I'll Fight for you by Guardian of the Nine Realms

The new girl and her past

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Inuyasha. But I do own my OC, Katsumi.

Inuyasha and Kagome were standing in the meadow where the bone eaters well is.

'Ugh! Inuyasha is so annoying! I just want to go home for a day. I haven't been back in two weeks!' Kagome thought to herself.

"Kagome, Naraku hasn't been seen in almost a moon! I think he's planning something. If you attempt to go back now I'll put a tree in the well again!" Inuyasha said.

"Inuyashaaa," Kagome said.

His eyes widened.

"Kagome, no!" He said.

"Sit boy!" She said as his beads around his neck drug him face first to the ground. He mumbled something about stupid bitches.

A moment later he stood.

"Kagome what the hell was th-" He stopped talking and sniff the air.

"What is it inuyasha?" Kagome asked.

"Let's go get the others."

Inuyasha gathered the others in Kaede's hut.

"What is it inuyasha?" Miroku asked.

"We're leaving, I smelled Naraku fighting Sesshomaru just now." He said then he sniffed the air again.

"What the hell?! I smell Sesshomaru's blood. Let's go!" He said as they all ran out of the hut and Kagome got on inuyasha's back with Shippo on her shoulder and Sango and Miroku riding Kirara.

They were getting closer and closer. Inuyasha knew Sesshomaru wouldn't want to see them.

The only times he's been injured is with fighting inuyasha. Naraku is to weak. Something must be up, but Inuyasha didnt smell Sesshomaru's companions with him.

We made it to a clearing seeing Naraku battle some woman that smelled like Sesshomaru. Naraku sent her flying. She has black hair and bright purple eyes. She looked at most 5'3. She wore a light purple fighting kimono with a green sash and a sword on her hip. She is a dog demon like Sessomaru.

Is she his mate?

"Inuyasha help her!" Kagome yelled.

Woman yelled back. "I don't need help from a half Breed and pathetic humans." The girl said still facing Naraku.

"Fine, when you die its on you bitch!" Inuyasha yelled. Inuyasha and his friends watched the battle.

"Naraku, fifty years as a prisoner is long enough! Most people think me dead because of you!" The girl yelled.

Naraku laughed.

"How awful!" I heard Kagome whisper.

"You will come with me again Katsumi!" Naraku said with a laugh.

"I think not!" The girl Naraku called Katsumi yelled.

She swung her arm and a whip of Black Lightning came out of her fingertips slicing Naraku's puppet in half.

She then stood alone.

Inuyasha saw her wince as she placed her right hand on her left side near her sword where she was injured. Inuyasha walked up to her while her back was turned.

"Hey listen, I know you don't want help, but your injured." Inuyasha told her.

She turned to Inuyasha and he was five feet from her. Inuyasha then noticed she had Sesshomaru's markings. Inuyasha's eyes widened.

"I don't need help from the likes of you." She said.

'Fine if that is how it'll be.' Inuyasha thought.

She turned her back to Inuyasha. He ran up to Katsumi and punched her in the head. She fell to the ground. She was out cold.

"Inuyasha! That was uncalled for!" Kagome yelled at inuyasha.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

"Sit boy!" She yelled as Inuyasha hit the ground.

"Ungrateful bitches." He mumbled. He slowly stood back up. He walked up to the girl and picked her up over his shoulder.

"Lets set up camp nearby." Inuyasha told the others. They nodded.

Two hours later. Kagome dressed her wounds. Katsumi started to stir. A moment later she sat up against a nearby tree. The Inu gang had a fire going so she would be warm. It was just getting dark.

"Where am i?" She asked looking around at all of the people around her. She looked at Inuyasha.

"You knocked me out didn't you?" She said with anger in her voice.

"And if I did?" Inuyasha asked.

"Then I'll kick your Ass!" She said as she attempted to stand.

Inuyasha stood and drew Tetsusaiga

"Ha, you must be asking for a death wish." He said.

"Sit boy!" Kagome yelled.

Fuck! Inuyasha hit the ground. That's the third time today!

Kagome ran in between the two.

"Stop this please. Katsumi were not your enemy. We wish to help that's all. Inuyasha has a bad temper. Just ignore him." She told her.

Inuyasha yelled. "You Better not ignore me!" Kagome did.

He walked away "Whatever." He said in a pissed off tone as he sat against a tree.

Kagome turned to Katsumi. "You told Naraku you were not going to be with him anymore after fifty years. Can I ask what happened?" Kagome asked. She nodded.

"Please sit and I'll tell you all." Katsumi said and Kagome did.

*Flashback 50 years ago. Katsumi's story.*

"Katsumi! Your brother needs your help! The panther demons are planning a battle against him. Your half breed brother won't come because he was sealed to a tree by a priestess." Jaken said.

"Have you or my brother talked to my half demon brother in a while?" She asked jaken.

He shook his head no.

"So does brother actually need my help? Or did you come to me thinking he did?" Katsumi asked.

"Well the men your father saved In the first battle came to assist him. But I thought you might want to as well." He said.

"Alright Jaken. But if he gets mad for me coming it's on you. Now hold on." She said grabbing him and putting him on Her shoulder.

She pointed two fingers to the sky. The thunder clouds started forming around. Lightning zapped down and back up bringing Her and Jaken with it. They were then teleported to the battle ground where Sesshomaru was at. Lightning sending them to the ground. She landed on her feet.

Jaken jumped off and ran to Sesshomaru. Jaken started bowing in apology.

"Mi'lord, the half demon was sealed to a tree but I found your sister. I am glad we now have more allies." Jaken said standing at full height. Sesshomaru started walking towards His sister in silence.

Stepping on jaken on purpose.

He got three feet from her. "Sister, are you sure you wish to take part in this battle?" He asked.

"Yes, I can do this. When father died you were the one that trained me. I owe you that much." She said with a small smile.

"You owe me nothing." He said with his mask in place.

"I don't care. I'm here to help brother." She said. He nodded once.

The panther demon army approached. Sesshomaru turned to face them. As did Katsumi. The army ran at The siblings and Sesshomaru's men. Sesshomaru used his acid whip. The only blood he had on him was his enemy's.

When Sesshomaru's men retreated. It was just Katsumi and him fighting. They were on opposite ends of the battlefield. Her or him didn't have a scratch on them.

Katsumi turned and saw a man wearing a baboon costume. He came at Her knocking Her out. She woke up in a cell. For fifty years he would always torture Her. He told her that her brother thought she was dead. Naraku said he would have Katsumi's power. She spent that whole fifty years chained up.

*End of flashback. Present time.*

"When you saw me just now that was the first time a had seen the outside world since the battle." Katsumi said.

Kagome had her left hand cupped over her mouth. The demon slayer had tears in her eyes. Inuyasha stood.

"I was that half demon, Sesshomaru's half brother." He said. Katsumi's eyes widened.

Then She sniffed the air. His sent was of her fathers and a humans. Katsumi knew her father had another son because Inutaisho had an affair with a human. Katsumi slowly stood.

Everyone looked at her.

She walked up to Inuyasha. She had her hand extended out to him. He took it. It's an honor to meet you brother." She said to him.

Kagome then got up and looked at Katsumi. "Do you want to travel with us?" She asked excitedly. Katsumi nodded with a smile.