deny that anything was wrong and say that they were fine. It almost broke her heart when she asked if he still liked her and he said ‘Of course I do, Kagome. You’re my little brother’s best friend and I’ve known you since we were kids.’ It sounded like a nice enough response but he didn’t say anything about them being friends. 

“What happened between you two?” Sango asked. 

She sighed sadly and then looked at her best girlfriend. “I really don’t know, I said something that upset him then he dropped me off and it’s been different ever since. I keep trying to get him to talk to me but he won’t admit there’s anything wrong.” 

“Well, why don’t you tell me exactly what happened, maybe I can help. For years unless we were in class or the bathroom I wouldn’t be able to see you without seeing him too, something had to happen.” Sango suggested. 

Kagome nodded and explained how she was sad and Sesshomaru wanted to help cheer her up about the drive-in and about her sadness in the car. “And when he asked me what was wrong I asked him why I wasn’t good enough. I mean I’ve known him for over a decade and I know I can talk to him about anything so it wasn’t a strange conversation between us but he reacted strangely, angry even.” 

“What do you mean? How was he angry? I’ve seen Sesshomaru angry, plenty of times but I’ve never seen him angry with you.” Sango had to admit, if only to herself that she was pretty sure she already knew why he was so upset. It was clear as day, to Sango’s eyes at least, that he loved Kagome. She felt for him, she couldn’t imagine having to be the sounding board to the woman you love when most of her problems revolved around her love for your brother. She didn’t know if Kagome was ready for that information though, she loved Inuyasha, after all. What good will it do to tell her that Sesshomaru was in love with her? Kagome is so nice and pure, since she doesn’t feel the same, she’ll spend the rest of forever feeling guilty about not returning his feelings.

“Well, he basically called me an idiot for letting myself keep getting hurt by Inuyasha because it’s clear he didn’t feel the same. Then he said something along the lines of needing to take his own advice, which I don’t get. Is he in love with someone? Going around from woman to woman the last two weeks sure makes it not look that way.” 

Sango sighed, she saw the look of envy and jealousy in the sister of her heart and thought maybe she was wrong. Maybe it was a good idea to tell her because it was starting to look like maybe those feelings weren’t as one-sided as she previously thought. “Oh sweetie, are you telling me you really don’t know?” 

“Know what?” Kagome asked, baffled. 

“Kagome, Sesshomaru is in love with you and has been for a long time. For as long as I can remember, really. Maybe since I first met you, heck, maybe since he first met you.” 

Kagome blushed and Sango saw a flash of happiness in her eyes before she quickly shut it down with denial. “What? No, you’re wrong, he looks at me like a little sister.” 

“I think that’s what he’s trying to do now, but that wasn’t the case a few weeks ago. I think he’s trying to get over you, that’s why he always had a new girl on his arm every day for the last few weeks. Kagome, if you have feelings for him, you have to tell him, you don’t want to miss your chance.” 

“No, Sango, you’re wrong you h…” She trailed off when Sango grabbed her hands that were waving around in negation. Sango didn’t speak until Kagome was looking her right in her eyes. 

“No, Kagome. I promise you, I’m not wrong.” 

Kagome couldn’t deny the sincerity in her friend's face so she nodded slowly. “Okay, Sango, I believe you.” 

Sango was about to say more but Inuyasha took that moment to grab Kagome and spin her around. Kagome giggled. “Yasha, what’s this all about?” 

“It finally happened! I asked Kikyo to go steady and she agreed!” 

Kagome felt a pang of pain but nothing close to what she expected. Some grief too but mostly because she was saying goodbye to what could have been. She realized she must have been mentally getting over him for a while now because that didn’t hurt like she’d expected it to. No, watching Sesshomaru with all those other girls is what really has been hurting her. So she replies with a soft smile. “That’s great, Inu. I’m happy for you.” 

“Thanks, now I gotta go find my woman.” He laughed out loud. “I can actually say that now!”

Kagome giggled at his jubilance and was surprised when Sango pulled her into a hug. “Oh, Kagome, I’m so sorry, are you okay?”

“Yeah, Sango, I am.” At Sango’s dubious look, she added. “Really. I just have some thinking to do. I think I’ve been getting over him for a while.” 

Sango’s eyes flicked to Sesshomaru and she worked hard not to smile when she saw that he was looking at Kagome with a worried look, well a worried but jealous look. It looked like Kagome still had a chance because it was clear that Sesshomaru wasn’t as over her as he was trying to be. Sango just hoped Kagome would decide what she wanted soon before it was too late, she didn’t want her friend to be hurt anymore. Out of everyone Sango knew, Kagome deserved all the happiness. “Okay. I’m here if you need me, always.” 

“I know, Sango, thanks.” Kagome gave her another quick hug and then quickly left the hall. 


It’s been a few days since her talk with Sango and Kagome had been thinking nonstop about what was said. She realized how blind she’d been, looking back, she could see all the love and care Sesshomaru tried to give her but she was too focused on gaining Inuyasha’s attention. She realized that her affections changed without her consciously realizing it and now that she knew, she feared it was too late. She had to figure out how to talk to Sesshomaru alone but it seemed like he was never alone these days and when he was, he worked hard not to be alone with her. 

Today seemed to be her lucky day though. There he was and for once, didn’t have a woman on his arm. Before she missed her chance she ran up to him as he was walking out the door. It was the end of the school day and it was the weekend to boot. 

