Say Yes by thetroll

Chapter 1

“InuYasha’s dying,” his half-brother’s priestess announced as he flew overhead in search of his ward in village.

”That is no concern of this one,” he said simply though idly he wondered what had brought his half-brother so low so quickly when even Naraku had failed.

It appeared that he’d underestimated the woman, however, because she notched an arrow and fired it at him with enough reiki to sizzle his yoki into action. It felt like he’d been jolted by lightning.

Her arrow bounced off of the hilt of his blade and he had the uncomfortable feeling that it had been deliberate.

He maintained his cloud but did not move forward. The wretched woman wanted his attention and she would have it. He was in a rather sore mood himself; he had been the recipient of a rather uncomfortable meeting with his mother, who had blithely announced she’d found the perfect mate for him. Beautiful yet with enough power to allow his line to breed true.

From that, he’d assumed the chit was not inuyokai—hardly surprising when he considered the fact that his clan had begun to die out between the warring with humans and with themselves. A few had even been weak enough to be destroyed by Naraku.

He hadn’t bothered to stick around and hear his mother’s pronouncement of who she felt he should marry now that she’d decided it was high time he produce an heir. He had, after all, proven himself worthy and surpassed his father and of course therefore it was time to get his future household and clan in order. At least to his mother, it was.

So he’d left his mother there in the clearing, still running her mouth off about his future mate, and had gone in search of his ward and her calming influence.

Yet now he had been waylaid again by his infernal half-brother’s woman.

Perhaps she would at least give him a battle worthy of the fire in his blood.

He flicked the hit of his sword, popping a few inches of the blade free of the sheathe. 

“It’s poison,” the woman said, evidently misinterpreting his pause as a willingness to entertain her. “A yokai bit him during his human time. We’ve tried everything but we can’t seem to get the wound to clot and without his hanyo strength I’m not sure he’ll make it.”

The guilt over releasing InuYasha’s secret was evident but he ignored it. He’d long learned of the hanyo’s secret. It was, after all, a common affliction to those of hanyo blood, yet another reason why his kind didn’t tolerate them.

“You’re a poison based inuyokai, right?” she continued quickly. “So maybe you can help us. I was going to seek out Jinenji but with how quickly InuYasha is fading, I was worried he wouldn’t make it in time.”

”If InuYasha is weak enough to succumb to his human blood, that is his own concern.” His words were blunt and he ignored the irritation he could see plainly on her face. 

“Don’t be such an ass,” she hissed.

Before he could draw his sword clear of its sheathe for the the affront, his mother made her appearance.

It seemed she was not quite willing to give up on the idea of Sesshomaru producing an heir for her, whether he wanted to or not.

His mother landed in the clearing and shifts back to her humanoid form. “How horrible it is that this one should have to bear insult from her only son.” She glared at Sesshomaru as he debated the wisdom of trying to escape both women but resigning himself to the fact that both appeared determined enough to pursue him.

“Your mother?” The priestess turned and to his surprise offered a polite bow to the inuyokai. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Kagome.”

His mother seemed surprised but inclined her head regally nonetheless. She was nothing short of the epitome of poise, no matter the circumstances, but it still amused Sesshomaru to see his mother forced into acknowledging a human woman—and a priestess at that.

”Likewise,” his mother responded, raising her fan to her lower face to hide her expression. “So this is why you fled your honorable mother, Sesshomaru?”

The priestess shifted her weight. “Not exactly,” she spoke up and he was content to let her. Better she deal with his mother than him.

In fact, if the priestess distracted his mother enough, he likely could continue on his way, unnoticed.

“Sesshomaru is—”

His mother’s brow raised and Sesshomaru realized the assumption she made just seconds before she spoke.  “You have already accepted?” she asked carefully.

Knowing the priestess’s tendency for rashness, Sesshomaru wearily decided he would have to step in before the situation became even more taxing.

His half-brother’s woman, however, evidently did not see fit to allow him to handle the situation.

”Accept what?” Kagome asked blankly. “I was trying to get Sesshomaru to agree to—”

You?” His mother’s disapproval was evident. “Has this one’s son’s honor sunk so low that he must be asked instead of offering?”

She turned accusing eyes on him and in his childhood that expression alone had him wishing to cower. Now, however, not only had he reached maturity, but he had also come into his power, surpassing even his esteemed father.

He cowered before no one, least of all his own mother. 

“You may have surpassed your honorable father, pup, but this will not do. It simply will not do. You will do this properly, Sesshomaru, or I will ensure it is done for you.”

The priestess looked relieved. “You can help?” she asked as the tension left her shoulders. 

“Of course I can,” his mother said with a sideways glance at Sesshomaru. “And I will.”

He was unnerved at the direction the conversation had turned and sought to find a way to extricate himself from the situation.

”She is human,” Sesshomaru said calmly, refusing to show that he was taken aback by how easily his mother accepted the human priestess.

She had, after all, been far less tolerant of InuYasha’s mother, though she had made it clear that she would not interfere with her husband’s wishes. Multiple mates were not unheard of and his first wife’s status could not be changed or diminished now that she had produced his heir. What her husband did outside of her bed was of little concern as long as she did not have to deal with the issue herself.

