Remember me by Volkswagonlover

The future or A Nightmare?

I dont own the characters of Inuyasha

Kagome was sprung back to the future before Naraku was even killed. There were no books on Inuyasha's victory. She had no idea if her friend's successfully destroyed Naraku.

How many of her friends lived through the battle, if any?

The last thing she remembered was blacking out when Naraku sent his miasma at her. She woke up in her era.

She assumed Inuyasha took her home and took the jewel shards with him. She was lost to his world forever. She cried for months. She longed to see anyone from the past. She would even settle for Naraku if that was the case. But after five years. There was no hope to know the truth.

Kagome had just got a new job at a nursing home. She was a nurse. She had been there two weeks and was currently going through the new admissions.

There was only one today. His name is Katsuro Takuma. Kagome sighed. This would be alot of paperwork.

She starred at the first name of the new patient.

'Victorious son.' She thought of the name meaning. It intrigued her.

With her clipboard in hand, Kagome walked into the new patient's room. She stepped foot in the room and his bed was on the left. She saw amber eyes look in her direction. Her eyes widened as she dropped her clipboard. But quickly picked it back up. She looked at the man again. He looked like a normal human, but he had amber eyes. He also had grey hair.

"Mr. Takuma?" She questioned.

"Hn." He said with a nod as he looked at the girl. He recognized her.

"I hope your sanity is not as loose as the clipboard you hold in your hand." The old man said.

Kagome gave an awkward laugh as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Sorry I'm a clutz." She said.

He nodded.

Kagome paused for a minute. She looked at her clipboard.

'Why would he bring up my sanity? The only time I was close to possibly losing it was when I wasn't able to return to the past.' Kagome paused in her thoughts.

'Could he secretly be Inuyasha?' Kagome wondered to herself. But the shook her head. Now she did sound insane. Inuyasha was probably long dead.

It truly hurt her heart to think of the possibility of her first and only love being dead. Kagome looked to the man's left arm.

'He has two arms. It isn't Sesshomaru.' Kagome thought. But the amber eyes threw her off. She was almost certain she had seen them somewhere.

"Girl," He said.

Kagome looked up with a smile.

"Sorry I was thinking of something. My bad. Um I have came to see if you needed anything." She said.

"Hn." Was his reply. He moved his feet to the left and leaned back more.

"Please sit." He said as he gestered toward the foot of the bed.

Kagome thought back to the word 'sit'. She had missed Inuyasha dearly and if she could do it over, she would not have sat him so much. She had tried for so long to force the memory away of her past, but she couldn't. Everything reminded her of everyone she knew from the past.

Kagome looked at the man and nodded. She walked over and sat down on the foot of his bed.

"What did you need me to get for you?" She asked. She was curious as to why the man asked her to sit down.

The man looked at her with his amber eyes.

"You seem sad. What purpose could you possibly have?" He asked.

Kagome looked down in her lap. She intertwined her gloved fingers.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Kagome said. She hasn't talked about the past much since she came back. But she was at the point where she didn't want to hold in the pain. She wanted to let it out.

But she couldn't. Not with this man that could possibly have more sanity than her.

She couldn't talk to her family. Seeing them made the pain come back. Everytime she saw Souta it reminded her of Shippo.

"Try me." He said with a smirk. Kagome looked at him turning her head toward him.

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She looked back down into her lap.

Katsuro looked at the broken girl in front of him. It had to be Her. She never even said her name.

"What is your name?" He asked her. She looked up at him.

"Kagome," she said with a smile.

His eyes widened slightly.

It was her! She couldn't know he was Sesshomaru. He didn't want to have to tell her about Inuyasha.

He did want to know if she remembered.

He was so glad that he found someone from his past.

None was left.

They were all gone.

"Bird in a cage. How unique." He said to her. She smiled. But then her smile faded.

"I use to know someone that reminded me of you. She was a child when I met her. She was brave and kind-hearted to all. But she had a very rough childhood." He said to her. She looked up at him.

Of course he was talking about Rin. But she didn't know Rin well enough to know that.

The thought of Rin made his heart ache in loss. He missed her dearly.

He was nearly five hundred when the battle with Naraku started. But now, almost at one thousand years of life. It is coming to a close. He didn't have age marks, no. He looked the same. But his life was almost over. He had a concealment spell on him that would last until they buried him. He never found a mate. And that made his life span drastically shorter. His beast was withering. Lonely and unsatisfied.

Now that he knew Kagome was alive and the last person from the feudal era. He now knew that it all happened. That it was not a past he came up with from a dream or something.

It was all real.

She was real.

He wanted to tell Kagome who he was but he didn't want to hurt her anymore than she already was.

"Go ahead and tell me. I will not judge or think you are delirious." Sesshomaru said.

Kagome looked into his eyes, looking for any sign of deceit. She found none. She situated herself better on the foot of his bed. She was barely taking any space.

Kagome was suspicious of this Katsuro. She was familiar. She would find out how.

She looked at him in the eyes.

"Six years ago I was in my family shrines well house. My cat would not come out and my kid brother wouldn't go get him. My cat was near the well. I walked down the stairs to pick him up. And I was pulled into the well by a creature that was after a jewel that I had in my possession. It was embedded in my side." Kagome paused to look at Katsuro's face.

"Continue, it was just getting good." He said. Kagome nodded.

A/N: I hope you all like it so far. :)