“Hey, Sesshomaru!” She said, maybe a bit too loudly as she grabbed onto his shoulder.

“Kagome.” He said in this annoyingly neutral tone he’s taken to using with her. 

“Do you think you can do me a favor and drive me home? There are some things I’d like to talk to you about.”

She saw in his eyes that he wanted to deny her but for whatever reason he nodded his acquiescence. “Hn, though it must be quick, I have plans.” 

“Okay!” She said with the biggest smile she could muster. She wished he wasn’t trying so hard to get rid of her. 

As they were driving she cursed herself. Kagome has always been a planner, she prepared for every test she’d ever had and over-planned if you asked some of her friends. She didn’t prepare for this conversation though, unfortunately. She wasn’t sure why she didn’t but she sure wished she had. So, she stayed quiet trying to figure out how to start. She realized she waited too long when the car parked in front of her house. She sighed, she had nothing to say, or at least, the words wouldn’t come out. She sighed then looked at him sadly and moved her hand to open the door.

‘No’ she thought decisively, she won’t lose her chance to tell him how she felt. So she lunged over the center console and kissed him, hard. It was her first kiss and immediately it was everything she hoped for. Sesshomaru put his hands on the side of her face and joined in enthusiastically, 

Sesshomaru was shocked when Kagome first kissed him. It was all he ever wanted, she was finally seeing him for him. She wasn’t only hanging out with him just to distract herself when his brother was stupid and left her to hang out with her cousin. That thought made him freeze, or at least stutter. He realized it was happening again, the only reason she was kissing him was because Inuyasha finally got up the balls to ask Kikyo to go steady and she said yes. Kagome didn’t want him, not really, she was just using him for comfort because she thought he was the only one she could trust. 

The only one who would be there and comfort her while she was hurting. She’d used him for this comfort before but never by kissing him, then again, he’d never made an attempt to move on by rutting with other women, maybe she was scared she was losing both of us and this was her attempt to keep me. He felt his heart break again, just like he felt when he realized she’d never loved him like she loved Inuyasha. She never stooped to this low though, to using someone to make her feel better. That thought made him angry. Not even just because he was the one being used, he never thought she’d do such a thing to him but whatever, he’d get over it. What got him angry was the fact that she was doing it at all, she was better than that. She was no harlot, why was she acting like one?

When he fully let the thought that she was using him seep into his mind he roughly shoved her away. When she looked at him, clearly scared of rejection he tried to look at her disdainfully. He tried to channel the disdain and anger he was feeling for himself into the look. “What do you think you’re doing throwing yourself upon this one, human? I’m not some dummy you can use to pretend it’s Inuyasha.”

“What? Sesshomaru no, that’s not what I’m doing!”

“Then explain yourself. Better yet, leave. I do not wish to see you any longer.” 

Kagome felt a tear pricking her eye and didn’t stop it as it fell. Sesshomaru moved his hand over and wiped it away but instead of letting it fall into nothingness he put his finger with the tear up to his mouth and licked it. “I’m sorry, Kagome. I shouldn’t have been so short with you, you still mean a lot to me. I just do not wish to hear more of Inuyasha.” 

I-I’m not kissing you to forget about him. I’m kissing you because I’m in love with you.” She started off timid but her voice picked up in strength and certainty as she spoke. 

To say Sesshomaru was shocked would be an understatement. Was the woman he loved really telling him she loved him too? No, something else had to be going on here, it’s too out of the blue. “Thank you, miko. That means a lot. Now please, I have someone who’s waiting for me.” He said, waving his hand towards her house, hinting that it was time for her to leave. 

“Oh, I’m too late. You don’t love me anymore.” She said sadly then a bright blush covered her face. “I’m not saying you ever have, this whole thing is silly. Of course, Sesshomaru, the most handsome, loyal, and popular guy around doesn’t love you, Kagome.” She finished speaking to herself sadly. 

After she opened the door and as she was moving to get out he put his hand on her lap and gripped her hard enough that she couldn’t leave so she looked at him with a sad quirked brow. “Kagome, where did this come from? I’m not someone you can use as a stand-in because Inuyasha has a girlfriend now. I’m not him.”

Kagome became angry that he would think such a thing but it wasn’t long before all the anger left her. She had to admit that it wasn’t that crazy of a jump for Sesshomaru to come to. It’s not like she ever gave him any reason before to think that she was interested in him as more than a friend. Her shoulders slumped and she looked at him sadly. “That’s not it Sesshomaru, I promise. I’ve been thinking a lot over the last few days and I realized I’ve been over Inuyasha for a long time already, I was just too blind to see it. His being with Kikyo didn’t bother me but seeing you with other women hurt a lot. It’s you I care about, I understand if you don’t feel the same. Sango had this crazy idea that you did but like I said, it’s crazy. There’s no way you actually care about me that way.”  

Sesshomaru moved his hand from where it was resting on her leg up her body and to the back of her neck. He enjoyed the shiver his touch gave her. When his hand was gripping the back of her neck he turned her head so that she was looking him in the eye. He tried to read her sincerity in them, all he could see was the truth in them but he was starting to second guess himself when it came to her. He always wanted to hear these things coming out of her mouth and at this point, he wanted them so bad he couldn’t be sure he wasn’t imagining them. 

