Fire and Ice by Sabishii_Taiyoukai_Forever

Meetings, Conversations, and a Festival

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha...sad really...don't we all wish we could? *sighs* Oh well...anyways, here is a new story that just suddenly popped up into my head since I can't figure out what to write on the other stories I have so...yeah. Hope you enjoy!

Fire and Ice

Chapter 1: Meetings, Conversations, and a Festival

Kagome laid in the middle of the open field, breathing in the scent of nature the wind brought to her softly. Her eyes were closed as her arms were neatly tucked underneath her head, her legs spreading out on the grassy ground. It has been a month since the defeat of Naraku and everything has gone back to normal. Miroku and Sango got married, Shippo staid at Kaede's village along with Inuyasha and Kikyo. Kagome was able to now travel back and forth in time whenever she wanted to thanks to the jewel that now resided inside her. Kagome smiled as she remembered about Inuyasha's wish on the jewel.


With one last cry of pain, Naraku disintegrated into dust, never to return leaving the full jewel in his spot. Finally it was over. Naraku was finally defeated and now everything will be back to normal. Shippo and Rin let out a cheer, Sango leaped into Miroku's arms while Kilala roared happily, Inuyasha happily punched the air, Kikyo let a small smile escape her lips, and Sesshomaru...well he just stood there looking at the spot where Naraku had stood.

Kagome sighed happily and walked up to the tainted jewel before picking it up, instantly purifying it. Turning to Inuyasha she handed the jewel to out to him.

"Here, you deserve to make a wish on the jewel." Kagome said as she smiled at her hanyou friend. Inuyasha smiled in return and took the jewel to make his wish.

"I wish for the well to stay open for Kagome to travel through time."

Kagome's eyes widened at him. She couldn't believe that Inuyasha didn't wish for himself to become a full-fledge demon. For once, Inuyasha made the right selfless choice. Suddenly the jewel glowed brightly before flying out of his hand. Then there was a voice.

'Inuyasha, your wish will be granted, but since your wish was selfless, I will grant you one more wish.'

Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo all gasped in shock. Inuyasha's eyes widened before returning to their normal size.

" not know what there is to wish for." Kagome's eyes held on to the unshed tears as she turned her eyes from Inuyasha's form to Kikyo's. That was when an idea popped into her head. She quickly refocused her eyes back on Inuyasha. Suddenly she moved to stand next to Inuyasha and made the wish for him.

"I wish that Kikyo can live once more so she may be happy."

This time it was Inuyasha's turn to gasp as he whipped his head towards her small form.


"Since the first time I saw you Inuyasha I thought you were just a big jerk but ever since we started to travel together along with the friends we now have I started to fall in love with you..." Her eyes stared at the ground below her as she continued. "...but I knew even if I loved you, you would always love Kikyo no matter how hard you would try not to think of her." Kagome looked back up into his golden eyes. "That's when I realized that no matter what choice you made that I will always be happy for you. I knew that I couldn't love you as a lover, but as a brother."

Inuyasha's eyes widened. She did all this just for Kikyo and him to be happy with each other? Inuyasha closed his eyes and for the first time he smiled a true smile. He rapped his arms around Kagome's slender frame as he felt her do the same thing before whispering in her ear.

"Thank you, Kagome."

Kagome smiled before looking over Inuyasha's shoulder as she spotted Kikyo. Kagome sent a smile in her direction. Kikyo's eyes held unshed tears and for the first time, she smiled.

*End Flashback*

Kagome's smiled widened. Yes, no matter how many times she tried to love him, she knew that it was never meant to be. Now Kikyo and her have become the best of friends and would now laugh and gossip about the latest interests. Her eyes opened slowly as she now stared up into the bright blue sky. Yes, now she was happy.

Kagome's eyes darted towards the left of her as she slowly sat up.

"I know you're out there, Sesshomaru. Why don't you come out and show yourself."

Silence was her answer for a moment before there was a slight rustle of the bushes before the said person came out. Kagome knew that Sesshomaru would pose no threat to her since he rarely goes after Inuyasha anymore...

...but that never meant he would stop. She watched as he gracefully strode over to her before stopping a few inches away from her. Hazel eyes met brown as they started intently into each others eyes.

Then the silence was broken once Sesshomaru spoke up.

"You were aware of my presence, miko?"

"Of course I was. I am a miko as you so kindly stated, remember?"

Sesshomaru's lip twitched upwards a bit. "Hn."

Kagome smiled a bit. "So, what brings you out here?"

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at her. "Am I not allowed to roam wherever I please?"

"That's not what I meant."

"What, then, did you mean?"

Kagome sighed.

"I mean what are you doing out here so near Kaede's village? Trying to pick another fight with your brother?"

"Half-brother..." Sesshomaru stated. "...and no I am not here for the little brat. I am here to take back what is mine."

Kagome gazed back up into his eyes. "You mean you're here to pick up Rin?"

"Do not make me repeat myself, miko" Kagome scowled.

"Fine, fine. I understand. Jeez, wouldn't hurt to show some respect you know..." she muttered. Sesshomaru ignored her comment. Silently she got up from her sitting position and started walking in the direction of the village with Sesshomaru following behind her.


"Has anyone seen Kagome lately?" Sango asked, slightly worried for her friend being alone out in the woods as she sat down with her friends that formed a circle around the fire.

"I must agree with Sango. It certainly has taken a long time for her to return."

Inuyasha sniffed the air and growled lowly. "Well the bastard took the wrong time to show up..."


"OW!! Hey, what was that for?!" he yelled at the monk all the while rubbing his now sore head.

