Very Much So by Fluffy Lady

Chapter 1

Title: Very Much So

Summary: Sesshomaru saves the day...again. wink [Sess/Kag]

Warning: Slight Inuyasha bashing and manga spoiler. Sess has two arms and Bakusaiga.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters cough cough Altho I wouldn't mind own a certain 40 foot dog cough cough Oh and plz no flames. This is only my third one shot so don't get mad and hopefully you like it.

Very Much So

"You did what?!" Inuyasha yelled, amber eyes glinting dangerously in Kagome's direction.

The raven haired priestess looked the hanyou in the eye. "I did nothing," she said vehemently. "Kikyou and I were talking by the well. I tripped and she reached out to steady me and we both fell into the well. When I came back through, I saw nothing but ashes and the hint of the souls she used floating away in the distance. It was an accident. I said I was sorry, so lay--" Kagome suddenly found herself pinned to a tree by her neck, Inuyasha's clawed hand wrapped around her neck. She struggled for air, grabbing his hands and trying to pry them away so she could breathe. "Inu...yasha..." she gasped.

"I don't believe you," he growled low, red bleeding into the edges of his eyes. "You hated Kikyou from the beginning. You looked for every chance you had to get rid of her. You finally found your chance and took it, thinking I would never find out and would love you in her stead. Well, let me tell you something, wench," he spat the word out of his mouth, "I could never love you like I loved her. She was the only one who accepted me. She loved me for who I was."

"Inuyasha!" Miroku, Shippo and Sango called out after returning to the clearing from their small foray to find food in the forest. "What is going on here?" Miroku asked, a hard edge to his voice.

"Kagome here killed Kikyou. She pushed her into the well not knowing what would happen to her," the red clad being bit out.

"Somehow I don't believe that Kagome-sama would be so petty as to kill a rival in love. That just seems beneath her," the monk said, his voice still hard.

"Please...Inu...yasha...I'm...telling the truth!" Kagome gasped, still struggling to free herself from the hanyou's vice like grip.

"Keh! As if! You always hated her!" He roughly pushed her against the tree again, eliciting a pained groan from the young woman.

"That's enough! Let her go Inuyasha!" Sango commanded raising her Hiraikotsu and charging the hanyou.

Inuyasha saw the attack out of the corner of his eye and quickly dodged the blow, kicking the weapon back to its owner and sending both flying into a nearby tree.

"Inuyasha! Stop it this instant!" Miroku said, running towards him with several ofudas in his hand. Before he could reach Kagome's captor though, he was stopped short by a blur of white and the soft sound of metal against fabric.

Sesshomaru had suddenly appeared in the clearing, Bakusaiga drawn and placed to his half brother's neck. "Release the miko now, Inuyasha," he commanded with a deadly tone to his voice.

"Back off Sesshomaru! This has nothing to do with you," Inuyasha seethed, ignoring the blade pressed to his neck and still focusing on the struggling girl in his grip.

"Again, little brother," Sesshomaru spat, "release the miko."

"Again, big brother," the hanyou mocked, "this has nothing to do with you. Back off."

The tip of Sesshomaru's sword bit deeper into Inuyasha's flesh, making him wince but not let go. "You will remove yourself from This Sesshomaru's miko's person. Now." His voice was no longer simply deadly. It had become apparant that he was quickly becoming pissed.

A simultaneous gasp was heard from the clearing as the words left the Taiyoukai's mouth.

Inuyasha began to think better of his current situation, promptly releasing Kagome and backing away from her, Sesshomaru's sword still pressed to his throat.

"Back up," Sesshomaru commanded, using his sword to guide his brother. "Turn to face me." Inuyasha did. "The miko...Kagome...tells the truth. Accidents happen. You have to move on. It is unsightly for a son of the great Inutaishou to be hung up over a dead woman. You should have taken the oppurtunity of pure love that was in front of you. You were a fool, Inuyasha; you missed your chance. Kagome stopped loving you in such a manner some time ago. She is with me now. She is under my protection and as such, you will no longer touch her in such a manner. Now retreat." Sesshomaru kept his sword aloft as he watched his half brother retreat to the tree line before turning his attention to Kagome.

The priestess sat beneath the tree, hands at the base of her neck, gasping for air. She opened bloodshot eyes to look into those of her saviour. "" she rasped out.

The elegant Taiyoukai, replacing his sword at his hip, strode toward the tree were she was at, not bothering to notice as her worried companions gave way to him. He lowered himself to one knee, reaching out and gathering her into his arms, holding her close. He buried his nose in her hair and breathed deeply, using her scent to calm himself. Standing, Sesshomaru turned and began to walk away, taking the woman he held close, physically and emotionally, with him. He stopped only when he heard a tentative voice behind him.

"Sesshomaru-sama," Shippou whispered, slightly afraid to speak to the imposing figure before him. "May we accompany you as well? For Kagome's sake?"

Sesshomaru looked for a moment at the small kitsune, before giving a slight nod and resuming his walk.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Inuyasha called, still standing at the tree line and watching the group leave.

"With Kagome," Sango said firmly, picking up Shippou and following the Lord of the West.

Inuyasha was forced to watch as he was left alone in the small clearing on the border of his brother's lands.

"Sesshomaru," Kagome spoke quietly. "Where are we going?"

"To my estate," he answered just as quietly.

"How long until we get there?" she asked with a smile.

"Until we get there," he said monotonely, looking down into her cerulean blue eyes. "Why? Do you wish to go faster?" A slight grin tugged at the corners of his mouth.

Kagome giggled and played with a strand of his long, silver hair. "You know what I wish," she grinned mischeviously.

"Very well then. I shall grant your wish," he said with an equally misheviuos smile, although considerably smaller than Kagome's. "Hold on," he whispered into her ear before leaping into the air. The young woman squealed in delight as the wind rushed past her face. She gasped in amazement when she looked at the ground beneath her fly past. "Are you pleased?" he asked her, another smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Very much so," Kagome said breathlessly, although her lack of oxygen was due to her wonder at the beauty beneath her and the one that was holding her. "Very much so," she whispered into the folds of his haori. "Very much so."