Once he was as sure as he could be, he let out a growl of triumph that his beast demanded and pulled her in for another kiss. She was slow to join, timid so he moved his possessive hold on the back of her neck down to her shoulders and made his grip and kiss more soothing and coaxing. She calmed down enough to join in more enthusiastically. Sesshomaru was feeling so heady from finally finally getting the woman he wanted for so long that he had to keep reminding not only his beast but his more civilized side to calm down and take things slow. She was new to all this and although he wasn’t the most experienced being in his class, he was sure he was more comfortable with this than she was. His urges and instincts were telling him to pull her over the center console so she could straddle him with nothing separating them other than the pants from his school uniform and her underwear. He forced himself to calm down though, he loved Kagome, and he wasn’t in this just for a quick rutt. Oh yes, he wanted that too, and he’d have it but he had to take it slow for her and make sure she was comfortable and knew she was loved. 

With that thought in mind, he pulled back from the kiss just enough so that he could rest his forehead against hers. She was panting as hard as he was and he could smell that she was just as aroused as him. “Kagome…” 

Kagome felt as if he said her name reverently as if she was something special, something precious. She thought she must have been dumb to have been able to miss how he felt for her for so long. It was clear as day as long as someone was looking. She pushed her lips forward so that their lips connected again. Kagome couldn’t tell if the groan that came out of Sesshomaru’s mouth was one of pleasure or torture. She hoped it was the former, she didn’t want to bring him pain. Sure, she was new to kissing but she didn’t think she was doing a bad job. In fact, she thought she was doing a pretty darn good job if she did say so herself, or think, or whatever. She felt like she just meshed with Sesshomaru and they fit together well. 

With that thought on her mind, she decided to do something bold, she climbed over the center console so she was on top of him. Immediately Sesshomaru’s hands went to her hips guiding her. Her eyes opened wide when she felt his excitement and she thought she might have just bitten off more than she could chew. She knew logically that she’d be on top of him when she decided to climb over but feeling his body under hers was strange to her, both in good and bad ways. She wanted this, wanted him but she was anxious, to say the least. He must have been able to tell because, with one more groan, he stopped moving her body and managed to pull his lips away from hers. 

“Sesshomaru?” She asked timidly. She thought she could tell he was enjoying her attentions, especially with that heated look he was currently giving her but she couldn’t help but be a little self-conscious, she didn’t understand why he kept stopping her. 


“Is everything okay?”

He realised that she was worried, he could see the fear in her eyes and he decided that just wouldn’t do so he moved one of his hands that was holding onto her hips and moved it up to her cheek. He leaned in and gave her another slow sensual kiss. “Everything is fine, Kagome. I don’t want to push you, I feel your apprehension through the tension in your body.” 

He proves this by sliding both his hands to her shoulders and rubbing them until her body loosens a little. He’s taking advantage of finally being able to touch her as he’s wished to for so long. He didn’t think he’d stop for a long time, or at least until she told him to. 

She let out a little moan of appreciation feeling the tension leave her body. “Oh, yeah,” She said a little sheepishly, “This is all new to me, I’m a little nervous.”

“Kagome, I do not wish to push you, the last thing I’d ever want was to make you uncomfortable.” He thought for a second before changing the conversation. “Do you have plans today?” 

“No, I was just planning on going home and hanging out, Inuyasha is with Kikyo and Sango is with Miroku, Koga invited me to a party but I…” 

She trailed off because Sesshomaru started to growl angrily, he knew that wolf had a thing for his woman. If the pup knew what was smart for him, he’d stay far away from Kagome now that Sesshomaru could officially lay claim to her. Kagome started to giggle at his reaction to hearing about Koga and that was enough to shock him out of his anger. “Why do you ask?” 

“I wish to spend the day with you, we haven’t done that in a while and then tonight I’d like to take you out to dinner.” 

“Like a date?” She asked excitedly, she’d been on a few dates in her time but never with anyone she really felt a connection with, she only went out with Hojo because he kept asking her and at the time she figured she might as well give him a chance because it didn’t seem like she’d ever get anywhere with Inuyasha. Thinking back, she realized now how short Sesshomaru was with her that weekend and how he seemed to be in such a bad mood when he saw her. She both wanted to giggle again and roll her eyes at herself because she couldn’t believe how blind she’d been. 

“Yes, would that please you?” Kagome nodded eagerly and leaned in for another kiss. Just as she was getting lost in it she thought of something to make her whole body freeze. Sesshomaru felt it so he pulled back to look at her with a quirked brow. “What is wrong, miko?” 

All of a sudden she felt wrong kissing him let alone being on top of him so she shuffled around until she was back in her seat. Sesshomaru did not like that too much, his lap all of a sudden felt too empty and he had to work hard not to grab onto her to bring her back. “Don’t you already have plans today?”

Do I? As if this Sesshomaru would rather be anywhere other than right here with her. What is she speaking of ? Oh right, Yuka. I’m supposed to be on my way to pick her up right now, in fact, I’m late. She’s probably waiting outside her house by the road waiting for me to get there.’ He mentally shook his head, it’s not as if she mattered to him, and there’s no way in hell he’d choose going to see Yuka over leaving Kagome. She finally admitted she wanted to be with him, there was no way he was going to screw that up. “Kagome, my plans don’t matter I’d much rather spend my time with you. I.. I love you and I have for a long time. I do not wish to spend my time with anyone else, only you.” 

Kagome gasped, she didn’t expect him to actually tell her that he loved her. Did she love him? She thought so but she didn’t know how to say it back to him yet. “So you’ll cancel your plans with her?” She didn’t want to seem needy or clingy but she didn’t want to be with someone who was planning on seeing other people too.

