The Hidden Strength Within by pandora_of_the_south

Chapter 1

Author Notes:

I do not own the characters in this story or the mythology regarding Endymion. I hope you all enjoy and I look forward to getting reviews! I am reposting this since I am back and updating the sequel to this story, I'm also re-editing as I go but not changing the story (just errors). Again enjoy and R&R please

Chapter 1:

It had been 3 years since Kagome first fell down that old bone eater's well and she was feeling more and more at home in the feudal era verses her own time. She had long foregone the procedure to disenroll from her local high school to start home schooling once her grades were effected drastically in her ninth grade year. It also made it easier on her family too, they would no longer have to make up excuses for her at school to explain her absence. All she had to do was return once every 3 months to take a standardize test to show that she is keeping her schooling up. In fact that is what she is returning home to do just now. Inuyasha finally agreed to it, after a few "SIT" commands from her of course.

"Hi Mom, I'm back!" Kagome exclaimed as she came barreling in the front door.

Mrs. Higurashi exited the kitchen to see her daughter and embrace her in a hug, "Oh Kagome, I am so glad to see you again. I have missed you so much. How is everything going with your pack?"

Kagome glanced up at her mom, 'She is hiding something from me.' she thought. "Everyone is good, Inuyasha is probably a little sore; he didn't want me to come home like normal. I guess one of these days he will learn to let me do what I want. I really should remove those beads, I sort of feel like a mother to him!" she said laughing.

"I was wondering how long it was going to take you to realize that dear!" Mrs. Higurashi said with a smile. "Your teacher came by with the test this morning, he said he would stop by this afternoon to administer the test. I believe that he said that it is on astrology and space. I am sure you will have no problem passing this test like all of your others. If I remember correctly dear, this is your last test you will have to take. Once you pass this one you will get your diploma a few weeks later."

"Mom, I thought I also had a test on mythology as well, I have been studying all this time; don't tell me I have done it all for nothing." she sighed hoping she hadn't wasted her time for nothing, true she enjoyed mythology but it didn't mean that she wanted to be reading about it everyday when she could be resting.

"Now that you mention it I do believe he did say something about that! I am sorry sweetie, it just slipped my mind. So have you been able to figure out exactly what year it is back in the feudal era. I know you said that you noticed the stars weren't lining up just right to be exactly 500 years in the past, so now that you have studied; put what you have learned to the test! What year are you currently in back in the feudal era?"

Kagome smiled, 'I enjoy it when she finds some sort of way to quiz me by using the feudal era as a reference point!' "Let me think. I believe that it is around 1455-1460. I haven't been able to pin point it down exactly to the year but I am pretty sure that it is around that time period. Haha! I'm not even sure if I will be able to get an exact date anyways, only the scholars know the actual year and they always seem to look at me strange when I ask them, so I sort of gave up!" she said while raising an arm to scratch the back of her head in a nervous laugh.

Knock, knock! "Oh that must be your teacher Kagome, why don't you go and get the door for him." her mother said quickly as she hurried over to her desk and started typing on her calculator.

Kagome raised an eye brow at her mother but turned to get the door like she was told too. "Good evening Professor Tomoe! Please come in, shall we go to the dining room table to take the test like last time?"

The professor looked at his student and smiled, "Yes Ms. Higurashi, that will be acceptable. I hope you have been studying on astrology, space, and mythology! If you don't pass this test I will have to come back out here until you do; I'm sure you grow tired of my visits!"

Kagome just smiled at his joke and smiled back, "Professor Tomoe it is you that has grown tired of me I am sure! You are always welcomed to the Higurashi Shrine anytime!"

Mrs. Higurashi poked her head around the corner and stated, "Kagome I am going to go talk to your grandfather. Should either one of you need us, we will be out in the storage shed." She left as soon as both occupants in the room nodded their head in understanding.

"Kazuki we have a problem. Kagome has narrowed down to 1455-1460, if my calculation is correct she is due to see it soon." Mrs. Higurashi exclaimed to her father.

The old priest hugged her and spoke, "She was bound to find out eventually, all we can do is hope that the concealment spell holds up like it did back in 1986. But at least in that time she won't be so out of place as she is here, but we mustn't tell her in case the spell holds strong."

She nodded to him and finished helping him clean around the shrine.

Meanwhile Kagome was finishing up with her test, "I can't believe how easy that was! Can you go ahead and just grade it right now, I am sure I passed; its just I want to know what I might have gotten wrong so I can refresh my mind on it!"

Professor Tomoe looked at her and started shaking his head and laughing at the same time, "Okay Kagome, for you I will do this one last favor! I will definitely miss teaching you."

Silence reigned in the dining room as she patiently watched him finish adding up her score. "Well it would appear that you did not miss one single question and I am very surprised seems how not one of my students has ever gotten a perfect score on this test. They normally miss the questions regarding who Endymion is and what his significant other was in mythology and most miss the questions in regards to comets."

"It is an honor to make you proud teacher! I just wish I could have taken your class in school with everyone else!"

"No you wouldn't have, you would have made a lot of enemies! You would have messed up the curve for everyone else in my class!" he stated laughingly.

Upon hearing the commotion in the dining room the old priest and her mother entered back into the shrine, "So how did my Granddaughter do Professor Tomoe?"

"I got a perfect score Grandpa, Mom! I have graduated!" she cheered jumping up and down gathering everyone in a big group hug.

Later that night

Kagome laid in her bed relaxing and thinking about the things to come, 'I know Inuyasha will come here tomorrow around lunch time if I don't return in the morning. I just can't seem to remember when I started to think of this time as the wrong time period for me! Hehe! I should get some sleep, lord knows I am going to have a long road ahead of me!' Slowly she drifted off to sleep dreaming of mythological creatures and demons that she now knew existed.

Elsewhere in the shrine a light was seen in the window of Mrs. Higurashi's room. She was busy writing a letter at her desk. It was a letter of importance, a letter that was not suppose to be written. It was a letter that was meant to warn and inform her beloved daughter of what awaits her once she goes back this last time through the well.