"It is rude to swear in front of little children."

Inuyasha folded his arms a crossed his chest. "Feh!"

Suddenly Kagome stepped through the doorway of the small hut followed by Sesshomaru.

"LORD SESSHOMARU!!" Rin shouted before running up to him and latching herself to his pant leg. Sesshomaru stared down at the little girl before patting her head gently. Inuyasha snorted.

"Overrated dick..."

Sesshomaru along with Kagome shot him a nasty glare. Inuyasha glared back.


"Inuyasha that was mean! He just was coming to get Rin! So don't you dare start a fight with him now or else I'll say the s-i-t word!" Kagome scolded causing the hanyou's ears to flatten as he muter a silent apology. Kagome turned herself so she was facing the demon lord once more before smiling.

"Would you care to join us, Sesshomaru? We are going to have a festival tonight as a celebration of Naraku's defeat."

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes and was about to protest but was stopped once Rin spoke.

"Oh can Rin really, Lady Kagome? That would be so much fun!"

Sesshomaru looked down at his ward and almost stiffened.

Rin was giving him the best puppy eyes she could muster. He sighed.

Now he couldn't say no...



He watched as Rin squealed in delight before hugging her lord's leg once more and running off to play with the kit. He couldn't help it as his eyes softened at the site.


Snapping out of his thoughts, he turned towards the owner of the voice, who happened to be the miko.

"Is there anything you would like, Sesshomaru?"

He snorted. "I do not eat human food."

Kagome's eyes lowered a bit. "I know, but still..."

"Kagome, ignore the dick head. His sense of taste is just screwed up badly."

Everyone tried to hold back their laughter as hard as they could as they watched the emotionless Taiyoukai give an icy glare in the hanyou's direction. Kagome sighed.

"At least he doesn't go peeping on girls while they bathe." Everyone howled with laughter, minus Sesshomaru, as they watched the said hanyou's face turn as red as his shirt.

"Feh! It's not my fault that you get into trouble all the time."

It was Kagome's turn to give him a nasty glare.


Inuyasha flinched at the sound of her voice. 'Should have just shut up.'


Inuyasha crashed into the ground below him, causing everyone to once again howl with laughter.

Sesshomaru, however, gave a slight twitch of his lip.

"You are such a fool, Inuyasha. Letting a human miko control you? Pathetic."

Inuyasha's response was a low growl while Kagome decided to ignore his rude comment. Miroku decided to make his 'grand entrance'.


"HENTAI!!!" Sango screeched as she watched his go flying into the wall by her hard slap.

Once again, everyone laughed.


Night had finally come as the sound of laughter was heard from a small village. People danced as the little ones played, running around the big circle that had formed around the huge fire. Kagome, Miroku, Shippo, Rin, Sango, and Kikyo all laughed as they watched Inuyasha get attacked by the little ones as they when for his ears, hair, and shirt. Poor Inuyasha was sitting there sulking the whole time.

Kagome was fascinated as to how many people had attended to the festival and was even more fascinated about how good the food was. She glanced to her left side and saw Miroku whispering into Sango's ear, making her blush hard. Kikyo was still laughing as Inuyasha was being mauled by the kids. She then glanced to her right seeing Rin watching Shippo doing one of his fox magic tricks, making her squeal in delight. Kagome saw everyone there, enjoying themselves with each others company...

...but where was Sesshomaru?

She looked around until she spotted him sitting under a tree a couple yards away from the village, watching the humans have there festival. Kagome frowned.

'Of course...he sets himself to the side...but what do expect from someone that hates humans?'

The miko sighed before getting up from her spot and walked towards the demon lord. Kagome knew he was watching her the whole time as she continued advancing towards him.

"Sesshomaru? Do you care to join us?" Kagome said as she sat down in front of him. He glared at her.

"What makes you think that I would do such a thing?" he stated icily.

"Rin would want you to join her."

Kagome watched as his eyes softened at the name. Her eyes also softened.

"You care for Rin, don't you?"

His eyes snapped back up towards hers and growled lowly.

"What makes you think that I would care for a human?"

"You keep her around."

"She decided to stay on her own will."

"Yes, but the fact that you haven't pushed her away from you shows that you care."

"I have yet to find her a village to stay in."

Kagome's eyes narrowed. "So you want to give your own adopted daughter up to some village that may do Kami knows what to her?"

It was Sesshomaru's turn to narrow his eyes at the miko. "She is of no importance to me."

Kagome closed her eyes and sighed.

"Fine, if she is of 'no importance' to you then I will keep her."

She heard a low, vicious growl coming from the Taiyoukai. "You will do no such thing!" he hissed.

Kagome smirked. "Oh so now she is of importance to you?"

Sesshomaru didn't answer her back which only made her smirk grow.

'Thought so.'

"Oi, Kagome! What you doing over hear near this bastard?" Kagome heard Inuyasha say as he walked up next to her. Kagome smiled up at him as she sat up.

"We were just having a conversation."

"Conversation my ass! Come on, everyone's waiting for ya!" he said as he grabbed her by the arm and started dragging her back down to the festival.

Sesshomaru watched her form being dragged by his half-brother as she was soon dragged into the dance by her friends. He saw her laugh and dance along with the others in her group as he remembered the words that she had said to him.

You care for Rin, don't you?

Yes, he thought to himself, even if he doesn't want to admit it to the miko, he does care for Rin...



Ok so since I can't do anything with my computer that is upstairs right now cause that is where my other stories that I am writing about are, I decided to write another one knowing that it will take me until Christmas to finally be able to go back on it. So I hope you will enjoy this one story for now! Please review, I'm begging you!!