Sesshomaru must have been able to read what she was saying because he reached over and grabbed her hand. “Kagome, I’ve wanted to be like this with you, for you to be mine, for a long time. I want no other.” 

She smiled. “Okay, good. That’s what I want too.” 

He smiled softly at her and at this point, she knew him well enough to know that he didn’t show that smile to many others. He squeezed her hand then looked forward and put his car in drive. She felt a blush cover her cheeks and then cover her whole body at the thought that she was just making out with Sesshomaru like that right in front of her family's shrine. What if Gramps was outside or Souta came home early? 

She was so lost in her thoughts that she jumped a little when Sesshomaru turned the car off. She was surprised to see they weren’t at his house like she thought, they were parked by what looked like nature trails. She turned to him with a question in her eyes. “I wish to show you something.” 

She just nodded her head and got out of the car. As they started to walk down one of the trails her blush came back when he grabbed her hand to hold it but she couldn’t hide the happy smile. They walked in peaceful silence for a while until they went off the trail and through a thick patch of trees, when they finally made it out the other side Kagome gasped at the beauty of the cove he brought her to. It was like a paradise, the grass was bright there were flowers everywhere, and there was a lake and a big beautiful tree that she thought would be perfect to lay under and read a book or take a nap. 

She looked back to Sesshomaru when he spoke. “As you know I am soon to graduate so my father is making me go into the office more and more so that I may one day take over. There is not much time that I can truly be by myself and have the time to think, or just have any peace at all. I discovered this place a few years ago and when I found it, I claimed it as my own. Now I come here when I need to decompress or be alone.” He didn’t mention that he also used to come here during times when he felt hopeless when it came to getting Kagome to see him as more than just her friend. 

Kagome felt special being brought here, somewhere that meant so much to him. Somewhere so private to him. She almost felt like an intruder, like she shouldn’t be here. “Wow, Sesshomaru, it’s beautiful. It’s even more beautiful knowing how special and private this place is to you. I feel honored that you trust me so much.” 

“Miko, I trust you above all others. I am happy to finally be able to share this with you.” 

Kagome sat down at the base of the tree and after a few seconds, Sesshomaru followed suit. When he sat he wrapped his arm around Kagome and pulled her close. She leaned her head on his shoulder and decided she’d never felt so relaxed and comfortable before. They stayed quiet for a long time, just relaxing and taking in the beauty of the cove. Kagome felt her eyes getting heavy and although she knew she should stay awake she felt so safe and comfortable that she couldn’t help but let her eyes slide shut. 

Sesshomaru sat there with her for he didn’t know how long, Kagome, the woman he loved was sleeping in his arms right now, for a long time he was losing hope that this day would ever come so he sat and soaked it all in, he’d never take anything like this from her for granted. After he let her sleep for an hour he had no choice but to slowly shake her awake, there were rain clouds slowly rolling over them and if he wanted to get her back to the car before they were rained out, they had to get going soon. 

So he leaned down and kissed her forehead then shook her lightly, “Kagome, it’s time to wake up, we must be on our way.” 

“Hmm?” She asked, sitting up slowly and looking around, it took her a second to remember where she was, and when she did, she became embarrassed because there was a little patch of drool on Sesshomaru’s shoulder from where she was napping. 

“Come, my Kagome. You fell asleep. Let’s go back to my house so that I might prepare for our date tonight.”

She blushed at the reminder of their upcoming date, her first date. She was both nervous and excited in equal measure. So she just nodded her head and grasped onto the hand that was being held out to her. 

“Wait!” She yelped. He just looked at her with a quirked brow. “We’re going out on a date tonight.” She said simply like that explained everything. 

“Yes, that is the plan, is it not?” 

“It is, I have to go home!” 

That seemed counterproductive to Sesshomaru, “Why?” 

“I have to get ready too! And you have to pick me up, this is my first real date, Sesshomaru, it’s important. Plus Mama will probably want to talk to you and maybe take pictures but don’t worry, I’ll get us out of that. Actually, saying it out loud, maybe I shouldn’t go home, Mama might be more excited than I am and I don’t want to put you through that.” She stayed quiet thinking everything over then shook her head. “No, it’s worth it, I want to get all pretty and dressed up.” 

Sesshomaru couldn’t help himself, he found her adorable. He leaned down and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. “Then I shall bring you home.”


She was sitting in front of her mirror looking at herself after she put her makeup on. She was ready, which was good because Sesshomaru was supposed to be there to get her in just a few minutes. She didn’t know why she was so worried about how her makeup was, it was not as if Sesshomaru didn’t know exactly how she looked with or without makeup. She had sleepovers at his house at least once a month for the last decade so he’d seen her when she first woke up with dried drool on her cheek, the makeup she forgot to wash off the night before, and her hair in a crazy messy bun, looking like she was Madusa. Today was different though and she knew it. She wasn’t hanging out with Sesshomaru, the guy who’d been one of her best friends almost since she could walk, she was going on a date with Sesshomaru, her boyfriend. She giggled with a bright smile at the thought.

There was a knock on her door before her mother came in. Kagome had already filled her in on what her plans were tonight and her change in relationship status. Kagome inwardly laughed ruefully, her mother already had a camera in her hand. “Hey, Kagome, you almost ready? Sesshomaru is h… Oh honey, you look beautiful.”

