Blindsided by ancient-relic

Part I—i

nounblind side

a direction in which a person has a poor view, typically of approaching danger


Kagome was lifted from her sleep slowly. She found herself curled up on one side in the fetal position; an unusual one for her, perhaps, but strangely comfortable at the moment.

Her shoulder was numb and she could feel her hand tingling, but she felt so overwhelmingly exhausted that she couldn’t be bothered to move.

InuYasha will be mad if I spend all day in bed, though. I wonder where everyone else is?

With a groan, she slowly rolled over and tuned into the background noise around her. Everything seemed muted, and she could smell stale herbs. 

Kaede’s hut.

There was a small fire crackling somewhere behind her, and she could feel a warm breeze on her face blowing past the reed curtains in the doorway. 


Kagome slowly inched herself upright, as her left arm flared to life with pins and needles. She wrung her hands several times in an attempt to coax life into her fingers, and then brought them to her face to wipe the last vestiges of sleep away.

But why am I in Kaede’s hut?

With a yawn Kagome blearily opened her eyes, her hands falling still into her lap.

She couldn’t see anything.

Kagome screamed