“She is the Shikon priestess,” his mother retorted just as blithely. “She is worthy enough.”

Kagome shifted her weight. “Can we head over to InuYasha then? I’m worried about him.”

“Of course,” his mother agreed readily, clicking her fan closed with a graceful flick of her hand. “After all, he has been your guardian these last few years, has he not?”

His mother gave him a look that dared him to say otherwise. 

Sesshomaru held his silence. He wouldn’t allow his mother to bait and needle him into action. She could play her games with others, but he would not be manipulated into following blindly along.

But she was still his mother and was due respect for that alone. Her station as his father’s first wife accorded her even higher status which meant Sesshomaru could do little outright except ignore her ploys. 

He was, however, resigned to helping InuYasha now. There was simply no way he could see out of that situation.


Kagome’s knees had nearly bucked in relief at Sesshomaru’s mother’s easy acceptance of aid for InuYasha. She didn’t know why the inuyokai was so willing to help or how she’d known, but she didn’t care, either.

InuYasha would get what he needed and that was what mattered.

But she had to admit they made an odd group as the three of them headed back to the village. Sesshomaru had evidently deemed it more expedient to travel via his cloud and he had reluctantly allowed her onto it beside him.

Kagome didn’t care. He could be as reluctant and unhappy as he wanted as long as he helped.

When they reached the hut she shared with InuYasha and occasionally Shippo whenever he visited, she turned back at the doorway to issue a warning.

”He’s really badly off,” she said quietly. “So whatever you need to do, please do it quickly. I’m not sure how long he can hang on.”

She ushered Sesshomaru and his mother inside and then rushed over to her best friend. Ultimately, after she’d returned to this era, they had intended to wed. As time passed, however, the plans seemed to get pushed further and further back until Kagome was no longer really sure what InuYasha actually wanted.

But she forced herself to think about the matter at hand, not her uncertain future.

InuYasha lay on his futon, drenched in a cold sweat. Lines of purplish poison streaked his body in a way that was eerily reminiscent of the damage she’d once healed in Kikyo’s body, but no matter how she tried, this poison did not respond to her reiki.

His firerat clothing had been stripped off and he’d been left in his fundoshi, though he showed little awareness of his near-nakedness. His eyes were closed and his black hair clung to his body, damp with sweat. 

“Well this won’t do,” Sesshomaru’s mother murmured. “We can hardly apprise him of recent events in this condition. No wonder you had to ask this one’s son yourself, priestess. Then hanyo certainly was in no shape to ask himself.”

Kagome laughed awkwardly, unable to picture InuYasha asking his brother for anything. “Can you help?”

”Of course. Where do you think this one’s son inherited his poison from?” His mother casually rolled up her elegant sleeves. “Bring clean cloth and boiled water. This one shall begin at once.”

Kagome ran off to fetch exactly that and over the next few hours, she acted as an assistant to Sesshomaru’s mother. Under her bidding, both Sesshomaru and Kagome herself helped his mother attend to InuYasha.

His mother also explained her actions when Kagome expressed an interest. She explained the nature of the poison and showed Kagome key points on his body to draw the poison from InuYasha’s body.

Kagome had set out at first light and by midday, InuYasha had lost the white pallor to his skin.

Seashomaru’s mother leaned back but fell into proper posture as if it was second nature.

”This one has done what she can. The rest depends on his own strength.”

“Thank you,” Kagome said fervently, bowing. “I don’t know what we would have done without your help.”

His mother waved a dismissive hand. “It was an honor to assist family. He is, after all, the son of this one’s honorable mate. However, it was this one’s son who is most deserving of your praises. It is his poison that neutralized the poison coursing through the hanyo’s veins.”

Kagome pressed her lips to hide her smile. She had already decided she wouldn’t tell InuYasha how his brother had used his poison. She just hoped the bites healed before InuYasha woke and noticed them.

”Thank you, Sesshomaru,” she said sincerely, bowing again.

He inclined his head. 

His mother rose as she rolled her sleeves down. “This one shall hunt,” she announced. “It has been awhile since she has enjoyed the thrill and the fresh meat will help this one’s husband’s second son regain his strength. Will you join this one?”

It was a question but Kagome sensed Sesshomaru’s mother wasn’t really asking. Sesshomaru inclined his head in agreement. 

The two swept out of the hut as Kagome began to get a fire going in the pit in the center of their hut. If they were bringing back fresh meat, she was going to have to cook it. She might as well get set up now.


InuYasha did not regain consciousness until night fell and his hanyo powers returned to him. Still, it was more than obvious that he wasn’t yet at full strength.

By then, Sesshomaru and his mother had returned with several deer and the three of them had dressed and begun cooking the deer on Sesshomaru’s mother’s orders, much to Kagome’s surprise. There was a broth simmering on the fire for InuYasha and the excess meat had been placed on a rack to dry.

Evidently, the first person InuYasha saw upon waking was his brother because he said, ”Keh. What’re you doing here, yah bastard?” 

“The priestess requested this one’s help,” Sesshomaru replied and couldn’t resist adding, “She was...most insistent.”