Kagome felt a blush come over her, “Thanks, Mom. You really think so?”

“Kagome, you know I always think you’re beautiful but yes, tonight you’re shining a little bit brighter than normal and it’s not just your gorgeous yellow dress, which brings out your eyes by the way.” 

“Thank you… wait, did you say Sesshomaru is here?”

Kagome’s mom was just staring at Kagome with a warm look in her eyes until she shook her head and was back in the present. “Huh? Oh yes, he just arrived.” 

“Eep!” Kagome jumped up, grabbed her purse, made sure she had her money, phone, and some makeup in it, and ran out the door but not before giving her mom a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you later, Mom, don’t wait up! I might go over to their house after to see what Inuyasha is up to!” 

At that second, Kagome’s mother decided that there’d have to be new rules about going to the Taisho’s house at all hours of the night and new rules about sleepovers. She opened her mouth to say something about that to her daughter but the door closed behind her and her date before she had the chance. She sighed, she trusted both her daughter and Sesshomaru but they were both teenagers. She’d known for a long time how the oldest Taisho son felt about her daughter but she never felt like there was a reason to bring it up because it looked pretty clear to everyone that Kagome’s affections were planted firmly with the other son of her best friend. She was so surprised that when Kagome told her about her plans for the evening, Mrs. Higurashi had to ask if she wasn’t just trying to replace one brother with the other. She sure got an earful at that one. She shook her head and made her way downstairs to finish the dishes she was working on before the knock on the door came but not before giving her camera a forlorn look and putting it back in the drawer. 

Kagome was just able to get her blush down when she grabbed Sesshomaru’s hand and pulled it out the door but it came back with a vengeance when he opened the car door for her. She never thought of Sesshomaru as a gentleman so she was happily surprised to find he was. It was quiet the first few minutes of the drive and it was making Kagome even more nervous, although if you’d have asked Sesshomaru, he’d have told you it was a comfortable silence.

“So, what are our plans for the night?” Kagome finally asked to break the silence. 

“First, I am taking you to Bite, I hear they have an amazing Ribeye steak and I know that’s your favorite. Then, it’s up to you, we can either go mini golfing, or we can finally make it to the drive-in.” 

Neither of them mentioned the reason they didn’t make it to the drive-in a few weeks ago. Kagome felt the butterflies in her stomach again, he made plans for the night that he knew she’d love. When they were younger both families would go mini-golfing together and it was always Kagome’s favorite. She thought about which one she’d like more. If they went mini golfing, they’d be able to talk more which is normal for a first date, although they already know each other like the back of their hands so there's no need for the normal ‘getting to know you’ questions. Then again, if they go to the movies, she won’t have to worry about being too full to enjoy herself. She wasn’t sure if she’d be in the mood to gulf on such a full stomach. “What movie is playing?”

“It is another horror movie that I’ve heard good things about from America. It’s called Insidious.” 

Kagome thought about it and could see the potential good side of watching a scary movie alone in the car with your boyfriend so that’s what she decided on. “Movies.” 

Sesshomaru nodded his head but didn’t say anything else. Sesshomaru was having a hard time controlling himself. His beast was having a hard time understanding that just because Kagome was now his, that didn’t mean he could take her and mate with her right away. Both parts of him have wanted her for so long they’re having a hard time going slow, especially being so close to her while she smells so good. He could sense her excitement and how happy she was to be there with him. Soon he told himself. Now that he had her, he wasn’t going to do anything to mess that up because he had no intention of giving her up anytime soon, or ever. He feared being that forthcoming with her would scare her away though, he already slipped by telling her he loved her right away. She was young, she wasn’t ready for mating yet. Though no matter how much he knew this logically, his beast didn’t care. He put his hand on her leg in an attempt to calm his beast down and thankfully it worked, for now at least. 


Throughout dinner Kagome kept thinking there was something wrong with Sesshomaru, he seemed agitated and his eyes kept flashing red but every time she asked, he told her he was fine. She hoped she wasn’t doing something wrong. It made her so self-conscious that by the time they made it to the drive-in, she didn’t know what to do with herself. She didn’t want to upset him more, she had a feeling he was regretting asking her out and he didn’t love her as much as he said he did. 

Sesshomaru was berating his beast because he could see how upset Kagome was. He didn’t know how to soothe her without telling her exactly what was wrong but he was worried that would only make her more upset. The choice was taken from him when he saw her eyes grow wet. He would not stand for his miko to be upset, even less so if he was the reason behind her sadness. So, without giving himself a chance to think himself out of telling her, he opened his mouth. 

“I want you too much.” He said simply. 

She jumped at the abruptness of his statement and looked at him with clear confusion. “W-what?”

“I’m sorry, Kagome, I know I have not made this the best for you. It is because I want you so much, too much.” He reached over to put her hands in his before continuing, “You know I am yokai, we are different than humans. There are different parts of us and one part is our beast. My beast loves you just as much as the rest of me does, so it was just as happy as the rest of me when you consented to be mine. The problem is it does not understand just because you’re mine doesn’t mean you are ready to become my mate. It does not care for courting or taking our time. That part of me feels that now that we are together, we should cement it by mating. The more civilized part of me understands that we are young and that you are not yokai. Many yokai know very quickly, almost right away if the person their with is what they want as a mate. So you see, the reason I’ve been quiet and somewhat agitated is because I’m trying to get that part of myself to understand that just because we are not mating tonight, that doesn’t make you any less mine.” 

Kagome knew a lot about yokai, she’s grown up with them all around her and she’d been close to two since she was young so she knew what he meant when he used words like ‘mine’ and she’d even heard of mating before but some of the things he just told her were new to her. She didn’t know how to help make him feel better because he was right, she was only 16 and still in school, it was not as if she was ready to basically marry Sesshomaru. She wondered what she could say to help. After a few seconds of thinking, she pulled her hands free of Sesshomaru’s, he looked at her with poorly disguised panic because he thought that it might have been too much to tell her too fast but he calmed down immeasurably when she put her hands on either cheek and turned his head so that he was looking at her in the eye.

“I love you too, Sesshomaru. All of you, not just the civilized parts of you either, but all of you.”

Sesshomaru wasn’t a very vocal guy but especially not when it came to his feelings and Kagome always knew that. She also knew he didn’t usually show much in the way of facial expressions so she was surprised when his face melted into one that was filled with such happiness, love, and devotion she didn’t know what to do with it. So, she followed her instincts and leaned in for a kiss. 

Sesshomaru growled lustfully at Kagome and pulled her close. Kagome did not expect his growls to affect her the way they did but whenever one came out of his mouth she shivered in pleasure and Sesshomaru started kissing her harder, she thought the more intense kisses might have something to do with the spike in the scent of her arousal after his growls. She was surprised that she didn’t feel any panic or misgivings when he pushed her cardigan off her shoulders, started kissing down her face and then neck, and pushed her dress straps down so his mouth had more room to explore. In fact, she eagerly let him do it and used her hands to take off his jacket as well. 

When both of her dress straps were off her shoulders it didn’t take much to push her dress down enough so that he was able to see and get to her breasts. The dress was so tight and had built-in support so she wasn’t wearing a bra. He growled again and took one breast in his mouth while he palmed the other with his hand. He used his fingers to tweak and twist her nipple and she was surprised to find she enjoyed the slight pain along with her pleasure.

She felt a moment of trepidation when Sesshomaru reached behind her to unzip her yellow dress but that was only because she was worried about her lack of experience, not because of any lack of want to be with him. She felt beautiful when she saw the love, lust, and admiration in his eyes while he was looking at her naked body. She sat up enough so that she was able to reach him better pulled his shirt off him and took a few seconds to enjoy the view herself. He was beautiful, like a statue, a walking Adonis and she couldn’t stop staring. She snapped back to the present when he chuckled huskily. 

“Do you see something you like, Kagome?” 

She felt a blush come over her cheeks but quickly ignored it, she didn’t want to come off as timid so she nodded her head decisively. “Hmm, I think so but you’re too far away for me to know for sure.”

She giggled when he growled again and pounced on her. Well, as much as he could with them still being in a car. She felt another moment of panic because they were technically outside and anyone could see them if they looked but they were in a dark parking lot of a drive-in where probably almost every other car was doing something similar. 

Kagome didn’t know what to expect when Sesshomaru kissed down her body and stopped at her apex, of course, she’d heard her friends talk about this before but it was a first for her. So when he ripped her underwear off (she’d be sure to yell at him about that later), inhaled deeply, then moaned and licked her once languidly, she let out a surprised but pleasured yelp. From the look on his face, he was probably enjoying it as much as she was when he leaned back in and pleasured her with his mouth. It didn’t take long before she felt an orgasm building, it seemed as if Sesshomaru knew exactly how to make her feel good. She moaned his name loudly as she came for the first time. She thought he’d come back up so that she could return the favor but with one look at his face, she had a feeling he had no intention of leaving his spot anytime soon so she rested her head back and just let the pleasure wash over her. She felt him slowly enter her with one finger while his tongue was licking circles around her clit but not actually touching it building her up but not being enough to push her over the edge. 

She felt full when he pushed in the second finger and almost pushed beyond capacity when he squeezed the third inside her as well. Thankfully, he used that second to wrap his mouth around her clit and suck hard, she was pretty sure she screamed during that orgasm but she wasn’t positive because she might have blacked out for a second due to all the pleasure. When he started pumping his fingers in and out, which was much easier because of all the new wetness from her climax, she felt a twinge of pain deep inside her. She was surprised when Sesshomaru immediately pulled his fingers out and stuck them in his mouth, then licked them clean with his tongue. She didn’t expect to find that as erotic as she did but she didn’t have much time to think about it because Sesshomaru dove back in and she felt his tongue deep inside her. Once he pushed her over the edge for the third, or was it the fourth time? She wasn’t sure, he climbed back up her body and kissed her hungrily, she tasted herself on his tongue and was again surprised when that didn’t gross her out. 

When he pulled away from her lips he looked deep into her eyes. “I love you, Kagome.” 

“I love you too, Sesshomaru.” She said with a sweet smile. She was wondering why he didn’t move to take his pants off, she thought that she was going to lose her virginity tonight but he seemed content to leave it where they were. She didn’t like that idea, she wanted him, and although she’d never had that much pleasure given to her, and she knew she’d never had that many orgasms in one night, let alone an hour, she wasn’t satisfied. 

Although she had to admit, when she imagined her first time she never once fantasized about it being in the front seat of Sesshomaru’s car at a drive-in. She didn’t want this to end and she wanted to try to give him the same pleasure he’d given her but she didn’t want to do it here. She looked at him with what she hoped was a seductive look on her face and spoke in her most ‘come hither’ tone, “Are your parents still out of town?” 