”Which is only natural, of course,” his mother said smoothly, apparently oblivious to the tension between the two. “After all, this one’s son is hardly likely to deny a request from his new mate.”

InuYasha and Kagome both gaped as Sesshomaru quietly sighed.

“M-mate?” Kagome squeaked.

”Ain’t no way in hell she mated the bastard.” InuYasha pushed himself to sit up and lean against the wall as he glared.

Sesshomaru’s mother simply smiled. “This one is aware that you are unaware of the ways of your clan. However, she is quite mated. She made a request to his pack’s lead female and it was accepted. Therefore, they are mated, quite finally, in fact. This one suggests you get used to it, young pup. Your priestess is taken with him and shall soon be taken by him.”

His mother rose to stand after dropping that bombshell. “Now that this one has done her duty in announcing the mating to the priestess’s former guardian, it is time to return home. Do visit, Sesshomaru. It has been long since this one’s palace has seen young pups but it is a sound this one looks forward to again. She is, however, impressed you had already selected the mate she had chosen for you.”

Sesshomaru’s mother left without another word, ignoring InuYasha’s heated cursing. 

What the hell just happened? What does she mean, she chose me? I should get a say in this, too, dammit! It’s my life! Kagome felt dazed and bemused and part of her was convinced that this was just some sort of a twisted dream.

“I won’t accept this,” InuYasha hissed. “Ain’t no way in hell K’gome is going with you.”

”There is little you can do,” Sesshomaru said before Kagome could speak. “The alpha female has the right to decide on all matings in her pack, though her mate often has a say as well. As this one had not yet mated, she alone had the right to recognize his mate.”

Sesshomaru was far too blasé for Kagome’s liking.

”Then K’gome can undo it.” InuYasha tucked his hands together but the movement looked a bit silly without his firerat robe. “She’s the alpha female now, right?”

”Oh!” Kagome grinned, relieved at how easily it would be to dissolve the mating she’d been ushered into without consent. “Then let’s do that!”

But Sesshomaru shook just his head. ”The priestess has not assumed her role yet. Until the bond is consummated and she has taken her place in this one’s palace, she is his mate but not the alpha female. By then, it would be too late. The bond cannot be undone.”

“What if your mother changes her mind?” Kagome asked hopefully. 

“Keh. That woman ain’t changed her mind yet.” InuYasha had managed to keep from shouting but she could see how much effort it took.

”It is so.” Sesshomaru inclined his head. “Though you did not wish it and neither did this one, the mating is final...mate.”

Kagome flinched. “What if we stayed mated per your mother’s decree but don’t actually, ah, mate or live together? That happens sometimes where I’m from.”

Sesshomaru raised a brow. “She has a mirror she uses to observe the world. Would you really like her to come back and continually interfere until we do as she bade?”

InuYasha snorted. “Let her. I can take her.”

”You aren’t fighting anyone, idiot,” Kagome snapped, “especially not family. Your father wouldn’t want that and neither would I.”

”Then we make the best of the situation,”  Sesshomaru said calmly. “This one will return once his home is in order. He suggests you prepare yourself, Kagome. Within a fortnight, you will be his.”

Kagome sank to the floor as reality set in but she lacked the words to express herself. All she could do was nod her agreement as her life was completely rearranged.


True to his word, Kagome was brought to Sesshomaru’s palace in the sky two weeks later, long after InuYasha has recovered. He had suggested they leave, but Kagome suspected there weren’t too many places they could go that Sesshomaru couldn’t find, let alone follow.

Besides, she had time the past two weeks to accept the upheaval in her life and she was determined make the most of it. Perhaps she could find some sort of purpose with Sesshomaru that she’d lacked with InuYasha.

On the way, he had explained they were moving into his ancestral home. His mother apparently lived in a smaller version that was reserved for the old alphas when their heirs proved their powers had surpassed their sire’s. Since Sesshomaru’s father had passed, his mother had taken up residence on her own and apparently ruled it quite intelligently. 

Unfortunately, it meant his mother was close enough to visit regularly and Sesshomaru seemed to suspect she would. 

Evidently the former alpha female strongly desired grandchildren and had chosen Kagome to bear them. Sesshomaru seemed to think it was due to her exposure to the Shikon jewel and her own innate power. She was immune to time, after all, and it was believed her pups would be hanyo by definition but closer to yokai in power, with added boon of being resistant to the holy power of humans.

Sesshomaru had brought her to her rooms and offered to consummate the mating there but Kagome had freaked when he moved closer. His kiss was flat, emotionless, and Kagome couldn’t bring herself to go through with it. 

He had decided to give her time to grow accustomed to the arrangement between them, but Kagome saw it differently. If they were going to be stuck together for the rest of their lives, then she was going to ensure it was not a passionless existence. 

She didn’t love him, nor did he love her. But if they were going to have a family, by god, he was going to have to learn. And so would she.

Kagome simply refused to accept any less than his heart. Whether he liked it or not, he was going to fall for her. She didn’t think she could cope with anything else. She’d dreamed of marrying someone she loved and since that had been taken from her, her only option was to help him learn to love her from here on out.

And in doing so, hopefully, she’d be able to love him in return.