“Hn,” He answered slowly, wondering what she was getting at.

“Let's take this back to your house then. Is Inuyasha out with Kikyo tonight?” She kind of regretted bringing his name up at the look of anger and jealousy that flashed in Sesshomaru’s eyes but she truly only asked because she wanted privacy, not because she cared about Inuyasha being with someone else. Sesshomaru must have been able to see that in her eyes because the scowl that was on his face softened into a smile. 

“Yes, he probably won’t be home tonight, they went to a party.” 

“Let’s go then.” She said, trying to bring the seductiveness back to her voice and hoping she wasn’t making a fool of herself, she’d never tried to seduce someone before. 

Sesshomaru looked around, as if almost for the first time remembering where they were. “What about the movie?” 

“We can come back or watch it when it comes out on DVD.” 

He smirked at her then leaned down for another sensual kiss. When he broke the kiss, instead of sitting up and getting ready to leave like she expected, he bent down took her nipple back into his mouth, and ran his hand back in between her legs. She let out a breathy moan when his thumb circled her clit in time with his tongue circling her nipple. She wanted to smack him because just as soon as he got her hot and bothered again, he gave her nipple one last lick and then sat up, “Come Kagome, we should depart.” 

“What was that, you jerk!” She asked almost panting. 

“Just a reminder of what’s to come.” He said simply. 

She huffed when he didn’t say anything else and they both quickly redressed. About five minutes into the drive, Kagome got an evil smirk on her face. ‘Two can play at that game’ She thought.

She leaned over and smiled at the look of surprise in his eyes when she reached down and grabbed his member through his pants, just that small touch had him moaning softly. He was even more surprised when she unbuttoned his pants. “Miko…” He said warningly. 

“What? Just reminding you of what’s to come.” She laughed softly and kept massaging him, now only over his underwear. 

Sesshomaru wanted to pull over, he was just able to calm his libido down enough to focus on driving before she pulled this. Now, his cock was proudly showing just how turned on he was and how bad he wanted her. Thankfully, he only had a few more blocks to drive before he was able to pull into his driveway. He knew as he took the keys out of the ignition that he was taking up the whole driveway with his rushed parking job but it didn’t matter to him at the moment. No, not at all, not with this little hellcat already over the center console and grinding against him again. He knew Kagome had the potential to be a minx in the bedroom but he thought he’d have to coax it out of her. He had never been so happy to be wrong in his life. He could feel that she was a novice but that just turned him on more, he never wanted anyone to experience this with her other than him. 

Thankfully it was late, if it had been any earlier he was sure he’d have gotten a call from his father because a neighbor of his saw the free show they must have been putting on, on their way to the front door. When he stepped out of the car Kagome did not stop kissing him, in fact, she wrapped her legs around his waist so that he was carrying her so she could devote her full attention to kissing him. There were a few bumps and trips on the way because neither could fathom stopping their explorations of each other's mouths and bodies. Her hands were somehow everywhere on him at once and he made the most of having to hold her up by slipping his hand under her dress and squeezing her ass while using his middle finger to slip between her folds. He knew she was upset that he ripped her underwear earlier but right now he couldn’t care less because it gave him easy access to where he wanted to be most. There were loud sounds of pleasure coming from both of them. He was clear-headed enough to realize they had to make it inside before someone called the police on them for public indecency. So when they finally made it to the front door he pushed her against it so that he could have one hand free to search for his keys. Only about half of his brain was on the task, the other half was focused on her breasts because his face was currently in between them and he was trying out motorboating for the first time. 

He had never before seen the purpose of such an act but he was discovering new fun things to do while your hands were otherwise occupied, she seemed to be enjoying it as well. ‘Ahha’ he thought when he finally found which pocket of his was hiding his keys. It took another minute to figure out which key was to his front door without actually looking but finally, with a triumphant grunt, he got the door open. Once they were in the house he kicked the door closed with his foot as he walked to the stairs. Instead of walking up the stairs, he placed Kagome on one that was the perfect height for him to kneel on a lower one and have access between her legs. She threw her head back and let out a heady moan when she felt his tongue enter her again and when he quickly brought her to another orgasm her leg kicked out and her shoe went flying. 

She grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him up her body once he was kissing her again she used her legs to kick off his pants that were never buttoned from the car. Kagome squealed when she felt Sesshomaru scoop her up and continue their walk to his room. Sesshomaru was able to unzip her dress when they were walking and he had no choice but to take a break to worship her breasts against his brother’s door after they were freed again from their coverings. 

Sesshomaru didn’t remember where but he realized his shirt was taken off at one point because when they finally made it to his room they were completely naked other than his boxers and socks. He chuckled huskily then threw her on the bed and finished undressing himself before jumping on top of her. Kagome giggled because of how much he reminded her of a dog when he hopped on the bed. “What is so funny, Ka-go-me?” 

The way he said her name made her shiver in want. “Nothing, I just think you’re cute.” 

He looked offended for a moment, “This one is not ‘cute’” 

“Well, I say you are and I’m allowed, I have girlfriend privileges.” 

His smile turned soft, “That you do, my miko.” He said before leaning in for a kiss, this one softer than the rest, she could almost feel his emotions, his love through it. She stiffened a little when she felt him open her legs and settle in between them with his cock nestled against her entrance. He pulled away from her mouth and looked her in the eyes. “Are you alright, Kagome? We can stop if you wish. I know this has all been fast.”

It really has, as of school today Sesshomaru was hardly talking to her and had a date with another woman, now, they admitted they loved each other, went on one date, and she was naked in bed with him about to give herself to him. Was she honestly ready for this? Was she just doing this because she was worried that’s what he expected? She knew the women he’d been seen around with lately were all experienced, she really didn’t want to think about what he’d been doing with them over the last weeks. She knew she loved him and she knew she wanted to experience these things but was she ready to do it so soon? It wasn’t too late to change her mind, he’d understand. She looked him deep in the eyes, she saw love, devotion, and understanding there. More than she thought was possible. He really loved her and just wanted to be with her, he had for a long time. He’d do whatever she wanted or needed to make her happy, he’d been proving that for years already. She could feel safe with him, he wouldn’t hurt her or push her, and she could trust him, and she did. She smiled, a loving smile at him and nodded. 

She panicked a little when he started to pull away and she realized she might have said that wrong so she wrapped her arms around his neck, “No, Sesshomaru! I mean I’m ready, I love you, and I want this.” 

He stared at her, she guessed looking for the sincerity in her eyes, and eventually, he must have found it because he leaned down for another kiss and when she let herself start to get lost in it, he moved his hand down between her folds and moaned at the feel of how wet and ready for him she was. He grabbed his cock and aligned himself with her center, felt her wrap her legs around his waist, and slowly started to enter her. He had to stop a few times, some because she made a sound of pain, and some because she was so tight he wasn’t sure he could last if he moved anymore. Eventually, he felt himself bottom out inside her and he had to stop again, he’d never felt anything so perfect, she was so hot and tight around him, that he wasn’t sure he’d be able to pull out enough to thrust inside her. 

Kagome never felt so full or so stretched in her life. It didn’t hurt, exactly, it burned a little but in a good way. She opened her eyes to notice Sesshomaru looking down at her worriedly. She leaned up to give him a quick peck on the lips then nodded her readiness at him. He groaned in pleasure when he pulled out of her and she let out a surprised moan when he quickly thrust back in.

Earlier when they were exploring each other’s bodies in the car and on the stairs it was purely sexual and fast, almost animalistic, now, it was slower, more romantic. Kagome thought that this might be what it feels like to make love to someone. The way Sesshomaru was looking at her she almost felt like the only woman in the world, or at least the only one that meant anything to him, anyway. The way he touched her and the way he thrust himself against her made her heart feel full. She tried to make sure she was making him feel the same way, it felt natural like it was meant to be. 

Kagome felt herself climbing closer and closer to the edge, it was a slower build than she’d experienced with Sesshomaru before and more intense. Especially when he trusted and hit a certain spot inside of her that made her scream out in ecstasy. Kagome could tell that Sesshomaru was getting close to his climax too, his body stiffened and his thrusts started to get faster and harder. She could have sworn she saw his eyes flashing from gold to red and his growls and moans were becoming more animalistic. 

Finally, she couldn’t hold it in anymore and she yelled, “Oh Cami, yes, Sesshomaru!” As she experienced her most intense orgasm yet, it seemed like the whole world stopped for a few moments. 

Sesshomaru for his part, forced himself not to get too lost in the pleasure because the beast in him was fighting to get out to mark her. Thankfully, he was able to push that part of him down, his beast will eventually learn to understand that she was his, even without the mark. And that they’ll mate one day but humans do things differently than yokai. Now that the beast had calmed, Sesshomaru was more able to focus on the pleasure of rutting with the woman he loved. Kagome only came back to reality when she heard him moan her name loudly and thrust one, two, three more times before she felt his body stiffen and his member spasm inside her.

When he came down from his high he sagged on top of her for a second before wrapping her in his arms and rolling so she was the one on top of him. They both lay like that for a long time panting, trying to get their breathing back to normal while Sesshomaru lazily ran his finger up and down her spine. Kagome snuggled into his chest and felt herself falling asleep, not caring that they were still intimately connected and sweaty from their activities, enjoying it even. 

“I love you, Sesshomaru,” she mumbled half asleep. 

“As I love you, Kagome.” He said, feeling himself start to nod off as well. 


Inuyasha came home from the party, Kikyo was in trouble with her parents so she wasn’t allowed to have a sleepover, which meant that Inuyasha had no reason to stay out all night. He was a little worried when he realized that the front door wasn’t locked, so he opened it cautiously. He scrunched his nose when he smelt the overwhelming scent of lust when he walked into the foyer and cringed thinking his parents had come home early. He was surprised when he saw a red high heel hanging off the mirror that hung on the front hall and almost tripped over pants that he realized were Sesshomaru’s when he started to walk up the stairs. He rolled his eyes when he thought that Sesshomaru brought home another one of those girls he was using to try to get over Kagome. ‘Keh, like that’s ever going to work, he’s loved her forever. Him drownding himself in other women isn’t going to make that go away.” 

He froze when there was a dress hanging on his bedroom door handle. The only reason seeing the dress affected him so much was because he knew that dress. He had to sit and watch her when she tried it on in all different colors at the mall until he finally got annoyed and yelled “Get the yellow one, damn it” and stormed off, it’s Kagome’s. He didn’t know how he felt about that for a few moments, then scoffed as he threw the dress toward Sesshomaru’s door and then went into his room. “About damn time those two idiots got their shit together.”